Blog: North Escambia, Thank You For Being You

March 29, 2009

When we went to bed Friday night, we all knew it was going to rain. But little did we know that the Molino area would receive 12-15 inches of rain.

Residents that have lived in the area all of their lives tell that they saw flooding in places like never before.  When we drove to Molino Saturday morning, we knew there was flooding at 29 and 97, but it was much worse that we expected. Vehicles lost. Homes damaged or destroyed. Tired, wet and alone, people stood in awe at nature’s power.

Countless deputies, state troopers, department of transportation employees, volunteer firemen, ambulance workers and more from across the area worked to keep people safe and rescue the trapped during Saturday morning’s flooding. Volunteer firemen came from Molino, McDavid, Century, Walnut Hill, Cantonment, Ensley and beyond to provide aid. And let’s don’t forget the power company workers than struggled for hours to restore our power across the area.

And our neighbors. From the guy next door to the lady down the street, neighbors came to the aid of neighbors in our time of need. And, as always, the American Red Cross was there with a hot meal and a friendly smile. There were others, we are sure, that we missed mentioning.

Once again we found out why living in North Escambia is such a great thing.

To all of those we mentioned, , to all of those that prayed for prayer and protection, to all of those that prayed thankfully that no one was injured — there are just two simple words for all.

Thank you.


6 Responses to “Blog: North Escambia, Thank You For Being You”

  1. Nancy Perry on March 30th, 2009 3:36 pm

    William, thank you too for all you do for our communities!!!

    And of course that is why everyone call the northend “GOD’S COUNTRY”.

  2. E.M.D. on March 29th, 2009 4:17 pm

    PS…………And, thank You for being You too. :)

  3. E.M.D. on March 29th, 2009 4:16 pm

    I thank You, God, for answered prayers, and even for those You answered before we called. You are Good all the time, and I love You.

  4. D.R. on March 29th, 2009 3:26 pm

    Im happy to live where I am and so is my family.

  5. Bob on March 29th, 2009 8:16 am

    Can’t say enough things about this site. It is my home page and I check on it several times a day. This is a whole new way of life for North Escambia and surrounding areas. With the weather coming into focus on this site almost makes it a complete scenario. Thank’s for everything, You’re doing a wonderful job.

  6. Lawson on March 29th, 2009 5:36 am

    Ditto!! This is the best place in the world. A few years ago some friends were talking about where they would like to live. They mentioned Colorado, Arizona and some other places. I told them I wouldn’t live any other place but where I am. They looked at me kinda funny and said “Well, you’re a lucky man”. I had to agree.