Attorney That Wanted To Sue School Board For Town Of Century Quits

March 28, 2009

The attorney that wanted the Town of Century to sue the Escambia County School District to keep Carver/Century K-8 School open has called it quits. has obtained a letter that Crestview attorney Jeffery Toney faxed to the Town of Century saying that he would no longer be able to represent the town because he disagrees with the way the town conducts business in the public eye.

“It appears that the Town of Century and its City Attorney view the attorney-client privilege differently that what is accepted by me,” Toney wrote in his letter. “This sacred trust must be protected, never breached and always respected regardless of the public or private venue.”

For nearly an hour at a special Century Town Council meeting last Tuesday afternoon, Toney refused to provide a direct answer as to the cost of his services, and he refused to explain on what legal grounds the Town of Century might sue the Escambia County School District to prevent them from closing Carver/Century K-8 at the end of this school year.

As to why he would not provide specific answers to the council, Toney said “I did not want to do that in front of everyone here.”

He later added, “I did not come here to have this forum…I came here to talk to this council in closed session.”

Matt Dannheisser, the town’s attorney, pointed out that Florida’s Sunshine Law — a set of statutes that essentially states that government business in Florida must be conducted in open meetings — very clearly forbids a private meeting between an attorney and client except in a few circumstances and only after litigation had been filed.

At the end of Tuesday’s meeting, Toney agreed to spend $4,000 to write a legal memorandum to explain his fees and legal grounds for taking the school board to court.

In his letter to Century Mayor Freddie McCall, Toney said he was refunding the $4,000.

“I don’t know what step the town will take next” McCall told Friday afternoon. “Toney indicated to me that he may pursue something against the school board with or without us. We may just sit back and see what happens.”

Click here to read the report from Tuesday afternoon’s council meeting with Toney.


15 Responses to “Attorney That Wanted To Sue School Board For Town Of Century Quits”

  1. Concerned on March 31st, 2009 8:28 pm

    In response to BLACKCAT PRIDE

    Communities make schools not schools make communities…. Century must make a community first which you do not have…I live there remember.

    PS My children do go to the “other school” AKA Ernest Ward (Walnut Hill as you refered to it) and I live in Century/Carver school zone. My kids have not been singled out and they are minorities. They love (walnut hill) and they make good grades.

  2. BLACKCAT PRIDE on March 31st, 2009 11:52 am

    For those who have the blackcat pride or any kind of pride know what the people of Century feels like, The high school should have never been close either. If you would know any body from Century you would know how the family and there kids feel about going to another school, I know that for some of the kids that have allready went to one to school ( walnut hill) they single them out from the other students, and that not fare, there has been comments from the teachers on this matter.AND FOR THE TOWN TO MOVE ON AND INVEST TO BRING IN FAMILIES AND TO SURVIVE WE NEED OUR SCHOOLS AND NEED SOME HELP FROM PENSACOLA WHICH WE’VE NEVER HAD.

  3. Think on March 31st, 2009 11:46 am

    Where is the love of God in you? Is this a demonstration of your love for him? The tongue can bring life or death. Think about the number of children who are reading this information.

  4. art on March 29th, 2009 11:45 pm

    this picture is a good candidate for the
    TV show “Lie to Me”…tee hee

  5. Bob on March 29th, 2009 5:19 pm

    There is common sense to all things. What the council almost done was unforgettable. Maybe my dad’s advice for working with a mule,might work for them. “A good whack between the ears with a 2X4 will get their attention”

  6. kim taylor on March 29th, 2009 8:10 am

    Screw the town of century and the horses they rode in on!!!!!!!!!!!1

  7. Not surprised on March 28th, 2009 6:24 pm

    In the words of the Joker ….”This town needs an en—–”!

  8. Got any attorney jokes? on March 28th, 2009 6:20 pm

    I agree that they need to move on and forward, but who will do this…..the same ones that were about to pay four grand for an estimate? Give me a break. Century is the only example where consolidation would be a benefit.

  9. Concerned on March 28th, 2009 3:36 pm

    I agree it is time to move on and forward. Century needs to invest in some things to make the town survive and bring in families. I think Century dodged a huge bullet.

  10. Got any attorney jokes? on March 28th, 2009 3:20 pm

    I’m wondering what the bill will be for this fax…..two thousand dollars maybe. Next election time remember what the idiots in the century town council almost did. Thank you mr attorney for saving them from themselves.

  11. ?? on March 28th, 2009 2:26 pm

    I am so glad that this has happened. He was going to drain us dry. As much as I would LOVE for the school to stay open, we will not win! No since in throwing money in the fire!…… Also, if he did not even know or accept the sunshine law that is in the state Legislature, how is it he even has a license to practice?? I sure would not want anyone that ignorant ever represent me.

  12. art on March 28th, 2009 11:28 am

    whew, that was close

  13. Jay on March 28th, 2009 8:55 am

    I forgot to add that Toney is classless because he didn’t even have the common decency to deliver the letter in person; he took the anonymous way out by faxing it.

  14. A harsh judge on March 28th, 2009 8:35 am

    I think it’s time to drop it, accept it and move on.

  15. Jay on March 28th, 2009 7:15 am

    Toney has shown his true color – yellow! With no real basis for legal remedy, he folded, and it is good riddance to the carpet bagger from the east. Now take this for what it really is Century… A WARNING! The town dodged a potentially bankrupting lawsuit due to the council’s emotions because when the town lost this ill-advised action, it would’ve had to pay the school board’s legal fees.