State Representative Blasts Pensacola News Journal Editorial About Century, All For One

January 9, 2009

State Representative Greg Evers is blasting an editorial in the Pensacola News Journal that said the Century Town Council and Mayor Freddie McCall  are “too stuck in the past even to try to find a way out”.

The PNJ published the editorial Thursday morning. The editorial refers to Century rescinding a vote to support a county government consolidation study and the group Escambia All For One. The council voted to rescind the resolution at their last meeting.

Town council members voted to rescind their support based upon individual conversations with Evers, and admittedly did not contact members of Escambia All For One with concerns they had after talking to the Baker Republican. Read that story here.

You can read the entire PNJ editorial here.

The following is Ever’s response to that editorial:

I write in response to your Editorial of January 8, 2009, Century Votes for the Past. Your editorial inaccurately portrays my position on the issue of a consolidation study commission and the nature and contents of my conversations with City of Century and Escambia County officials.

In fact, I wholeheartedly support a meaningful, collaborative study of consolidation of governments and government services. I also support, however, the Constitution of Florida and the right of local governments and citizens to be fully-informed of the nature and impact of the public policy we make.

The legislative proposal that was submitted by All for One was unconstitutional and flawed. House local government staff advise me that the Legislature cannot constitutionally delegate unfettered authority to an unelected committee to formulate a consolidation policy proposal and then submit that policy proposal to the citizens for vote without the approval of final product by the Legislature. This is, contrary to what may have been represented to your editorial board, precisely the substance and effect of the original All for One proposal submitted to the Escambia County legislative delegation.

This lack of adequate oversight and approval by those who answer to the voters, instead of each other, was also the source of my own substantive concern with the original proposal. It was also the source I believe of the objections of Century city officials.

Since the second week of December I have met individually with every member of the Century City Commission and every member of the Escambia County Commission. As soon as I return to my district after the special session, I will be meeting with the newly-constituted membership of the Pensacola City Commission. I have also met several times and communicated extensively with the leadership of All for One, my fellow legislative delegation members and legislative staff. I have done all this not to “lobby” my own personal position but to determine the positions of the interested parties and, most importantly, my constituents. If the people I represent in Escambia County are considered a “special interest” by the Pensacola News Journal or All for One, then each is 100% correct that I am looking out for that special interest. And I will not apologize for it.

I will commit to keep working for a resolution that will allow meaningful, thorough study on consolidation to move forward where the recommendations of such study come back before the delegation, the interested local governing bodies and ultimately to the voters. This is what I understand was originally proposed by All for One to the City of Century and to our legislative delegation. But the written product before us does not currently match-up. When the legislation matches that proposal, I am confident that we will have a product we can ALL take pride in sending to the voters.

State Representative Greg Evers

District 1


4 Responses to “State Representative Blasts Pensacola News Journal Editorial About Century, All For One”

  1. gchavers on January 15th, 2009 7:13 pm

    i have the answer to combining pcola and the county.betcha they dont wanna hear it

  2. Loyal Century Citizen on January 9th, 2009 9:33 pm

    Every citizen living in rural Escambia County Florida has learned, based on history, if the Pensacola News Journal supports something or someone, it can’t be good.

  3. bob hudson on January 9th, 2009 10:10 am

    Mr.Greg Evers Thank you , This was a fail attempt by the civic elities (EAFO) to try and slide one by. Pensacola is broke and needs a cash cow. The PNJ is a joke to . This must have upset some of their (freinds)Well keep at it Greg at least some one is looking out for us.

  4. bama54 on January 9th, 2009 7:51 am

    Now that what I am talking about!! A man that will stand up for what is right. I look at the “All for One” like I do my telephone service. I “Do Not” bundle my services for the simple fact that when the systems goes down I don’t loose everything all at once. The same for “All for One” I don’t want what is good for Pensacola, may not be good for the “North” end of the county (9 mile rd north). I move to Baldwin county a few years back (fdue to work) and finally had a opportunity to move back to Escambia and I jumped at the chance. Man did I make a “big mistake”, because I thought Escambia County would finally turn things around and improve the community. Until the people of Escambia County demand more, you are only going to get the same or less from people we elect. DEMAND MORE AND TAKE NOTHING LESS THAN THE BEST!!