Molino ‘Queen Mother’ Leads Red Hat Ladies In Celebration

January 7, 2009


The ladies of the Red Hat Society recently held there second annual Christmas celebration at the American Legion 340 in Pensacola, complete with dancing, laughter and gifts for everyone. The mistress of ceremonies was Nan Johnson from Molino, the Queen Mother of the “Dazzzling Divas”.

The Red Hat Ladies are the ladies seen meeting together in red hats…there are often pink hats too. The red hats are for ladies over 50; the Pink Hatters are ladies that have not reached “the birthday” of 50. The purpose of the Red Hat Society, according to their web site, is to have fun.

“Little girls grow up, but they’re never too old to play dress-up and have tea parties,” the web site says.

From the “Dazzling Divas” to the “Classy Sassy Ladies of Gulfport, MS.”, everyone had their fair share of fun at the American Legion 340. Ladies that ranged from 65 to 90 danced to the music of a local band “The Dreamers”, doing the “Electric Slide” and the “Cha-Cha Shuffle”.

The Dazzzling Divas began the day with skits, gave out gifts to each lady present and enjoyed a wonderful lunch. The ladies were asked for things that brought back good memories. One of the memories was packages wrapped in brown paper tied with string. All the gifts were wrapped in brown paper with string. The ladies report a much larger turnout than last year.

Click here for more photos.

Pictured above: Queen Mother Nan Johnson (in the purple) from Molino in a Dazzzling Divas skit. Pictured below: The Red Hat ladies celebrate. Submitted photos for

Photos and story submitted by Tina Pendleton.



5 Responses to “Molino ‘Queen Mother’ Leads Red Hat Ladies In Celebration”

  1. Doris on January 14th, 2009 8:24 pm

    I need to have a ten minute skit on The Red Hat Society for our church’s Valentine Banquet in Trussville, AL.

    Any skit you have done that I could use?

    Thanks! Doris

  2. Nan Johnson on January 12th, 2009 8:59 am

    Hello., Brenda, you may contact me at Dazzzling with any questions you may have, or call me at 587-5422 Please leave a message, and I will be happy to return the call.

    Nikki, oh yes we certainly do go into Walmarts dressed “like that”,
    we have done parades, limos, concerterts, theaters, and travelled many many miles looking “like that” it is all part of enjoying the company of many interesting women, fun frollic and not falling into the “OLD” trap.

    Darla, you are exactly right, Our eldest member is 89 today, and proud of it, and the eldest lady at the Divas party was born in 1917. She is a grand lady and looks forward to attending the party each year…. so as long as you can anticipate and participate, you can enjoy being youthful……

    The Divas have been blessed with enjoying the company of women from Gulport to Destin at their parties, with lasting friendships and invitations to attend their great functions too…….in the wonderful world of Red Hats.

  3. Brenda on January 8th, 2009 9:22 am

    I would like information about this group; how to join and get involved. It sounds like a great opportunity to meet and make new friends.

  4. Darlene on January 7th, 2009 9:24 am

    I think this is great for these ladies to get together and have good clean fun, it will probadly help them live longer.

  5. Nikki on January 7th, 2009 7:07 am

    i wonder if they walk into walmart looking like that