Carver/Century Students Pocket Hundreds Of Dollars In FCAT Cash

March 7, 2009


Carver/Century K-8 held their FCAT Cash Grab Thursday and Friday. Students were awarded dollar coins and $2 bill for their gains on the FCAT practice test.

“Remember the FCAT is next week, and we are going to work to do our best,” Principal Jeff Garthwaite told the students Friday morning. “What level do we want?”




The students around the cafeteria yelled the score they thought they would make on the FCAT.

“Are we going to do our very best next week?” the principal asked.

“Yeah!” the students yelled.

The school handed out almost $400 in their FCAT Cash Grab.

The money for the school’s cash grab was from the Foundation for Excellence in Education, a non-profit corporation committed to enhancing the quality of public education in Escambia County by encouraging innovation and excellence in the classroom.

During Friday morning’s FCAT Cash Grab, third grader Zynaisha Davis, fifth grader Joshua Tyus, third grader Nyk Gransision and fourth grader Markayla Bradley were the randomly chosen students that got to grab as much cash as they could with one hand from a bowl filled with coins.

Click here for more photos from the Carver/Century FCAT Cash Grab.

Pictured above: Fifth grader Joshua Tyus grabs all the money he can during the Carver/Century FCAT Cash Grab Friday morning at the school. photo.


7 Responses to “Carver/Century Students Pocket Hundreds Of Dollars In FCAT Cash”

  1. .:Confusing:. on March 10th, 2009 1:50 pm

    I dont understand that either!!:|…Yea i totally agree with why wait until they get the scores back and see who imporved an actually succeeded so the students will have something to look forward to if they were to make good??

  2. Be for real on March 9th, 2009 8:49 pm

    Stop hating. Carver students are just as important as any other students. Who are you to say what they deserve. The money isn’t coming out of your pocket. Are you that broke that you can’t be happy for children? If there are any bad causes, you would be at the top of the list.

  3. Go Carver on March 9th, 2009 8:45 pm

    Stop hating, you sound so stupid, yes Carver is just important as any other school and who are you to say what they don’t deserve. You that broke you can’t be happy for children and if there are any bad causes, you would be it.

  4. ?? on March 9th, 2009 2:22 pm

    oh and another why isn’t the other schools doing this?? why is carver so important when its been a failure and is closing at the end of the year??

  5. ?? on March 9th, 2009 2:20 pm

    yeah. that is real smart to hand out about $400 to students for taking a PRACTICE TEST. does anyone at the school see that our economy is about to be non-existent? but yes lets hand out money for a practice test. just throw away the money for a bad cause. yes education is highly important but like the others why didn’t they wait to reward the students who actually made an improvement since last year, a success!

  6. why? on March 7th, 2009 7:57 pm

    why don’t they wait until after the fcat to hand out the money and see what they really make

  7. ? on March 7th, 2009 11:41 am

    Shouldn’t this reward be done after the FCAT for the students with the highest scores?