Anderson Pulls Out Of Bid To Be Escambia’s Assistant Administrator

March 26, 2009

cindyanderson2.jpgCindy Anderson, executive director of Team Santa Rosa, has withdrawn her name to possibly become Escambia County’s deputy administrator.

Anderson tendered a tentative resignation late Friday to Team Santa Rosa, an economic development council that promotes Santa Rosa County. She told that she has tentatively accepted the position of deputy administrator and economic development coordinator for Escambia County — a position that pays $120,000 a year.

But due to public comments and comments from commissioners about the position being filled during a budget crunch, she withdrew her name from consideration Wednesday.

She is expected to remain director of TEAM Santa Rosa. Anderson also serves as director of Panhandle Fresh, a marketing cooperative that assists agricultural interests with marketing their products to retailers.

Anderson served as county engineer for Escambia County for nine years prior to joining Team Santa Rosa. She holds a bachelor’s degree in civil engineering from the University of Oklahoma.


2 Responses to “Anderson Pulls Out Of Bid To Be Escambia’s Assistant Administrator”

  1. RDB on March 27th, 2009 10:54 am

    Trust me on this one, we just dodged a bullet, this was a no win for Escambia County. Just for info, you know that she used to be Bob’s old boss in Escambia County Engineering Dept. She resigned that post after some heat form the County then. I certainly hope the commision never revisits this.

  2. Jay on March 26th, 2009 5:24 am

    Good choice. TEAM Santa Rosa and Santa Rosa County can keep her because we in Escambia can’t afford nor do we need an assistant, which will cost $150k plus with benefits. By the way, the position was eliminated by the BOCC last year to save money.