Another Escambia School Recommended For Closure

March 25, 2009

Another Escambia County school is slated for closure.

Tuesday, Escambia County School Superintendent Malcolm Thomas recommended the closure of Edgewater Elementary School on the west side of Pensacola. Thomas had narrowed his decision to closing either Edgewater or Navy Point Elementary. If approved by the school board, the approximately 350 students at Edgewater would be transferred to three other elementary schools, including Navy Point.

The closure is expected to save the district about $400,000 per year. The school board will consider the closure at a special board meeting on March 30, with a final vote to come on May 11. The closure would be effective at the end of this school year.

The school board voted March 17 to close Carver/Century K-8 School at the end of this school year to save another $600,000 plus. Those students will be sent to Bratt Elementary and Ernest Ward Middle School.

The total savings from the two school closures is expected to top $1 million per year. Thomas said the district must cut about $30 million overall because of a decrease in funding from the state, partially due to economics and  partially due to declining enrollment across the county.


4 Responses to “Another Escambia School Recommended For Closure”

  1. Driver on April 12th, 2009 9:10 am

    They close schools are in the process of ending some jobs for bus drivers, janitors , teachers and other closed school employee’s . I have not heard of cuts to salaries or jobs higher up the ladder just the ones that are getting by. Lets start at the top cause thats where the money is{ high dollars} are then work our way to the bottom .

  2. Ken Bruner on April 2nd, 2009 1:46 am

    If i remember correctly about 15yrs. +/- some years, that the fl. lottery that was voted in by the people and was supposed to help with this problem, WHAT HAPPEN??, OH yea i forgot POLITICS,MISMANAGEMENT OF MONEY, and who suffers??? I think we all know the answer to that one.

  3. RDB on March 28th, 2009 9:41 pm

    Eliminate Bergosh’s salary, I am sure he won’t mind since it is all about economics and helping the kids. You know nothing personal. I know it would pay for at least one teacher or maybe 2, and definitly 3-4 bus drivers, and maybe 4-5 janitoral or lunch room workers, or it would buy a whole school full of books ” for the kids” as he says. The list can go on and on. Seems reasonable to me.

  4. how on March 25th, 2009 11:37 am

    If they need some money to hire a lawyer, there is a group of fools in Century ,who will give it to them.