Amazing Photo Catches Northview Softball Player’s Leg Being Broken

February 27, 2009


An amazing photograph shows the moment Northview softball player Amber McMillan’s leg was broken in tournament game against Enterprise High School in Dothan, Alabama.

“She loved it,” mom Donna McMillan said of Amber’s reaction to the photo. “She’s got the ball, signed by all of the players, the pants that had to be cut off of her and the photo that she plans to frame and put in her room.”

Amber, 16, is improving, Donna said. She’s not in a cast…she has a metal rod in her leg, and she’s on crutches. She’s expected to be healed in about six to eight weeks.

Amber will visit the Andrew’s Institute in Gulf Breeze Monday afternoon to find out more about her treatment and when she will be able to head back to school.

“She plans to play in the district tournament,” Donna said. But Amber’s mom and her dad Mac don’t agree with that optimistic outlook.

Amber has always been active in sports, playing softball since she was four-years old. She’s participated in softball, volleyball, cheerleading, track, basketball and golf. And the broken leg was her first ever injury.

After the accident, no one was sure exactly how Amber’s leg was broken — until they saw the photo.

As for the play itself…the photo shows Amber catching the ball as her leg was broken. She held on to the ball and got the out.

Pictured above: Northview softball player Amber McMillan’s left leg is broken in tournament game in Dothan. Submitted photo by Scott Harris, for, click to enlarge.


16 Responses to “Amazing Photo Catches Northview Softball Player’s Leg Being Broken”

  1. Kaitlyn on July 3rd, 2009 6:19 pm

    OMG!!!!! This is one amazing photo. And OUCHEEE this must have hurt. But fo the comments I read Amber must be pretty tough. Amber you are a truly dedicated player and I know what its like to be out for the season or most of it because I play softball too and last season I had a small leg injury but the coach did not believe that I could run so I got benched. I wish you luck on your playing and get better soon. = )

  2. Ashley(: on March 4th, 2009 10:47 am

    Wow/ Ouch. :(

  3. me on March 1st, 2009 8:21 pm

    Somebody should send this story to one of the morning news shows on tv, this is a picture that you don’t get everyday. They might have Amber on there for an interview, I have seen amazing stories on there like this before.

  4. unknow?!?!? on March 1st, 2009 1:11 pm

    w0wzer! that must of hurt~

    c u at school!!!

  5. on February 28th, 2009 5:18 pm

    Our hearts and prayers go with you Amber. We are pulling for you to recover quickly and make that district tournament.

    What an outstanding picture Scott! That was the shot of a lifetime! Thank you for your commitment to cover girls sports.

  6. Big Kat on February 27th, 2009 9:05 pm

    I love you mac-dog!!! Aleast u got the out, thats all that really matters!! jk but great job!!! We miss you sooo much and u better be out there for Districts!!! I ain’t plauin’!!! I love u!!!

  7. S@nBoX on February 27th, 2009 4:58 pm


    N3XT Y3AR!
    LUV YA S@N!

  8. Elizabeth on February 27th, 2009 11:24 am

    eeeewwww…. I guess I have a weak stomach. ouch!

    Poor dear. I’ll be praying for her.

  9. ALLEN on February 27th, 2009 11:22 am

    AMBO!! You are a true athlete, in all the sports you play you give it everything you have…this is just more proof if it, that’s one great play, I hope ya have a quick recovery.

  10. G.B on February 27th, 2009 11:02 am

    That is one tough Lady Chief. Knowing her you can expect her to be right back in the mix as soon as possible. Hope everything works out for you Amber. I miss Northview and the students there.

  11. cheryl on February 27th, 2009 7:27 am

    I was told she didn’t even cry until she was told it was broken and she’d be out for the rest of the season.Good grief Amber-Mac , you really love your softball don’t ya.

  12. Norma H on February 27th, 2009 7:15 am

    Amber, we all hope and pray that your recovery will be quick and complete. Great job, hanging onto the ball. You are an amazing player and we will miss you at shortstop!

  13. Bree on February 27th, 2009 6:44 am

    WOAH AMBER! You made it on two sites now! Quite a celebrity!

  14. Nuthill on February 27th, 2009 6:14 am

    Amber you are amazing! God be with you and your family as you heal and recover. We love you!

  15. Deni Deron on February 27th, 2009 5:42 am

    Awesome photo! Perfect timing. Praying for Amber for a BETTER THAN EXPECTED recovery.

  16. amazed on February 27th, 2009 12:27 am

    Truly an amazing photograph! Kudos to Scott Harris for an outstanding action photo. My thoughts and prayers go out to Amber as I hope she makes a speedy recovery. I have to say I don’t know that I would have been able to hold on to the ball and still make the play. What an athlete!