County Survey Shows North Escambia Concerns

February 12, 2009

Escambia County has released a county-wide survey on the quality of life in county and satisfaction with services provided by the county, and several responses showed concerns about North Escambia.

When asked, “how satisfied are you with the overall quality of the job that the County is doing”, 91.6% of the residents responded with a neutral to very satisfied rating. The highest ratings when to fire services, emergency medical services and hurricane preparedness.

The county’s lowest ratings were to questions about the county is responsive to complaints, public transportation and mosquito control.

There were 538 randomly chosen registered voters in the county that took part in the telephone survey. Several of their answers revealed common concerns about the quality of life and the concerns in North Escambia.

Comments related to North Escambia included:

  • I am from Molino in the northern part of he county and we have a lot of residential, but we need more economic development to balance it out. Managing growth is very important.
  • We live in the north end of the county. We don’t get much in the way of services. We’re like the step-children. Because we live in a rural area, we’re not heard as much as the rest of the county.
  • We have a pretty safe neighborhood here and law enforcement does come by here. I don’t think they have enough law enforcement in the north end of the county.
  • A hospital in Century, closest one is Pace
  • Downsize public bus that runs from Pensacola to Century
  • The amount of services where I live in Molino have been cut. There used to be a bus service out here. If someone didn’t have a car, they couldn’t get out of town. — Our
    fire service is volunteer.– People are leaving Molino in droves.
  • I live in a rural area in Molino that is not densely populated. I feel we are neglected & our tax dollars s/b more useful. I was glad to see that recycling has been implemented out here. I live on a dirt road & for 3 to 5 years we have been promised that it would be paved. The last I heard this was in the planning stages, which could take another 5 years.
  • On hurricane response: In our area, North of Hwy 29, we always have a slow response. They don’t bring out meals, for example because we’re not in the ‘disaster area’, & I thought that was really stupid!
  • I live out in the northern part of the County. During Ivan, the ice ran out. I don’t think they were ready overall, for the devastation of Opal and Erin, at first, but they got better.
  • I live in the most northern part of the county, and we’re the last ones to get any kind of service. But I understand that.
  • Top 3 things: 1) Growth to move north of 9 mile road 2) Incentives to help improve north end of the county 3) keep police/sheriff offices open for north end
  • Top 3 things: 1) road improvements 2) stop closing the schools in the north end 3) more efficient building codes in the north end
  • Discontinue: I do not want them to do garbage pickup in the north end of the county. I like Allied Waste much better, and the County should let them compete.


13 Responses to “County Survey Shows North Escambia Concerns”

  1. jbs on February 13th, 2009 9:24 pm

    Why can’t the county move toward something constructive for the North End for our young people? There are many horse folks in this area who have to haul elsewhere to spend their time and money to enjoy our hobby. It would be beneficial to have a place like Coldwater River Horse Stables in our area, something that is family focused. We have little area to ride safely in the Molino / Barrineau Park area. It would be good if it was both a day-use area as well as a camping area as is CRHS.

    What happened with the plans to widen Barrineau Park Road and Hwy 99?

    Stop focusing on “retirement” folks and start focusing on keeping the industry that is here and bringing in industry / jobs.

    I feel that a good job was done on providing ice, mre’s, etc after the hurricanes. Folks need to take it upon themselves to make early preparations and to be ready to help their immediate neighbors. Our community banded together, working to help each other and checking with each other to make runs for supplies and/ or shared with each other as needed.

    I’m certainly not complaining about the North End. I love it here! I try to plan ahead and get the things I need while on my way home from work. I make an effort not to go south of 9 Mile Road unless I have to!

    Don’t spend our money on the Maritime Park!!! How could this possibly be justified? Especially in the location, too much potential for wind / storm damage. Make better use of the facilities already in place.

