Board Approves Nearly $1 Million In Renovations At Bratt Elementary

March 18, 2009

The Escambia School District has approved $946,407 in renovations at Bratt Elementary School.

The renovations will take place in the front/west wing of the school and will include new windows, doors, and floors for the building that was constructed in 1980. It will also include the installation of a central heating and cooling system. The main portion of the renovation contract was $770,500.

The board approved additional renovations at the school, including:

  • replace restroom fixtures in the west wing, $3,425
  • replace lighting and ceilings in west wing, $36,500
  • renovations in guidance and administration areas, $26,000
  • replace air handling units in cafetorium, $82,600
  • replace water meter and piping for increased water pressure, $27,382

brattreno.jpgThe total bid of $946,407 was awarded to low bidder Morette Company of Pensacola. There were a total of nine bidders on the project, with five bids coming in at over $1 million.

School Superintendent Malcolm Thomas noted that the funds for this project were from funding sources that could not have been used to keep Carver/Century K-8 School open. The funding for the Bratt Elementary improvements was only available for building improvements, not salaries or educational materials.


12 Responses to “Board Approves Nearly $1 Million In Renovations At Bratt Elementary”

  1. J. D. on March 19th, 2009 6:44 pm

    to tax payer, Keep in mind that every child that goes back to Al. Carries over 4000.00 in fed money with them. If you have 150 kids leave it will put a bigger strain on north escambia schools.You do the math and see how much larger your deficit will be

  2. Tax Payer on March 19th, 2009 4:50 pm

    Once the Alabama kids are sent back to their state, the drop off/pick up lane at Bratt will probably get a lot better.

  3. Another mom of three on March 19th, 2009 11:56 am

    I have been a Bratt mom for eight years and counting, my oldest having moved on to EWMS. Mrs. Pomeroy and Mrs. Perry are two completely different “principal personalities”, but both are effective in doing their job. Mrs. Pomeroy works very hard to make sure the children not only receive the best education, but also to make sure they are safe and protected. My children like her and respect her. I don’t always agree with how things are handled, but I appreciate that there are people with the knowledge and determination to do the best job possible. Both principals are concerned first for the kids and both have done a great job in guiding our schools to be two of the best in the county. For that, we are blessed!

  4. ? on March 19th, 2009 7:14 am

    I’m sick of hearing about the poverty level in Century. Not just poor people live here!

  5. Mother of Three on March 18th, 2009 9:36 pm

    To The Truth,
    Your comments are dead on. I just said today that maybe they would move Mr. Garthwaite from Century into Pomeroy’s office at Bratt and move her far, far away. I don’t even know him, but there is no possible way it could get any worse. The other ladies in the front office are great. I don’t know how they put up with her. I don’t know if a smile is possible. I am at Bratt regularly and am VERY happy that she likes to stay in her office. That way I don’t have to look at her. I’ve been a very active parent at Bratt for many years and have never felt welcome by her. Shouldn’t she be retiring already?

  6. The Truth on March 18th, 2009 3:50 pm

    Well, first of all you were greeted by someone if you went into the front office to sign in like you are suppose to when you entered the school . Second, you don’t have to stand at the front doors greeting people just to make them feel welcomed. A smile from time to time would suffice. You don’t see Nancy Perry cooped up in her office all day. She is out in the halls and classrooms. She is involved with her kids. Going in and out of the office stopping to say “hello” to ones coming to check out kids or bringing them in late or whatever the case may be. She is very easy to get in contact with for comments or questions. The same with Gayle Weaver and she too is constantly moving around the school. Now tell me just how often this occurs at Bratt.

  7. concerned 'former' parent on March 18th, 2009 3:15 pm

    My child attended Bratt for Kindergarten & 1st grades. She had 2 wonderful teachers! My problem was that I taught at Century and could not leave my child at Bratt in time to get to my job at Century. The start times for both schools were the same, and it is only about 10 minutes between the schools. Fortunately Bratt did offer an afternoon program (Stay & Play) so she could stary there until I could get there in the afternoon to pick her up.

    This really presented a problem. I know the buses (and parents) would be lined up for 20 minutes or more waiting to drop their children off.

    Luckily, Sammy Day at Northview HS offered to watch my child and get her on the bus when it pulled through.

    This problem was the primary reason I moved from teaching at Century to teach in Alabama and took my daughter with me. “All things do work out for those that trust in the Lord”. I was a great move for both of us. She is now in the IB program at PHS and doing great!

    By the way, I loved teaching at Century….the students, parents, community faculty, and staff all worked hard. Except for the poverty issue, these parents cared about their children’s education just as much as any others. They may not have had the means to drive to the school, or have been able to help as much with homework and such, but it doesn’t lessen the fact that they simply want what is best for their child.

    When NVHS was built, the issue of after school sports & activities was dealt with by the coaches often driving home athletes who did not have transportation from Century. There was talk at that time of a bus that would be taking them home after practices and games.

    Bratt and Ernest Ward are both good schools, and so is Century.

  8. dad1 on March 18th, 2009 1:06 pm

    In responce to the comment below….. I have spent many hours at the school and have never not been greeted by anyone at the front office, including the principle. She cares about the students there and they are her priority not “socializing” . I have felt quite welcome there, and maybe if others would spend a little extra time helping out at the school they would see that she is a wonderful principle and has the students interest at heart.

  9. The Truth on March 18th, 2009 11:35 am

    Now if one more thing could be done. Renovation of the principal’s office. Move the existing one out , and put someone in that actually makes you feel welcomed at a school.

  10. taxpayer on March 18th, 2009 10:14 am

    People, prior to making comments like stated below! we all voted for the 1/2 cents sale tax for school improvements. As voted on “None” of the funds can be use for anything other than School Improvements! “NO” other bills can be paid out of this set of funds….how easy we forget! that’s what I vote on and if they use any of the 1/2 tax for anything other than School Improvements..someone should go to Jail!!!!
    Stop the finger pointing…..Stop waiting for hand-outs……If your so concerned step up to the plate! Show up at the meeting and let your voice be heard……

  11. bmb on March 18th, 2009 8:41 am

    You can’t afford to keep one school open but you can afford to fix one, does anybody know how to use a calculator???

  12. a.nicole on March 18th, 2009 7:49 am

    WOO-HOO…. this is SO MUCH NEEDED! now I really wish something would be done where we drop off and pick up our kids. It is already to small an area, but when more parents join in (century/carver) I can not imagine the congestion. We already have some parents sitting out in the road waiting, which is not safe for them or passing traffic….. but I guess beggars can’t be choosers :-)