Update: 20 Percent To Recycle; Most Have Cans

January 22, 2009

A little less than 20 percent of ECUA customers have signed up for their optional curbside recycling program, and most of those people now have their recycling container.

District 5 Emerald Coast Utilities Authority member Larry Walker says that as of last week, 13,934 customers had signed up for the once a week recycling pickups. Of those, Walker said 12,378 should have received their can by the end of the day last Monday.

The remaining 1,556 should have their recycling cans delivered by next Monday, January 26. Customers that ordered recycling containers by yesterday but after January 14 should have their cans by next Thursday.

Former Allied Waste customers in North Escambia can sign up for the free recycling container by calling 476-0480, emailing support@ecua.org, or downloading a sign-up form from ecua.org.

The new trash and recycling day for most former Allied Waste customers in North Escambia is Tuesday. A few former Allied customers east of Highway 29 and south of Kingsfield Road have Friday as their new pick-up day.

The collection service includes weekly garbage pickup, weekly pickup of recyclables, and weekly yard waste pickup. All services are provided on the same day of the week. In addition, bulky waste pickup service is available once each calendar month at no additional charge.

Trash pick-up in Century continues to be provided by Allied Waste under a contract with the town.

For complete information on the recycling program and ECUA service, click here (pdf).


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