Commission Rejects $4 Million Employee Buyout Plan, Calls It “Lucrative”

March 20, 2009

The Escambia County Commission has shot down a lucrative buyout plan that would have paid up to $136,900 for employees to take early retirement.

Commissioners said the county may still be forced to lay off some employees in order to keep a balanced budget, or they may take a look at another less-lucrative early retirement buyout program. The county is expecting next year’s budget to be as much as $12 million short. The plan would have cost the county $4 million this year, but it was expected to save lower level jobs this year and provide a savings next year.

kwhite.jpgDistrict 5 Commissioner Kevin White gave examples of buyout plans from other counties around the state, none offering the high dollars of the Escambia plan.

“We had one thing throwed at us,” White said. I believe if we were given some options other than the Cadillac version that we were given, we probably could have got somewhere with this. But we were not given an option.”

The one plan presented to the commission Thursday night would have offered employees 50 plus or those with 30 or more years of county service a package that would include two weeks of pay per year of service up to a full year’s salary, and health insurance for a year.

The commission offered a similar plan last year, buying out about 50 positions for $2.7 million. That saved the county only about $300,000 last year, but this year’s savings is expected to be $3 million.

wrobertson.jpg“Every commissioner here has made comments about how great it was, how wonderful it was, how well it worked, how much it saved the county,” Commissioner Wilson Robertson said last year’s plan, which was passed before he was on the board. “Would one of the county commissioners on this board please tell me why it was so great last year and we can’t afford it this year?”

This year’s buyout plan failed on a 4-1 vote, with Commissioner Marie Young voting for the proposal.

The possibility of  “last in, first out” layoffs were mentioned as a possible cost savings, along with possibility of rolling back employee benefits during the current year to help cut next year’s budget shortfall.

Pictured: Commissioners Kevin White (top) and Wilson Robertson (bottom) discussed an early retirement buyout plan during Thursday night’s meeting of the Escambia County Commission. Photos for, click to enlarge.


4 Responses to “Commission Rejects $4 Million Employee Buyout Plan, Calls It “Lucrative””

  1. T.R. on March 22nd, 2009 11:03 pm

    I think the county commissioners should work for no pay, if they think its their duty to save the county tax payer money , why not put their money where their mouth is,and volunteer their time. They are to be a servant, not a bother. They need to come off their pedistal. The politicians should not get paid period.

  2. Sam on March 22nd, 2009 7:52 am

    I heard, more than once, a commissioner ask staff “Can someone tell me of one small business that is utilizing these kind of buyouts”? Well the answer, of course, is no. No one should expect a small business to be able to have this tool in their toolbox. And, the fact is, Escambia County is not a small business!!!! Rather, it is one of the lasrgest employers in this area offering one of the broadest range of services you’ll find anywhere…..from any orgaization. So don’t look at a small business….look at some of the other large employers in this area – Gulf Power and International Paper are two prime examples. Gulf Power for instance has utilized a Separation Incentive even while raising power rates and paying bonuses to its employees. IP has also offered similar incentives for its employees close to retirement. But please understand, this is not about “being nice to employees” but rather, it is about a business plan that lets you accomplish your budgetary goals and maintain a certain level of service. Unfortunately, our BCC has chosen not to utilize this tool, of course giviing all kinds of reasons why….5 says its the Cadillac version…….4 says it’s about Economic Development (which he has no plan for…and hasn’t since he’s been there)……2 says it creates two class of employees – but no one has asked themselves what level of service they are wishing to maintain and what is the plan to accomplish that? Maybe I’m wrong, but it would seem to me that our BCC has fallen victim to “The Blog”……….so worried about what folks like Mr. Outzen are going to write on his blog – in fact, i would wgaer that at least 3 out of the 5 ran to read the blogs as soon as their meeting was over the other night. But at this point, I guess it doesn’t matter…the decision has been made….so it’s time to start cutting employees……I look to the Commissioners to lead by example and make the first cuts…..because I see no good reason at all for having five commissioner aides…..I’m quite sure two could suffice in these hard economic times…… BCC, can you lead by the decision you make, or are those decisions meant for other folks? We’ll see……we’ll see

  3. Trish on March 21st, 2009 5:13 pm

    I am so tired of people bashing county/city employees and the benefits they get or don’t get. I personally took a pay CUT and a benefit CUT to go to work for the government agency I work for. I have worked my rear end off doing public service for the people of this county/city. I don’t get the big bucks that department directors/attorneys/consultant/etc people get. I am just one of many worker bees.

    Granted, there are people in government jobs that only do what is required of them and nothing more. It is no different than a job anywhere else. I am just tired of ignorant people spouting off about something they know nothing about. Don’t catagorize all employees the same. There are excellent WalMart employees and lousy ones. Good fast food employees and lousy ones. Good cops and bad cops. And do your research, A LOT of companies have execellent benefits. Private businesses who care about their employees can tell a loud mouth, mad at the world person that they are not welcome back at their establishment. Unfortunately government workers are not so lucky. We have to smile and agree with all of the ignorant statements you make. Oh, excuse me, you know what you are talking about because you are a tax payer. I am a tax payer too.

    Maybe I should catagorize all bashers the same, maybe all of them are stupid idiots who don’t have a clue as to what they are talking about!

  4. Oscar on March 21st, 2009 4:33 am

    I think it is time to stop treating county emploees like they are so special they are no better than anyone else. Escarosa has programs for people that get layed off.