Memorial Service Held For Former Century Police Officer

February 26, 2009

A memorial service was held Thursday night for a long time Century police officer.

sutton.jpgEdward Gregory (Greg) Sutton, 47, a native and former resident of Century died unexpectedly in Hernando, Mississippi, on Monday February 16.

Greg was born in Century on March 22, 1961. His family left the area shortly afterward then moved back to Century when Greg was 13 years old. He attended Century High School.

He worked for the town of Atmore before enrolling in Pensacola Junior College’s Law Enforcement Program at the age of 18. After graduation he worked for the Century Police Department before going to work for the Flomaton Police Department. He eventually came back to his home town and worked as a police officer for the next 16 years.

When Century’s police department was disbanded he went to work for Prevention Services in Century as a data collector at the then Jefferson Smurfit Paper mill in Brewton. He attended training classes and became a level one analyst. He worked there until he was forced to retire because of health issues.

During his off time he could be found fishing on Escambia River, a hobby he dearly loved. He is survived by a wife, Susie of Bryneville; four sons, Edward Brandon, Michael Dustin, Dakota Douglas and Aaron Lee; one daughter Aimee JoLynn and several grandchildren. He is also survived by his mother Vicki (Doug) Hussey of Hernando, Mississippi, and a brother Mike (Terry) Sutton also of Hernando, Mississippi.

A memorial service for Edward Gregory (Greg) Sutton was held at the Byrneville United Methodist Church Thursday night.


11 Responses to “Memorial Service Held For Former Century Police Officer”

  1. A.W. THOMPSON on February 27th, 2009 9:18 pm

    dusty sorry to hear about the loss of yalls dad.he was a true friend and genuine person.mosquito flats hasnt been the same for a while.i will most definitely think of him when i pull in a slab crappie out of the lakes.he would most definetely approve of that with his big greg.the whole sutton family will be in my thoughts and prayers. A.WILTON “BOO” THOMPSON MOSQUITO FLATS FLORIDA.

  2. wendy chapman on February 27th, 2009 7:01 am

    Sometimes you find you have no idea how much someone means to you untill they are gone. You have no idea how special they are and how much you depended on them untill they are gone. I have found myself in this predicament. My wonderful uncle was there for me so much more than i realized. I never realized how many pictures I had with us together. I remember the day he was diagnosed with his bone disease, the day I graduated college. In my euphoria I had no indication he was suffering in pain. He sat in a broken chair for two hours as he waited to hear my name called. He was so proud. It was only after the ceremony was over and we had gone home that my husband told of what he had endured for me. Just because he loved me. I don’t know if I ever thanked him or told him how much he ment to me.
    My uncle was the most caring and honorable men I have had the privilege
    to know. I love you Uncle Greg! See you soon.

  3. me on February 27th, 2009 3:52 am

    I was reading the tri-city ledger, and it said that his memorial was being held at Faith Bible Baptist Church.

  4. Dusty Sutton on February 26th, 2009 10:34 pm

    This Is Greg’s Second Oldest Son.
    I Appreciate All Of Ya’lls Comments And Thank Ya’ll For Sending Ya’lls Regards!!!
    My Dad Will Be Missed By All Of Us.
    Please Keep Us In Your Prayers.

  5. michelle on February 26th, 2009 8:00 pm

    I never got to now you but loved you very much.I love you very much UNCEL GREG

  6. Jane Howington on February 26th, 2009 5:01 pm

    Greg sang in an Ensemble that practiced in my home as a teenager. He was also one of the men singers in Chorus at Century High School where I taught. His voice was beautiful!

    The first time I knew he was interested in Police Work was when I visited a friend who had a break-in at her home. He was dusting for fingerprints on the screen door that I was entering. He was still in school so I assumed that was his own Finger Print Set. He had plans for the future already in his heart.

    He will be missed by all who knew him.

  7. Rudy Brown on February 26th, 2009 4:17 pm

    I worked with Greg at Century Police Dept. He was a fine officer, person and friend. He will be missed.

  8. Terri Sanders on February 26th, 2009 2:48 pm

    Greg was great at his job with Prevention Services,and he was determined to do the very best he could. He was well liked by the people at the mill that he came in contact with on a daily basis. It was hard to watch his health go down,but when he came by two weeks ago to say hi to us,he looked better than he had looked in ages. I can still remember what he was wearing.I would have never known it would be the last time we would see him. He did not let his divorce from my daughter cloud his relationship with us as his former employees.He was just that way. I know all his children are devastated,but God’s grace is enough to carry you through. Jerry and Terri Sanders Prevention Services,Century Fl.

  9. Terri Sutton on February 26th, 2009 1:46 pm

    To All who knew and loved Greg. I want to tell you something about the kind of person this man was. Greg was disabled from a certain type of bone disease. It was hard for him to get around. He found out I was diagnosed with cancer in 2005. It took him all of 2 minutes to pack his clothes and move in the house with me and his brother Mike in North Mississippi to take care of me until I could take care of myself. He took me to my treatments, let me cry on his shoulder and stood beside me holding me up the whole time. Greg and I were already close but we developed a bond after that that was unbreakable. Greg was one of the most unselfish people I ever met. I don’t really know how we are going to make it without him, but I’m sure God will show us the way. Aaron, Amie, Dusty and Cody was the most important thing in Greg’s life. He put off his hip surgery because he said he couldn’t miss his “baby doll’s” ball games. I will miss him sooooo very much. But I thank God for every blessed moment we shared.
    Love Always
    Your “Gal”
    Terilyn Sutton

  10. Cathie Winingar on February 26th, 2009 12:54 pm

    Our thoughts and prayers are with you Brandon, Dusty, Aaron, Cody, and Amy. We have very fond memories of your dad. He was a great brother in law to me for many many years. He definitely loved his kids, for that you can be VERY proud.

    Much Love,
    Aunt Cathie

  11. Carrie on February 26th, 2009 10:21 am

    Dusty and Cody, I love you both soooo much and I cannot begin to feel your hurt. I cannot give you an explanation as to why you have to feel this kind of suffering at such a young age but KNOW this….God is good and He is still on the throne…He is still in control and as the birds fall from the tree he holds them in his hands like he does the both of you, he will comfort you and give you peace. Know that your daddy loved you both and you were ALWAYS the joy of his life. we are not always perfect parents but we love unconditionally….I am proud to have the best gift that God could ever give me through your daddy and that is the two of you…I am proud of you both and I know your daddy was too….hugs and kisses xxxoooo MOM…..