Fund Set Up At Bank For Flomaton Wreck Victims

March 27, 2009

A fund has been set up at a local credit union for a family injured in an accident last Sunday near Flomaton.

The fund at Pen Air Federal Credit Union in Century to benefit the family of David and Leigh Smith.

The Smiths, along with their children — Samantha Bryant, a Flomaton High senior, and Curtis Smith — were also injured in the crash. Leigh Smith remains hospitalized with broken ribs, a broken shoulder and a broken knee. She is facing several surgeries, including one scheduled for this afternoon.

To help the family, donations are being accepted at any location of Pen Air Federal Credit Union, including the branch in Century on North Century Boulevard next to the post office.

To donate to the fund, mention the “David and Leigh Smith Fund” as set up by Kristy Lambeth. Proceeds will be used by the family for accident-related expenses beyond those covered by their insurance.

For more information on the accident click the headlines below to read that story:

Flomaton Wreck Involved Man Free On Manslaughter Bond For 2007 Traffic Deaths Of Atmore Couple

Four People Injured In Flomaton Crash; Two Transported By LifeFlight

Pictured above: A fund has been set up at Pen Air Federal Credit Union in Century for a family injured in this accident east of Flomaton Sunday afternoon. Submitted photo for, click to enlarge.


15 Responses to “Fund Set Up At Bank For Flomaton Wreck Victims”

  1. Lilly on March 29th, 2009 1:21 am

    To the Smith’s:
    Just keep your head high and God will take care of the rest. Your in our prayers.

  2. William on March 28th, 2009 12:27 pm

    We’ve gone to far on the comments on this story. The facts are that an accident happened, and there is an account set up at the bank to help the family with expenses. If you feel that you should contribute, please do so. If you feel that you should not, feel free to not.

    Further comments attacking any party in the accident or the facts of the story will not be tolerated as they violate our rules.


  3. dbg on March 28th, 2009 12:23 pm

    It is comments like these that I was looking for.
    “this is not only to “dbg”, but also to anyone else that may have the same feelings as him”
    ” Mr.Hauer is FINE!! In fact, he is probably the only “fine” one around here at this very point in life. He is so fine, even, that he is seen walking around town and even doing some FINE dining at the Panhandle in Century. He is staying hidden so that they don’t haul him off to jail at this very point in time.”
    “and you know she is upset b/c all of the planning she has done for your last summer vacation, is ruined”
    “.we have lights, water, plus numerous other expenses to worry about now…oh and did i mention that we now no longer have a vehicle?!?!?!?!?! cuz guess what..we dont!!!”
    “Yes, i will pray for mr. hauer…i will pray that he get a conscience..and that you do also, mr. “dbg”-who btw obviously is too cowardly to even say who he really is”

    Let’s see, If you have a different opinion, look out!

    Mr. Hauer is out and about town, “but he is hiding”???????

    All this tragedy, and she is upset that the planned VACATION is ruined?

    No vehicle? You want the community to buy you one?

    And who needs to get a concious? When you are going off like that, read what you were spewing out before posting it!!!!!!

    Have a comment on this story? READ THE RULES

  4. dbg on March 28th, 2009 11:00 am

    First of all, “no charges have been filed”. I know that it can take a while to file charges when it may be due to dui. And this may be the case and it may not.

    And yes, I do know what it is like, I was in a wreck that broke 7 of my ribs, 2 fractures in my neck and 3 fractures in my back, along with all the other cuts and bruises. And I was lifeflighted.
    And yes, I was out of work for 6 months, but had disability and long term disability from my work, and the auto insurance paid the hospital. And yes, there were co-pays and meds etc.

    Don’t assume that I don’t know the feeling. And I do feel for the people injured.

    And I have contributed to “trust funds” set up for families with a child having kidney transplant, etc. These are very expensive due to the travel and stays at hospitals.

    It just seems that the reporting on Mr. Hauer being out on bond for manslaughter due to another accident, is what is “up front” in the minds of everyone. When I see that he has been “convicted” of that, and this accident is proven to be his fault, then he will pay with his life in prison. But I am not going to automatically say he is guilty.

