Man, Mules And A Message: On A Cross Country Covered Wagon Journey

March 30, 2009


A trip ends. But a journey goes on forever.

Randy Boehmer is on a four mph, four-mule powered covered wagon journey across the country — a journey to spread the Gospel one person at a time.

Sunday afternoon found  Boehmer camped out alongside Highway 31 east of Atmore, about two miles to the north of North Escambia.

“I’m traveling the country to tell people about Jesus,”  Boehmer told Wednesday marks one year since he pulled out of Bedford, Indiana, with his four Belgium draft mules — Frank, Jesse, Dick and Jack — and his dogs Shep and Proverb.

A man, four mules and two wagons covered with large signs draw a bit of attention as they cross the country. And that’s the point.

“Jesus Saves Ask Him” and “Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ and thou shalt be saved, and thy house. Acts 16:31″ are painted in large letters on the wagons.

“I intend on doing this the rest of my life; I would not doing anything else,” he said, looking out across the ditch he would call home for the night. “I will go and spread the Word and testify about Jesus.”

randyboehmerjourney13.jpgIt was several painful events that led Boehmer on his year long trip from Indiana to that ditch in Escambia County, Alabama.

The seeds for his spiritual journey were planted in 1990. He met an evangelist  that was traveling the country in a covered wagon. He bought the man lunch so he could talk to him awhile. He found the idea of a simple life with few possessions to be intriguing.

When his mother died in 1991, Boehmer and his siblings were cleaning out the garage, going through the belongings of his deceased father. A relative told them to keep what they wanted and take the rest to the dump.

“The fishing rods. The tools. Everything he had, all of the worldly things, meant nothing anymore,” he said.

The defining time in his life came nearly a decade later when his wife Lois died from cancer in 1998.

Her last words as she died…

“Life here on earth is short compared to eternity.”

He knew that his wife had accepted Jesus and was in heaven.

Boehmer was not saved at the time. He said he knew about God from his upbringing, but he wanted to know more about the God that had his wife’s soul. “I wanted to know how to spend eternity with her.”

He turned to his Bible.

“It said I had to turn away from my sins and accept Jesus. And that is what I did.”

He spent two years in school studying the Bible formally. That, combined with the chance meeting with the traveling evangelist and the garage revelation that worldly possessions mean nothing compared to treasures in heaven, led him to his mission. He was going to spend his life traveling the country in a covered wagon telling the story of salvation.

Gone were his 15 hour days at his 40 year career as a taxidermist. He found his first two mules — Frank and Jesse — in a two-year old issue of Mules and More magazine. They were still for sale in Bedford, Indiana. He drove his Geo Metro from his home in Arizona to Indiana. The car carried his remaining possessions in life, including his two dogs Shep and Proverb.

He spent time working and learning to shoe mules and horses, earning little money along the way. But he learned a wealth of experience and respect for the huge animals that can weigh 1,500 pounds each.

(article continues below photo)


He pulled out of Indiana on April 1, 2008, on his journey south to Alabama, spreading the Gospel to anyone that would listen along the way.

“I am just a simple man with a simple message,” Boehmer said. “There is no other name than Jesus by which a person can be saved.”

His simple wagon has a gas stove, a small wood burning heater, and solar panels on top, charging batteries in the wagon. He uses the solar power for a few modern conveniences — to charge his cell phone, a light, a TV and a radio. He’s quick to admit, however, that he has not watched the TV in some time.

“I do know that Obama is the president now,” he said. Other than that, the news of the world has pretty much passed him by during the last year.

As people pass Boehmer on America’s highways, he knows that his hand painted Bible verses on the wagons reach people. But, people often stop and talk, giving him more of a chance to witness.

Sunday afternoon, several people stopped during’s visit with Boehmer. Three teens from Brewton were the first.

He chatted with them about the wagon and the mules. Then, like a good preacher, he slipped in the question.

“Do you know about Jesus?” he asked.

The teens replied that they did. He pulled neatly folded copies of a newspaper article about a trip from his pocket for each teen.

“That will tell you more about me and my trip.” he said. “And search for my name on the Internet. You will find lots of stories about me.”

He paused for a moment before digging around in a compartment on the wagon.

