Consolidation Bill In House; No Such Effort Successful With Florida Voters Since 1967

March 27, 2009

As a bill makes it way through the Florida Legislature that would create a study commission to develop a plan for consolidated government in Escambia County, is taking a look back at past consolidation efforts in Florida.

No successful consolidation activity has occurred in Florida since the consolidation of Duval County and the City of Jacksonville in 1967. Despite the perceived benefits of streamlining governmental processes, and the Legislature‟s attempts to simplify the process, Floridians have consistently rejected consolidation proposals at the polls.

In addition to the consolidation attempts that went to referendum, there have been efforts that stopped short of the ballot in Brevard, Charlotte, Columbia, Hardee, Highlands and St. Lucie Counties.

The Florida House bill filed by State Rep. Greg Evers that, if approved, would led to the formation of a commission to study the consolidation of the governments of Century, Pensacola and Escambia County. The bill has cleared its first House committee

The Military and Local Affairs Policy Committee cleared the bill last Friday afternoon, and the bill had its first reading in the Florida House. The bill has been referred to two other committees — the Finance and Tax Council and the Economic and Community Affairs Policy Council. It has not yet made the agenda of either group.

The following is the historic records of government consolidation votes in Florida:



7 Responses to “Consolidation Bill In House; No Such Effort Successful With Florida Voters Since 1967”

  1. E.M.D. on March 28th, 2009 3:05 pm

    Bigger government = more concrete, more asphalt, more buildings, more government control.
    Do I want this? No, no, no, no! I have wanted to live in the country all my life, and finally reached that goal about 12 years ago.
    It is all about power and money. I too wish they would leave us alone. Not everyone likes being over-taxed and jammed up together. Some folks love New York City! I would hate to live there. It is claustrophobic. I do not understand loving NYC.

  2. aigob on March 27th, 2009 3:10 pm

    Some people will never get the message. What would expect when Escambia County doesn’t even have a representive in Tallahassee?

  3. Buddy on March 27th, 2009 10:37 am

    If I wanted anything to do with Pensacola I would move there. I don’t go there unless I have to, why don’t they leave us alone. They can’t run Pensacola must less the whole county

  4. McDavid native on March 27th, 2009 10:13 am

    Amen to Jay and Bob, ‘nuf said.

  5. Ron on March 27th, 2009 9:12 am

    The downtown crowd will never stop trying to expand their tax base. If the folks in the city want consolidated government all they have to do is abolish their city charter. That also applies to Century.

  6. Jay on March 27th, 2009 7:27 am

    All the no votes don’t even include the last time Escambia attempted a charter government, which was not that long ago. When will these “more and bigger” government fanatics get it? NO! We do not want a greater Pensacola government!

  7. bob hudson on March 27th, 2009 5:20 am

    What we need to do is put a ban on any more attepts for consolidation for 20 years. Make it so that if it is to be brought up again it would have to have signed pentions by half of the county. Pensacola needs to learn how to support its self.