Called A ‘Must-read’ By Pensacola News Journal Columnist

February 10, 2009

A column in Monday’s Pensacola News Journal calls a “must-read”.

“For news north of Nine Mile Road, is must-reading, occasionally even beating emergency vehicles to accident scenes,” Pensacola News Journal columnist Mark O’Brien wrote in his Monday column.

While we at appreciate being called a “must-read” by the daily paper, we thought it worthy to point out that we don’t cover Nine Mile Road and north. We cover the Molino area from Quintette Road north — the area which we define as being “North Escambia”.

That was one of the reasons we started — the mainstream Pensacola media seemed to be missing out on basic geography. If you fold a map of this county in half, you find that places north of Nine Mile Road like Ten Mile Road, Cottage Hill and Cantonment, are actually in southern half of the county. North Escambia does not begin at Nine Mile Road.

O’Brien also used his column to attack most of the other local online news blogs that mentioned in his article, but not He attacked, saying “Rick Outzen often prints unconfirmed items and writes about events he doesn’t attend, so his error rate is high.” He said the Pensacola Beach Blog “has a haughty tone”, and O’Brien said others were coming from the left or the right. is, by the way, the only complete general news online-only paper in Escambia County. We are the only ones that cover a complete range of news, from government to wrecks to fire to school events on a daily basis. All of the others in the county focus their coverage on a particular facet of  events such as politics.


9 Responses to “ Called A ‘Must-read’ By Pensacola News Journal Columnist”

  1. Loyal Century Citizen on February 12th, 2009 4:28 pm

    Great Job, It gives me hope that maybe true journalism still exists in this country.

  2. CLIFF on February 11th, 2009 11:01 am

    I moved from walnut hill, to pennsylvania bout 3 yrs. ago and i really enjoy this site. I check it almost everyday. THANKS!

  3. JJ on February 10th, 2009 7:36 pm

    Well YEAH! Kudos on the props, William. I check for news at least several times a day…. PNJ only a couple times a week.

    I’m glad Mr. O’brien acknowledged what a valuable resource is….

    Good job!

  4. Al on February 10th, 2009 1:39 pm

    I am in Cantonment, but I consider myself a “surrogate” North-ender :)
    Among other things I appreciate that churches are welcomed with their events and announcements….. you can provide a venue for information without endorsing / censoring.
    Great job!

  5. Terri Sanders on February 10th, 2009 1:25 pm was also mentioned in the Independent News Feb.edition
    We are so blessed to have this online newspaper.Keep up the good work William.See you at Rotary tomorrw.

  6. Rhonda Hassebrock Gehman on February 10th, 2009 1:05 pm

    I moved from Bratt to Birmingham in 1994—but thanks to I am able to keep up with everything.
    Keep up the good work!

  7. E.M.D. on February 10th, 2009 11:10 am

    This site has more wanted news, than the PNJ. I am so glad that the people in our church were informed of this website. I do not think everyone knows about it yet.

  8. Alan on February 10th, 2009 10:48 am

    And all this with the use of a blackberry…just think what you could do if you were to “move into the now” using an iPhone…LOL!!!

  9. Kristi Hughes on February 10th, 2009 8:25 am

    I think was long overdue. I love it, my husband being in the military and us being stationed anywhere from San Diego a few years ago, to Tampa now, and me being from Oak Grove, I sponge up any and all information that I can from the area. My family still lives out there so I am informed to an extent and I know too many people to just completely forget everyone.