“Here you go. It’s a genuine worn-out horse shoe. It’s got a lot miles on it, and isn’t worth anything. But I want you to keep it to remember me and remember the message about Jesus.”

He passes out the newspaper clipping copies to everyone that he meets. Often, he hands out coins with Bible messages on them. And he’s always spreading the Gospel.

His presentation of the Message is low-key. It’s not a high pressure sell, but a laid back approach from a friendly man in cowboy hat. There’s no loudspeaker, no large group, no speaking engagements in front of church congregations.


It’s just Randy Boehmer in a ditch alongside a road somewhere in America spreading the story of Jesus Christ.

And people respond.

“I’ve had a grown man come to me crying, telling me that he wants to learn more about Jesus. People always ask me questions about the wagons, the mules. That makes it easier for them to ask that question about Jesus.”

He moves just a few miles each day, about three to four miles per hour. Boehmer never knows where he will spend the night. He just prays, and he says the Lord always provides.

He does receive a small amount of support from his church back in Arizona. Otherwise, he has found that the people in his path provide.

Bags of oats. A load of hay. Bags of food. They were all donated to  Boehmer along Highway 31 Sunday afternoon.

“God provides,” he said. “Everyday I thank God for the day before, and pray without ceasing for the day to come.”

Boehmer plans to remain camped through Tuesday alongside Highway 31. If you want to visit him, you should find him in ditch near Dugout Lane, that’s just east of the bridge over the railroad tracks between Canoe and Flomaton.

Wednesday morning, he plans to hitch up the mules and head through Atmore and on toward Jackson, Mississippi. It won’t be a continuation of his trip, but a continuation of his journey.

“A trip ends. But a journey goes on forever,” Boehmer said. “It’s all about an eternity with Jesus. I will continue this journey until I die, telling other people about Jesus.”

“I’ll make a lot of friends along the way. That’s the hard part about all of this, having to leave those friends behind when I pull out. But we will all be one big happy family in heaven one day.”

That’s Randy Boehmer’s message. Jesus Saves. Ask Him.

For a photo gallery, click here.

Pictured top: Randy Boehmer is crossing the country on a lifelong journey to spread the Gospel. Pictured middle: Boehmer and his wagon. Pictured lower inset: Boehmer shares the story of Jesus Christ with a couple that stopped along Highway 31 Sunday afternoon. Pictured below: Boehmer and his mules Frank and Jessie. photos, click to enlarge.



77 Responses to “Man, Mules And A Message: On A Cross Country Covered Wagon Journey”

  1. S. Pfeiffer on December 16th, 2021 2:11 am

    Dec.13, between Dallas & Amarillo, I am not a religious person, but this was amazing to see! Just stunning & what a shock to see this on the side of the highway!!! But, hey.. it is Texas!ad respect, from one nomad to another! Our missions may be different, but… Wow. A mule train! One heck of a way to travel! Your team looked so healthy & cared for, and super majestic I’m the setting sun!

  2. jb on December 3rd, 2021 7:03 pm

    Saw this wagon near Comanche, Oklahoma.
    God speed

  3. Kristine Gass on October 26th, 2018 4:42 pm

    We just saw a covered wagon heading east down 1585 in Lubbock Texas with “Jesus Saves just ask”. How awesome to see someone sharing the gospel is such a humble way.

    I had to look to see if there was anything on the internet about this person and his journey and found Mr. Boehmer’s testimony and his quest to share the gospel in a simple way.

    May God continue to bless you on your journey and keep you safe.

    Numbers 6:24-26 New International Version (NIV)
    “‘“The Lord bless you
    and keep you;
    the Lord make his face shine on you
    and be gracious to you;
    the Lord turn his face toward you
    and give you peace.”

  4. Stephen Forsythe on June 25th, 2017 10:18 pm

    Today 6/24/17 I was driving east on the loneliest highway 50 in Nevada when I came a pond these covered wagons heading east. Having trouble times of my own at the moment I saw the words Jesus Saves. I wish I had stopped and asked for prayers. But seeing him got me praying and I desired to return home. Jesus Saves

  5. Chris smith on April 20th, 2016 7:21 pm

    Saw this awesome wagon in Prescott Washington a little bit ago. Very neat. I wish I had land to let him stay the night or two on. Keep trotting along!