  2. Taxpayer on February 13th, 2009 3:33 pm

    Jay, without a change to allow the landowner to make a decision to sell 5 acres of land to 3 or 4 individuals you are going to have subdivisions, because the large land developers are the only ones who can afford to buy 100 acres of land. My parents have 50 acres that CANNOT be sold to more than one person. They have owned it for 40 years and do not want to see it turned into a subdivison. HOWEVER, they are 80 years old and are facing financial constraints. If the county dictates that we can not sell it in 4 or 5 sections then we have no choice but to sell it to a large developer that has the money and WILL go through zoning and build those 1/4 acre homes that you nor I want in the North end. I have already spoken to one land developer about the possible sell and he has had another person approach him about the possibilites of him buying 100 acres from them. We have the best schools in the district and people want to move here. The new Sunshine Hill subdivision is the beginning of the new subdivision boom in the North end and we can thank the land development codes for that.

  3. S.W. on February 13th, 2009 8:45 am

    What about the Tag Office, I hear that thay are going to cloese it, and we the north enders will have to travel all the way to Cantonment to get tags & driver lic, and ect, to cloese a county owend Bldg, and pay rent on the cantonment office what the heck is this ?, how does this save money ?,

  4. Jay on February 13th, 2009 8:31 am

    Sorry Sharon K., but we don’t want the north end to become like the areas south of Molino either. If all were able to subdivide thier property into less than 1/4 acre lots, then before you know it, there’d be subdivision on top of subdivision all over the place. This is not the type of growth most want up here.

  5. Sharon K. on February 13th, 2009 3:55 am

    Our representation in county affairs is weak at best. It would be interesting to know how evenly the tax dollars are distributed per capita say between here and Perdido Key. Zoning in the north end is another issue that prevents a landowner from dividing and selling their property more than once or it may be twice. This has been shocking news to older folks who were counting on the extra income they could get from selling their property in smaller sections if they desired. I realize zoning has a purpose but it should infringe on a persons ability to support themselves as little as possible. This is a financial hardship for many farmers that were counting on being able to divide and sell their property in retirement years to pay for the increased needs for health care and etc. that accompany old age.

  6. a.nicole on February 12th, 2009 4:57 pm

    What rampant drugs are we talking about? I was raised here, my parents were raised here, and I am currently raising my kids here. If there are rampant drugs I would like to know because I missed that memo? I thought my family and all of my friends were drug free, but who knew…

  7. wwaaaahhhhhh on February 12th, 2009 4:18 pm

    I live 2 miles from the Alabama/Florida state line so I definitely qualify as “north end”. No, things are not perfect and they never will be – ANYWHERE – but you can make a choice to be more positive. The schools in our area have a great rating and I raised 3 kids here and nobody wound up on drugs. Your life is what you make it and I would have to be living yours, W.R. If you have children or grandchildren you are teaching them, by example, to always be negative.

  8. W.R. on February 12th, 2009 3:28 pm

    You are not in the north end until you get north of Bogia!

  9. wwaaaahhhhhh on February 12th, 2009 11:37 am

    Great – another opportunity to hear complaint after complaint. You go W.R.!!

  10. Nikki on February 12th, 2009 10:03 am

    W.R. — You must live in a different part of the north end of the county that I do.

    rampant drugs…we don’t have that problem in my north end community. poor graded schools…bratt, byrneville, ernest ward, molino park are all “A” schools, and bratt is the very best in the ENTIRE county. lack of pride in property…you must be in century. wild council meetings of both cities…huh? There’s only one city here. you’ve just got to be in century. many of us love living in the north end.

  11. W.R. on February 12th, 2009 9:54 am

    Living in the north end of the county is great except for: The rampant run of drugs, lack of police, poor graded schools, no medical care facilities to brag on, lack of pride of ownership of poperty, next to no place to shop, no entertainent other than the local news paper reporting on all the terrible things that happens in this area and the wild council meeting of both cities and the unforgiving acts that they do that make us look like stupid. Other than all this and the fact that we are living in time of about 1960 conpaired to the rest of the world its JUST GREAT.

  12. LULU on February 12th, 2009 8:37 am

    To Wild Bill:

  13. Wild Bill on February 12th, 2009 8:11 am

    My comment on the new garbage system is that the county cannot manage anything as well as a private business can. Socialism cannot compete with capitalism. Compare the two Germanys before unification. West Germany produced BMW’s, East Germany produced a little 2 cycle, plastic piece of junk.