the road to the crown Part Three

January 22, 2009



Today, it’s part three of our five part series “the road to the crown”. We are following 32 young ladies at Northview High School in their quest for the crown and the title of “Miss Northview High School” for 2009.

We’ve posted more photos today from Wednesday afternoon’s dress rehearsal. They are in black and white so we can show them to you without spoiling the excitement of seeing the gowns in their colorful splendor Saturday night. Plus we thought the black and white was just cool looking in a retro old-newspaper kind of way. See the photo gallery by clicking here.

All of the tickets for Saturday night’s pageant have been sold. The final practice is over. Our series “the road to the crown” will continue Friday and Saturday morning. We will introduce you to each girl and learn more about their accomplishments with a complete biography for all 32 contestants. The pageant is Saturday night at 7:00, and will have the new Miss Northview High School and all the photos here Sunday morning.

Click here to read part one of “the road to the crown”.
Click here to read part two of “the road to the crown”.



2 Responses to “the road to the crown Part Three”

  1. Veronica on January 22nd, 2009 6:37 pm

    Good luck to all of the girls! Try your best, but remember this is all in fun! At the end of the night, only one will win so just do your best and enjoy it!

    I was in your shoes a decade ago. There were girls that took pageantry too seriously and are now proud Hooters employees (no joke). The girls who thought it just might be something fun to try have moved on with life and followed dreams. Have fun, but keep in mind that beauty doesn’t equate to happiness.

  2. Tracy on January 22nd, 2009 6:07 pm

    Lauren Wilson Hope you win! Love you lots Tracy