  6. LaVern and Dena Snow on November 19th, 2015 1:28 pm

    My wife and came upon Randy and his team and wagon in the slow lane of highway 101, just north of Newport, Oregon. My wife, Dena was driving, she was able to get ahead of Randy, and stop our vehicle, and get out with her camera phone and get video of Randy and his team, as they came up the hill, it was very awesome to hear the sounds of the animals feet were making on the highway. We were coming back from a stay at Little Creek Cove, seeing Randy made our getaway even more special. When we got back to Salem, OR and our home, my wife did some research trying to see if she could find anything about Randy and his Jesus Saves Revival Wagon, but to no avail. Then today I was determined to see I could find out anything about what we saw yesterday and after much searching, I typed in the search engine Jesus Saves Revival Wagon, and low and behold I found the story/write-up Randy and his story and crusade to help souls find Jesus. God Bless you Randy and your animals, and hope to see you out in the highways and byways of America again, would love to talk with you. What you are doing is totally needed in this country, take care and may God be watching over you and your animals as you continue your journey to honor Jesus!!

  7. Elle on November 17th, 2015 7:19 pm

    I saw Randy on a trip I was making south to CA.

    He was on the North side of Interstate 5 in Grants Pass.

    The Wagon, horses and Jesus. stood out. When I saw him It was a moment of PEACE, and knowing that GOD’S light was shining bright.

  8. Max E Glenn on November 7th, 2015 1:46 pm

    Randy Boehmer overnighted in Yachats, Oregon last night — November 6, 2015. All was quiet at his campsite this morning, dogs standing guard.

    His message is welcome in our community!

  9. amber on November 6th, 2015 11:53 pm

    He came through florence oregon Sept 5th, 2015, what a blessing he is, along with a powerful message..we had mules for many years and it was great to see them too. God Bless

  10. jill R on November 3rd, 2015 8:59 pm

    He’s just north of Reedsport, OR this evening. Couldn’t believe my eyes. Great to find this article to understand who he is and what he’s doing. Very cool!!!

  11. Brittney on July 23rd, 2014 9:31 am

    He’s been in southern oregon for about a month now. Pretty awesome seeing him and his pictures all over Facebook. Way to spread the word.

  12. Betsy Bivin on March 21st, 2014 2:35 pm

    Husband says he is in Red Bluff, CA at the Home Depot parking lot.

  13. Kristy Covey on March 21st, 2014 1:53 am

    My daughter an I seen him headed out bowman rd. In cotton wood California … we stopped an got some pics … it was amazing to see him an his set up… best of luck

  14. Patti Williams on October 25th, 2013 3:58 pm

    Dear Randy, Mules and your border collie, May God bless you all the way on your journey, and keep you safe and provided for. If you are ever back in the southern Oregon area I would love for you all to be our guests at our farm. We would be honored. Enjoy your trip, fill hearts, and we hope to hear from you. We also have mules, have the “Big Guy” on our shoulders (GOD) border collies, and a kind heart. Keep up the good work!

  15. Brenda on September 24th, 2013 5:46 pm

    Just passed on hwy 20 in Oregon! Awesome got a picture. Best of luck!

  16. R.S. on September 9th, 2013 9:51 pm

    Met you in Nampa 9-9-2013. God Bless You my friend.
    Psalm 96

  17. Autumn sears on July 29th, 2013 6:22 pm

    Seen him pass thru soda springs idaho.

  18. Cody Muir on July 12th, 2013 3:39 pm

    Stopped to give lunch to him in McKinnon, WY on 7/12/2013

  19. Ashlee Muir on July 12th, 2013 1:52 pm

    We just seen him going past our house in Mckinnon Wyoming.

  20. Julie Somerville on June 20th, 2013 6:08 pm

    We just passed him on Hwy 50, just west of Whitewater headed to Grand Junction. As a teamster of Belgain draft horses, I appreciate his skill and dedication. Keep up the good work!

  21. Ken Hoyle on June 1st, 2013 2:33 pm

    Randy and his rig just passed my place 8 miles north of Cortez, CO on Hwy 491 about noon today, June 1, 2013. I was able to catch up to him after finishing my chores at the Dawson lake Store at the junction of Hwy 184 at Hwy 491 near Lewis, CO and chat with him for a bit.

