One Quarter Of ECUA Customers Are Recycling

February 2, 2009

About one quarter of ECUA’s residential sanitation customers are participating in the new curbside recycling program launched a month ago, keeping over 200 tons of recyclable materials out of the landfill.

As of last Friday, 18,227 recycling cans had been requested. That is about 24 percent of the Emerald Coast Utilities Authority’s total residential sanitation customers. Of those that have requested cans, about 90 percent have had the can delivered to their homes. New can requests are expected to be fulfilled within 14 days. An average of 600 new customers are signing up weekly.

During the first week of the program, 36.71 tons of recyclables were collected in the curbside program. In the second week, that number grew to 46.19 tons. In the third week, it increased to 55.37 tons. Last week. ECUA collected 68.49 tons of recyclable materials, for a total of 206.76 tons.

“There is an upward trend to the tonnage collected each week,” said Larry Walker, ECUA District 5 member. “This means a couple of things. First, many customers are participating. Second, the distribution of recycling cans, while far from perfect, has been progressing, nonetheless.”

Walker said that anyone requesting a recyclables can more than 14 days ago should let him know or give the ECUA another call.

“Some signups have gotten lost in the paper shuffle between the customer service center and the sanitation department,” he said.

There are three ways to request ECUA service or add recyclables service to your current ECUA pickup:

  • email with your name, address and daytime phone number, along with the desired recycling container size — 40, 64 or 90 gallon.
  • visit and download a form located on the “Sanitation Services” page. That form can be faxed or mailed to the ECUA.
  • call ECUA customer service at 476-0480

Walker can be reach by phone at 723-6094 or email at


6 Responses to “One Quarter Of ECUA Customers Are Recycling”

  1. Mom on February 3rd, 2009 1:24 pm

    I contacted Mr. Walker and he was very apologetic and said he would try to determine what the delay has been and see where we are on the list. As Mr. Walker stated to Northescambia, if you requested the can more than 14 days ago he welcomes you to call him and let him see what he can do for you. Like another post said “he is just one man” in a big mess that HE is trying to fix.

  2. annoyed on February 3rd, 2009 6:11 am

    I called the week after Christmas and requested my recycle can. We still do not have it. I have also emailed ECUA 3 times. Maybe I should call Mr. Walker. ECUA keeps telling me the can will be delivered, but not when.

  3. Mind Bogglin' on February 2nd, 2009 7:37 pm

    This entire transfer to ECUA has been nothing less than “mind bogglin”. I am well aware that transitions are often times a little “bumpy”, but this was very poorly planned and I truly feel sorry for Mr. Walker. I think he is doing everything within his power to rectify the situation; however you can only do so much as one man when dealing with such a large entity. I think all district commissioners for ECUA (not only district 5) should be ashamed of the lack of concern for this project and someone at ECUA should have to explain why no extra cans were ordered when they knew well in advance of the change. The ECUA spokes lady must have summed it up when she said that ECUA did not pre order recycle cans due to their not wanting to be stuck with additional cans.

    BTW, LULU I am glad you have a can and are so pleased with the service. One month and 2 weeks after ordering the can I still cannot tell you how I like the service!

  4. A. Joseph on February 2nd, 2009 3:51 pm

    Where is the can I requested on Jan 6th????

  5. LULU on February 2nd, 2009 8:56 am

    I’m so happy there has been such a good response to the recycling program. I hope everyone will eventually take advantage & do what they can to help the environment. Keep in mind any new program has “bugs” to be worked out.

  6. Mom on February 2nd, 2009 5:50 am

    We requested our recycle can the week of Christmas and it was suppose to be delivered by Jan 26th. We sent an email on the 27th stating that we still had not gotten it. I then received a phone call from customer service last Tuesday stating that it would be 2 to 3 days. I STILL HAVE NO CAN!!!! We have a months worth of recyclables over running a can in the garage, but nothing suitable that ECUA will pick them up in. I will give Mr. Walker a call today!