Personnel Changes At North Escambia Schools

February 18, 2009

The Escambia County School Board approved a short list of personnel changes Tuesday night.

The list was much shorter than usual due to a hiring freeze currently in place in the county.

The Escambia County School District issued a hiring and transfer freeze in the county’s schools effective back in January, the first in a series of expected cutbacks in the county’s school system.. That hiring freeze extends all the way to the classroom; open teaching positions will be filled with substitutes.

The hiring freeze includes both school and district office positions. The memo says that all positions which become vacant due to the resignation, retirement, promotion or leave of absence of a permanent employee will remain vacant unless otherwise approved by Superintendent Malcolm Thomas.

Two North Escambia personnel change were approved Tuesday night by the school board:

William Britt was hired as a  teacher Northview High School.

Belinda Perry was  promoted to Admin. School Secretary II at Molino Park Elementary.

Both Britt and Perry’s personnel changes went into effect prior to the implementation of the hiring freeze.


One Response to “Personnel Changes At North Escambia Schools”

  1. Wild Bill on February 20th, 2009 8:26 am

    Welcome aboard,Mr. Britt, you are a perfect fit for the Northview team!