    Having owned and driven a team of mules (Both passed away during the past year.) and being a retired Highway Patrolman, I know traveling the way he does on the highways and by-ways of America with a team of four mules is not without the possibility of peril. Only someone with the skills and trust in the Lord that he has could embark on such an adventure.

    God Bless him and his fellow four-legged travelers!

  22. Cindy Jones on April 29th, 2013 11:52 am

    Acupuncture patient of mine said she just saw him in Albuquerque. Of course, I had to look this up for myself. She didn’t know he had been doing this for so many years. How amazing a calling. God bless your steps.

  23. Karen on April 26th, 2013 1:33 pm

    Just saw him last night here in Tijeras ,NM outside of Albuquerque on route 66 . God Bless this man and his journey across the US …

  24. Heather on April 3rd, 2013 6:58 pm

    Just saw him in Clovis NM. Was taken aback for a moment, didn’t really know what I was driving up too. I passed him and caught just a quick look. I had to turn around and see what this was all about. I passed him again and got the message. Him and his message came at the right time. I needed it. I am so glad I had the pleasure of seeing him today. I now wished I would have stopped to talk to him. Hopefully I will see him again in my life. Next time I will not hesitate.

  25. R.V.W on December 5th, 2012 2:33 pm

    My faith has been challenged lately for several reason’s, and yesterday I was told I did not recieve the job that I put in for and I felt that this was the final straw.
    Sitting in my office doing my work fuming about not gettting what I wanted I look out the window and Randy and his mules are pulling into my place of employment. I had a conversation on the phone the night before with my sister about how God Speeks to us but we do not listen. Well I guess I haven’t been listening because Randy came in and I felt like God was saying to me HERE IS YOUR SIGN!! Randy is truly a great Guy, very Blessed and I hope the Good LORD continues to bless him for years to come!

  26. will[am hubbard on August 3rd, 2012 11:20 pm

    I met Randy Boehmer today at a farm and ranch store where i work in Torrington Wyoming. I helped him with to find a part for his wagon and never new who he was. He chame across as a genuine and careing preson. Then he gave me his name and told me about his journey. I wish the best for him in travels, and god bless you Randy…..Just a quick update on his travels he is currently just out side of Torrington Wyoming (which is located in the south eastern coner of the state. Goshen county.).

  27. William Tant on May 14th, 2012 10:00 am

    I met Randy in Nebraska…i pulled my big truck over and we fellowshipped for a couple of minutes as i needed to get back on the road…..never seen a mule trained so well…when i approached Randy told his mule (by name) to “MOVE AROUND”! AND…HE DID!…..VERY SMART JESUS MULES ..LOLS….WELL GLORY TO THE KING OF KINGS! …William

  28. Therese Hartnett on April 19th, 2012 4:53 pm

    Encountered the man, Randy Boehmer on HWY 83 outside of Gaerden City Ks, heading north.
    Was tired that day, spiritually and physically. I saw the wagon procededing up the road and had to stop when I saw JESUS SAVES emblazoned across the wagon. Pulled over on a dirt road to wait for him. So happy I did, here is a man who is sold out for the LORD, I know what hard work, and courage it takes to drive a team, let alone a hitch of 4 mules; on the road without any final destination but our home eternal. The weather was as threatening as KS spring weather can be. and the road streched on.
    I offered him and his mules shelter but he would not be detered for his course.
    We did pray together and when I left I felt so inspired that there was this one man so capable and yet so crazy for the LORD, the real deal.
    GOD Bless Randy Boemher and his dogs and his mules, a modern day John the Baptist, for reminding us what this life is really all about.

  29. veronica on November 18th, 2011 10:20 am

    Randy was in Woodrow Colorado on November 10th 2011. It was nice meeting him. God Bess him and keep him safe and healthy on his journey!

  30. Amanda Riddle on April 13th, 2011 10:32 pm

    I had the pleasure of talking with Randy today in Dalhart Texas. I had seen him and his friends camped along side the road for several days. When he pulled into town I had to know what this man was doing! I am glad I stoped. I enjoyed our conversation. You opened my eyes- Thank you:) May the Lord protect and guied you along your journey north.

