‘Golden Cow Dung Award’ Presented To Ernest Ward Principal

February 28, 2009


Ernest Ward Middle School Principal Nancy Gindl-Perry received what was, without a doubt, the most unique award of her entire educational career Friday afternoon.

She was presented with the “Golden Cow Dung Award” by members of the Ernest Ward FFA. The award featured a large piece of cow dung, painted a golden color.

(Cow dung, in case you did not know, is what you are probably thinking it is. It’s that natural byproduct that cows drop in the field.)

Perry received the award from the school’s FFA members as a “thank you” for supporting FFA.

dung11.jpgFriday wrapped up National FFA Week at Ernest Ward. “Step Up, Stand Out” was the theme of National FFA Week this year as more than half a million members around the nation participated  in National FFA Week activities at the local and state levels.

EWMS FFA sponsor Cynthia Wilson said the group wanted to thank Perry for her continued support of the organization. She also said she wanted to thank the area farmers and other member of the agricultural community that support the FFA.

Pictured top are(L-R) Clarissa Ross, Shelby Lewis, Codie Calloway, Dustin Parker, Devin Bell, Nancy Gindl-Perry, Cynthia Wilson, Lauryn Walker, Sandy Rainwater and Harley Caraway. All were dressed for “Farm Day” at EWMS. Pictured left: Ernest Ward Principal Nancy Gindl-Perry and her Golden Cow Dung Award. Pictured below: The Golden Cow Dung Award.  NorthEscambia.com photos, click to enlarge.



9 Responses to “‘Golden Cow Dung Award’ Presented To Ernest Ward Principal”

  1. shelby lewis on March 5th, 2009 12:35 pm

    omg way to go miss perry from ur ewms ffa secatary

  2. Harley Caraway on March 2nd, 2009 5:25 pm

    yah…. mrs. perry thank you for supporting us in FFA. i am the President for FFA at this school! my name is Harley Caraway and i am in the top photo. We ha a lot of fun on Friday and when we gave the “Golden Cow Dung Award,” she was so excited. And just to let you know, that was real cow dung!

  3. Rachel on March 2nd, 2009 12:32 pm

    ha ha…..

    I was in the class that got to give it to her, it was so funny!!! she was really glad and was excited to recieve such a gift!!!!! she told us a really funny story and then she called her supervisor and the head of the education board to tell them about it!!! (she was out but the recepion lady got to hear the news and laughed)!!! But i didnt get to stay for the picture because I had to go to lunch=( But it was awesome because we got to see her face when we told her she won the GOLDEN COW DUNG AWARD!!!

    P.S. It was really heavy and really big!!!!

  4. ernest ward student on March 2nd, 2009 12:29 pm

    That is so awesome i know the guy who brought the golden cow dung !!! =]

  5. EWMS Student on March 1st, 2009 7:55 pm

    How many Principals do u know that gets golden dung?
    P.S my dad wants the cow that had the golden dung.

  6. your kissing cousin on March 1st, 2009 7:11 pm

    take a bite, you deserve it! maybe you already did – just look at those sparkling eyes of yours – maybe there are some mushrooms in that cow pie!

  7. US on March 1st, 2009 3:25 pm

    ewwwwww gross but congrat mrs. perry

    sincerly students from Ernest Ward Middle School
    Best School Ever!!!

  8. Ann Brewton on February 28th, 2009 7:49 pm

    Congratulations Nancy, you have not changed a bit, still look like the cute little girl I remember from Barrineau Park, Aunt Ann

  9. D. on February 28th, 2009 1:26 pm

    EEEEEEEWWWWWWW!!!! Gross.I would never want to get cow dung.