    One last thing, isn’t it strange that me asking for a little insight on what the fund was for could cause such anger!!!! I already had it figured out, just wanted to hear it. It is just as I figured.

    Maybe all the people in Century and every other area that has lost their job due to the economy that aren’t going to be “compensated by insurance” should set up a trust fund to get their bills paid. Might work!

  5. randy smith on March 27th, 2009 10:06 pm

    Regardless of the comments made by dbg, my family is need of help. And any help will be appreciated. This is a very difficult time that my uncle and his family is having to go through. As we all have read, Mr Hauer has already had wreck issues, severe ones at that. I would prefer you (dbg) not to comment in such a way that puts my family in a bad light. This has been a very touchy situation. And help is needed. Even if prayer is all you have to give, we are thankful. If you would like to give directly to David, whether it be in the form of money or other needs that would be acceptable. Help is help, no matter what form it may comes in. Simply helping the children would be a great gesture. Please note however, that bad feelings will not be held against you for not contributing. We just realize that helping is the correct thing to do in such a situation. I’m sure with God’s will, my uncles family will survive this horrible ordeal and normal life will be achieved once again. But with rebuilding, help will need to be given. I also understand you may not know the entire story behind George and I urge you to ask around. That within itself will give insight of why there is such a negative thought about him from our family. He has definantly caused a great deal of unnecessary hardship. *Randy Smith

  6. Shaun on March 27th, 2009 9:58 pm

    Well put sam =) Wish you all the best !

  7. samantha on March 27th, 2009 9:35 pm

    ok, so i have bit my tongue for long enough i do believe. First of all,however, i want to thank everyone for their support on this matter as well as thanks for prayers, thoughts, emails, and calls. Next on my list, this is not only to “dbg”, but also to anyone else that may have the same feelings as him. Let me explain something to you in the nicest way that i know how. Mr.Hauer is FINE!! In fact, he is probably the only “fine” one around here at this very point in life. He is so fine, even, that he is seen walking around town and even doing some FINE dining at the Panhandle in Century. He is staying hidden so that they don’t haul him off to jail at this very point in time. Now, about my so-called “fine” family….first off, why don’t you try having to wear only soft-banded pants and walking around softly because the seat belt you were wearing in an accident that someone caused because they were too busy “looking at all the constructuion on the side of the road” caused you to have bruises and burns and ebrasions around where your pants fit. Or why dont you try having a bruise on your arm bigger than a baseball. or some burns on the front of your leg or how about not being able to even pull your left arm over the top of your head b/c it is still stove up from the accident 5 days later. …OR LAYING ON A BACKBOARD FOR ALMOST TWO HOURS WONDERING ABOUT THE REST OF YOUR FAMILIES CONDITION!! Or why don’t you try this Mr. “dbg” try crawling out of a car..with your brothers help(who now has a broken wrist-also form the accident) and only half-knowing where you are and what just happened, and hear you father yell for your mother who is unresponsive! Try walking around the car and seeing YOUR MOTHER- who also happens to be your best friend..the one that not only raised you, but also has been there for you your ENTIRE that you can tell everything to-laying there with her head on the dashboard because the truck that just hit you, crushed in the entire front right side of your vehicle!!!!!! and you have no idea if she is dead or alive…or if she is alive..will she make it through the night. your dignity is gone, because once they get you in an ambulance, they have to strip you down or cut your clothing to make sure you arent bleeding to death somewhere!!! THEN MR. DBG- try having to make the trip to p-cola every day because THANK THE LORD ABOVE your mother is still alive..but you still have to see her lying in that hospital bed knowing that she cant sit up, cant move hardly and for the first couple of days, could only see out of one eye because the other is swolen shut!!!!!! and you know she is upset b/c all of the planning she has done for your last summer vacation, is ruined….b/c she will be in a cast from her hip to the floor and be in a wheel chair for the next 12 the cast that will be on her shoulder! AND she now will possibly have to wear braces at 39 b/c the collision knocked her teeth farther back than normal!!! WEHN YOU HAVE BEEN THROUGH ALL OF THIS, THEN YOU CAN ASK QUESTIONS! BUT UNTIL THEN, DON’T WORRY ABOUT IT!!!! My mother and father are out of a job now, for idk how long. my father suffers from a broken jaw bone and he cant walk without crutches b/c he has a chip in his hip socket that they cant do surgery on it has to heal by itself….we have lights, water, plus numerous other expenses to worry about now…oh and did i mention that we now no longer have a vehicle?!?!?!?!?! cuz guess what..we dont!!! Yes, i will pray for mr. hauer…i will pray that he get a conscience..and that you do also, mr. “dbg”-who btw obviously is too cowardly to even say who he really is… i wish you well..and i hope that you never have to encounter any of these things! I am very blessed to say that my cousin is allowing us to stay at her home…so that my mother wil be able to get around when she finally gets to come home…and who also set up this fund for my family. We are very blessed to have such great people in our lives! And i Thank GOD for poviding us with everything that HE has…and that i know HE will continue to provide for us! So you have a good day Mr. “dbg”!! : )