  31. jeff thompson on March 29th, 2011 6:55 pm

    Randy, i just wanted to say that I admire what you are doing. I have been dealing with the way I look at life in the past, and like you did have up bringing in church. but as a man never continuing it. Always knowing god is real and never showing him how much I was thankful for what he does for me. but those days are behind me. I pray for his forgivness. I ask him to show me the path that he wants me to take here on earth to help in any way I can to give people more understanding of what real life is suppose to be about.. I am a truck driver. I past you a week ago. I was not able to stop. So i look you up here. I am so hoping our paths will cross soon again. I will find away to stop even if I have to pull off somewhere ahead of you and wait. keep up the good work I am sure god is looking after you. JT

  32. Paula Redd on January 1st, 2011 12:00 pm

    What a blessing Randy is! He was in clarita ok in december, had a chance to visit with him a couple times, His message is plain and simple “Jesus saves ask him”. The man is as simple as his message. Can’t help but think how pleased Jesus must be with his spokesman. Hope your journey is one well traveled and that much conversion takes place for many. God Bless all who are reading this.

  33. Dessie on December 5th, 2010 8:39 pm

    Randy Boehmer arrived in Pauls Valley, Oklahoma Thursday December 2, 2010 at sundown on Hwy 19. I helped him fine his way to the Pauls Valley Roundup Club arena where he bedded his five mules down for th night. We talked while he built a fence out of an electric fencing. My grandson Nashton had dozens of question about the mules, his dogs and the wagons. He told how onery his mules could be and they could spook at the most common things. Early Friday morning we said good-bye to a soft spoken man of GOD, he started east on Hwy 19 towards Stratford, OK. I called ahead to the roundup club there to alert them to his upcoming arrival. I pray the good LORD keeps watchful eye on Randy. GOD bless Randy Roehmer

  34. Kim Smith Nov. 21, 2010 on November 22nd, 2010 12:34 am

    My husband, kids and I were fortunate enough to meet Randy today. He is near Alex, Ok. What a great witness and what a blessing he is! I will be praying for him and the people he will be witnessing to, as he continues his journey. May God continue to bless him and watch and care over him and his animals.

  35. Alan Hill on October 9th, 2010 12:45 am

    October 8 2010
    Hello Randy
    Had a great visit this morning with you. I want to thank you for your courage in spreading Gods word. If people slow down and take a second look , we have to believe that you have planted a seed that may grow into a Born Again Christain. Good luck and may God watch over you everyday

  36. Pattie Wall on October 6th, 2010 6:11 pm

    Thanks NoEscambia for the coverage – it allowed me to give credit to him in my photo op. He was coming down Highway 36 in No central Kansas today heading towards Smith Center, Kansas.

  37. Clinton Crafts on September 28th, 2010 9:13 pm

    I know all about that area up there having lived in that area of the panhandle of Florida for over 16 years! Just think if we could get that Holy Spirit in us…so much so that we sell everything that we own and follow Jesus. Faith is easy to say you have. The evidence is usually a different story. ALMIGHTY FATHER: PLEASE MAKE SOME USE OUT OF THIS BODY FOR YOUR GLORY. NO MATTER WHAT THE COST.

  38. Christopher on September 28th, 2010 12:49 am

    I seen Randy and his Mules with my brothers in Christ Trent, Jayse and Jon tonight on Highway 31 in Hastings, NE. We spoke shortly giving glory to YahuShua (Jesus) also speaking of The Lords soon return and giving him a card with The Lord’s Letters written in The Volumes of Truth given to this modern generation FREE @ We had a pleasant conversation about The Lord and I am sure The Lord is pleased in Randy. The Lord Jesus Christ is returning for His bride soon, I would encourage everyone to pray and seek The Lord. THE TIME HAS COME! Praise The Lord for He comes to gather and judge. Have a blessed night. Thank You Lord we love You!!!

    Your friend and servant in The Lord our Righteousness


  39. Cheryl Dexter on September 13th, 2010 11:39 pm

    I seen Randy and his team of mules in a parking lot in O’Neill, Ne. earlier last week while we were passing by. Told my husband, it was neat seeing him with his wagon and mules and his message. I just wished that I had my camera. Then Sat. evening we saw he was down in our neck of the woods camped in the ditch a couple miles south of the Chambers junction on 281. Then on Monday morning, I saw that he was still there and decided to go and see if everything was alright. He was planning to take off that afternoon he said and head on south and was needing to be able to get water for his mules where he was stopping for the night at. I told him of two different places on down the road that would have water for his mules. It was neat meeting Randy and listening to him about his journey. I pray that Randy and his team and his dogs all have a safe journey as he spreads the word of God as he travels the U.S. Thank you for sharing Randy….

