FHSAA Releases Classifications; Northview’s District Goes From Four Teams To Nine

February 11, 2009

Preliminary non-football classifications released Tuesday by the Florida High School Athletic Association takes Northview High School from  just four teams in their district to district with nine teams.

Northview, Catholic, South Walton and Walton currently comprise a district. Under the new classifications released Tuesday, Arnold (Panama City Beach), Bay (Panama City), Bozeman (Southport), Chipley and Marianna would join Northview, Catholic, South Walton and Walton in District 1-3A.

There would be nine teams in the district for sports like basketball and volleyball, and eight for soccer. Northview does not currently have a soccer program.

Schools can appeal their placements for the 2009-10 and 2010-11 school years by February 20.

In preliminary district alignments released in December for football, Northview remained in District 1-2B. Under a FHSAA rule that allows schools to “play down” one district, the Chiefs requested to be moved down one district to District 1-1A, the same district as the Jay Royals.

Class 1A is Florida’s smallest, comprised primarily of schools with 521 or fewer students. Northview had 544 students during the October week used by the FHSAA to determine the new classifications, but schools in the lower 10% of the population breakdown of each classification have the option of playing down one classification if it is deemed more suitable for district travel reasons.


One Response to “FHSAA Releases Classifications; Northview’s District Goes From Four Teams To Nine”

  1. Concerned on February 13th, 2009 2:36 pm

    Well the FHSAA in their wisdom has caused major problems with this district. The fact is that as many as two to three nights a week could be spent on the road to Panama City , Marianna, Chipley, or South Walton for Northview students. This will be good for academics as well as being a financial burden to the school and athletics. These trips will cause students to get home after midnight or later and still have to come to school the next day, if it is a game during the week. Great job FHSAA, you once again proved to everyone how you consider the students when you make a decision.