  8. kristy lambeth on March 27th, 2009 9:04 pm

    dbg the family is ok. but the family has to travel to pensacola everyday to visit. so i guess you haven’t had an accident yourself or a family member in one to know what it is like to not have money coming in or almost lose a family member. it doesn’t matter if they had insurance or not there is to people out of a job for a very long time and three kids at home and two still in school they have to take care of. but i guess your comment shows that you don’t have a heart and you don’t care about nobody but yourself in this situation, so if this was you needing help you probaly would not get none especially from me.

  9. tara on March 27th, 2009 8:11 pm

    Dbg, as before in my previous comment on the prior report on the issue, bills do not just stop because you are in an accident and unable to work. And along with such a tragedy comes medical expenses that insurance does not cover. Just the basics would be lights, phone, water, house payment, school expenses, insurance, and of course FOOD. Also, think of the gas that will be needed to just get back and forth to doctors appts and physical therapy. I am also wondering why you would assume after such a traumatic event that help would not be needed? And to be truthful, the status of George may not be the wisest thing to inquire about. This family was his second set of victims, the first ending in death. In the first accident it was an elderly couple, in this wreck it involved an entire family. A family inwhich will have pain and discomfort for a long time to come. And to add, I read in another publication that George’s bond had been revoked from the previous wreck which has manslaughter charges attached. And yes, I understand he is innocent until proven guilty, but I believe common sense should be used at some point.

  10. Terri Sanders on March 27th, 2009 7:56 pm

    If your are in “Good Hands” some of your income that you lose is covered.

  11. margaret on March 27th, 2009 2:11 pm

    dbg — the fund is for the family. even with insurance, their can be thousands in copays and deductiables that are out of pocket. plus you are out of work. the fund is for a community helping one of its own. I’m glad ran this, and I plan to help as soon as I get paid. I challenge everyone to help just as much as they can.

  12. Shaun on March 27th, 2009 2:09 pm

    Well said Kellie.. an an addition to that.. insurance does not pay for loss work nor light bills and other bills. If you dont want to contribute thats your right.

  13. cliff on March 27th, 2009 12:03 pm

    I have been in a accident that looked a lot like this one. There is a lot of trauma that goes along with everything involved and its nice to get compensated somehow for it. I pray that everyone gets better.

  14. Kellie on March 27th, 2009 11:51 am

    The family is ok to a point dbg. Which means they are all alive. As far as expenses go as we all know it take a while for insurances to bother to help the people in the accident. If it wasn’t for a careless drivers they wouldn’t need this fund. As we have all seen Mr. Haur has been charged with manslaughter of 2. We are lucky that we doesn’t have 4 more added to that. I am the sister in law of Leigh and until you see her you dont know how fine she is. She will never be the same because of Mr. Haur. I am sorry to say but I really don’t care how Mr. Haur is. He didn’t care when he got behind the wheel of his truck and about killed my family. If you have to ask what the fund if for you have never had an accident or someone you know in an accident. Thanks to everyone for the prayers and any donations the family is very greatful.

  15. dbg on March 27th, 2009 10:54 am

    What is this fund for? It sounds like the family is doing fine. What is “accident-related expenses” beyond what is covered by insurane? Could you give a little insight on this?