  40. Ron Schmit on September 9th, 2010 5:11 pm

    People are intreresting to talk to and on my lunch break at Taco Johns in O’Neill Ne. I met a very friendly person and his sidekick. Randy was just taking time for a quick lunch and sat down next to me and the daily coffee bunch. We didn’t talk about religion but we had an interesting visit about horses and mules. I found Randy to be very a very interesting and caring person. He wasn’t waisting much time in the resturant as the mules were tied up out front amongst all the traffic and he was heading south out of O’Neill down hiway 281 as the winter months were creeping up a little more each day. I wish Randy and his companions the best of luck in their endevors and God be with them on their Journey.

  41. melvin lovelace on May 4th, 2010 8:50 pm

    Hi Randy,
    Met you in bowie texas .you were camped at the sale barn.
    had a good visit with you.loved your mules.
    where are now.I think you told me you were headed to wyoming.
    god bless you.
    a friend,
    Melvin Lovelace

  42. Tina Smith on April 8th, 2010 4:59 pm

    I met Randy today about 2:30 p.m. at a quick stop on the north edge of Roosevelt, Okla. He was getting propane for his wagon. We visited about the Lord and the set up he has and his mission. I mentioned to him that at 52 I am now back in college to get into the Occ. Ther. occupation. He said he has a brother in law who does the same thing and made good money at it. I told him I would trade all the education in the world for a life like the one he has. You can see in his face that he is truely blessed as he gave me the information sheet and my coin with the verses from the Bible on it. We left with a “I’ll see you in heaven” to each other. He took my e-mail so we could stay in contact when he gets his laptop. I have known some men in my life but he is sure to be one of the most honorable people I have ever had the pleasure of standing toe to toe with. May God be at his side every step of his journey as I know he will. “I feel so BLESSED”
    Tina Smith Ryan, Clinton, Okla. formerly Frederick , Okla.

  43. Julie Oxford on April 6th, 2010 2:35 pm

    I was blessed by Randy north of Davidson, OK on Hwy 183 Monday April 5, 2010. He was pulled off the side of the highway reshoeing one of the mules. I stopped to offer to let his mules water at my place another mile and half down the road. Instead of being able to bless Randy, I was the one blessed by his kindness. I hope and pray God keeps this man with a mission to share Jesus safe.

  44. Harvey Throneberry on March 12th, 2010 8:27 pm

    M y son,met Randy Boehmer today March 12 , 2010 in Bowie Tx. I hope I can meet him while He is here.

  45. Shawnda on December 3rd, 2009 3:42 pm

    I work on the north edge of Duncan, OK on Hwy 81. He stopped across the street from my work for a short time on November 30. I am really bummed that I didn’t get a chance to go over and talk to him before he left. May God keep you safe on your journey, Randy.

  46. Backdoor Bling on November 30th, 2009 3:42 pm

    We saw him going south on Highway 81in Duncan, OK on November 30th.

  47. Sid & Sue on November 27th, 2009 9:42 pm

    We met Randy the Tuesday before Thanksgiving and have been enjoying his stay here in Marlow, OK.
    May you find green pastures and friendly people in TX. God bless you with many to share the gospel. Glad we had the chance to meet you. God speed, Randy!

  48. Brenda Jones on November 6th, 2009 10:44 pm

    Randy is staying here in our yard tonight Nov 6, 2009 Conway Springs, KS. We will enjoy time with him tomorrow.


  49. Bev Kavouras on November 3rd, 2009 11:21 am

    I just met this man coming through McPherson, Kansas today, November 3, 2009. The mules are so beautiful – and seem to be perfectly matched. His dogs adorable and Randy seems to be a very humble, sweet man. I asked him if I could take his picture and he went and got a clown nose and posed for me. So sweet. I wish you well Randy. After reading your story I can totally understand your journey. I know God is with you.

  50. Danny and Peggy Lund on October 6th, 2009 7:52 pm

    We spotted Randy coming thru the constuction area in Vermillion, SD during what we consider “rush hour” in South Dakota. He slowed traffic considerably, but made me stop to think how fortunate he is to be traveling this way. We later stopped to talk while he set up camp and cared for his mules.
    It was a surprise to find out he came from our area (he grew up near Saint Helena, Ne) and his brother and sister-in-law were neighbors of Dannys years ago and his niece Phyllis and Danny’s sister Tracy are good friends and have known each other all their lives.
    Truly God is good to us. What a pleasure to visit with this man.
    God Bless and keep him on his journey.

  51. Ron Jennings on October 5th, 2009 6:17 pm

    Had the pleasure of meeting Randy . My boss and I helped him with his mules and someother things. I got to pull on his mule to check the collar. It was when he was in Jerseyville on highwat 16 and 67.

  52. Kim Walders on September 26th, 2009 2:13 pm

    I saw him in Fairmont MN Monday Sept 21, 2009. He was buying chain saw parts. God Bless you and watch over you as you travel Randy, Looks like a wonderful trip in life you are having.

  53. Shaun on August 16th, 2009 9:54 pm

    Hey William just found this article thought it would be interesting to see where this guy is now.

  54. Gail on July 10th, 2009 5:21 pm

    I had the pleasure of speaking with Randy along Hih=ghway 90 west DeFuniak Spgs. Fl. several months ago and would sure like to know where he is now (7/10/09 He was such an inspiriation to talk to and I know God will be with him on his journey. I did enjoy reading his story. Very interesting.
    God Bless you Randy

  55. michelle on June 5th, 2009 9:45 pm

    My family met him today in Sawyerville Il he is so amazing I have called everyone I know just to tell about him and his story! My husband went into town and said he is camping out close to town for the night my kids want to go see & talk to him again! We will be praying for him! I had never heard of him until today! does anyone know if he has a web site? he gave my family a paper about his story and it only had an address on it. I would love to follow his story and see where he’s going and been

  56. Les Whisler on June 4th, 2009 5:21 am

    My wife and I met up with Randy just outside Chester, IL, I took some photos and am working on a painting of the man and his mission. I didnt have any idea
    of his story, or where he was from, we were on vacation and just happened to pass him on this isolated road, 100 miles past the boonies. When we pulled up to him his dog was asleep beside him at the reins, and he joked that his dog wanted a better look at my wife. =) His message inspires me, I am fighting cancer right now and have tried to pour myself into my artwork and some travel, The painting of him will have special significance to me. God Bless him in his mission and all else in life.

  57. ges on May 18th, 2009 7:48 pm

    He is in Rector, Ar today May 18th. If not he has a twin..

  58. Lenora Griffin on May 7th, 2009 8:44 am

    How do I keep up with him on his travels?

  59. beth evans on April 30th, 2009 11:17 am

    very good work…i spotted him in Inverness, MS wednesday night and thursday morning!

  60. tami king on April 27th, 2009 8:22 am

    this made me cry.I struggle w/ so much in my own personalityh and to see some one w/ there prioritys in order….

  61. Trailrider685 on April 26th, 2009 4:35 am

    hay hay and GOD BLESS,

    My sister and I spotted this guy yesterday afternoon outside of Clinton, MS,,

    thanx for spreading the WORD,


  62. Laura Flood on April 11th, 2009 3:49 pm

    God Bless you Randy for hearing what God wanted you to do – taking part in the “Great Round-up” to bless others to know Him here on earth and the Kingdom to come!

    In Christ’s Love,
    Laura Flood in Chino Valley; 30 miles south of your trail head
    Publish if helpful

  63. William Hearn on April 10th, 2009 12:42 pm

    Randy and I met on Friday, April 10th. between Grove Hill and Zimco, Alabama on Highway 84. He was going toward Mississippi.
    His message is a simple one, Jesus Christ alone saves.
    When I gave him an article by Charles Spurgeon, he smiled. What he described as his experiences on the road do not reflect encounters with many “truly saved” individuals. Most in our day have no time for God, only a god of their own making.
    I was hoping to worship with him on Easter morning but this was not in the providence of God.
    God speed, Randy Boehmer!

  64. Danna Haywood on April 9th, 2009 9:12 am

    Mr. Boehmer was in Campbell, Missouri this week. He visited the nursing home/
    rehabilitation center where my daughter works in activities. She was very excited
    about his visit there and in sharing his love for Christ with the workers and some of the residents. She immediately phoned me and said “look this up, it is such
    a neat and wonderful story.” I thank God that there are such dedicated people to share the love story with others.

  65. Michelle Cayson on April 3rd, 2009 9:55 am

    God bless you and a safe journey, let the Glory of our Father be with you every step. Thank you for your dedication.

  66. Betty Jo Cloninger on April 2nd, 2009 2:26 pm

    My heart is so inclined to missions, thanks for the “mission” you are doing here in U.S. my prayers are with you. If you make it to Fountain Colorado feel free to look us up. God bless you and the mules….dogs…

  67. Larry Baker on March 31st, 2009 10:31 pm

    This is a wonderful article and I thank you for making it available to me. We need more spirit filled men to share God’s Word such as Mr. Boehmer.
    God Bless him and keep him safe.

  68. Melissa on March 31st, 2009 1:30 pm

    My family and I seen Mr. Boehmer, Saturday in the Pizza Hut parking lot, in Flomaton, talking with people. I told my boys that must be a really neat way to pass the Word of the Lord on to others. What a ministry! Monday, my husband and I seen him camped along side Hwy 31 on our way to Foley. Talk about NOT HIDING your “light under a bushel !” It is very uplifting reading his story. I pray that God direct Mr. Boehmers steps, and continues to protect, guide and provide for Mr. Boehmers journey.

  69. E.M.D. on March 30th, 2009 11:55 pm

    What ,and where, is the Wawbeek Store?

  70. Marietta on March 30th, 2009 9:12 pm

    I met Randy Saturday as he came by the Wawbeek Store. He stopped a minute and we talked about where he might could spend the night and gettin some water for the mules. We took him some later that day and talked a while. I met a man on a mission for God. I feel he is doing what God has called him to do in reaching the lost in a way others can’t. I feel I have met another brother in christ and pray for his safety where ever God may lead him.

  71. margarat on March 30th, 2009 7:25 pm

    Thank you for this story it was a true blessing.

  72. E.M.D. on March 30th, 2009 7:17 pm

    Well Sandy you beat me to it. That is what I was going to say. I wish I was on that journey with him. Any earthly wealth, we have worked for, is about to be redistributed anyway. Perhaps many more will go out and do something like this. God can reach people in many ways to let them know The Way. I know three singing cowboys that might like to do that. :D

  73. Sandy on March 30th, 2009 6:56 pm

    This is a beautiful story. God has truly blessed this man with a way to reach others. I wish I could join him! I pray he will reach many others as he passes through our town. Lord knows, we all need the help!

  74. Al on March 30th, 2009 3:32 pm

    Wow… I so wish I could get out to meet him. Sounds like a fascinating man….

  75. Tracy Foster on March 30th, 2009 10:41 am

    I was so excited to read this story when one of my students brought me this copied paper she had been given by Mr. Boehmer when she visited him Sunday. I was very touched and inspired by the commitment he has made to spread the word. This is a great story and I hope to visit him before he pulls out Tuesday.

  76. Shaun on March 30th, 2009 8:14 am

    Very interesting story, All things worked for in this life mean absolutely nothing in the end.. Great Job North Escambia !!!!

  77. S.L.B on March 30th, 2009 8:12 am

    Thank you so much William for this story, as my husband and I had passed him on Hwy.31 Sunday on our way to Brewton, Ala. We were definately caught off guard in seeing him with his wagon, mules and with a two car police escort following in behind him. We had wondered what his personal story was, beside the obvious in being a witness for Jesus Christ. Now we know!

    I bet we all have a little piece of us in their somewhere deep down, that wishes we had the faith and courage to also throw down the things of this world and do what he is doing. To slow life down some in order to take in the beauty of this place we all call home, to take the time to enjoy the daily experiences of life that God brings our way and to just listen, appreciate and be in tune with Gods love and joy on a much simpler level with no distractions….every minute of every day!

    I wish Mr.Boehmer and his animal friends much luck in their journey, but with the Lord as his navigator, I know he won’t need it. God Bless you, for blessing others
    through your journey!