Legislative Delegation To Once Again Consider Unified Goverment Plan

January 16, 2009

Another meeting of the Escambia County legislative delegation has been scheduled to discuss the plan by the group Escambia All For One to consolidate Escambia County government.

The meeting will held on Friday, January 23 at 6 p.m. at the Amos Performing Arts Studio at Pensacola Junior College. A spokesman for Rep. Greg Evers’ office says that final language for a legislative bill calling for a consolidation commission should be ready before the meeting.

Evers, Rep. Dave Murzin, Sen. Durell Peaden, Sen. Don Gaetz and Rep. Clay Ford are the local legislative members invited to the meeting.

Murzin spoke out somewhat in favor of exploring the the unified government plan at a legislative delegation meeting in early December. His spokesperson says that he is in favor of exploring the issue to determine potential benefits. Evers, and Peadin did not support the Escambia All For One proposal, saying that they still had questions about it. Gaetz did not attend the meeting because he was still in Tallahassee. Ford  missed the meeting because he was ill.

Escambia County, the City of Pensacola and the Town of Century all passed resolutions in favor of the consolidation. But the Town of Century later backed out and rescinded their support, with town officials saying that they were misled by All For One.


6 Responses to “Legislative Delegation To Once Again Consider Unified Goverment Plan”

  1. Jason Crawford on January 19th, 2009 1:33 pm

    All For One will hold two informational sessions this week to share information in preparation for Friday’s request to the legislature. The following meetings will be:

    Tues, Jan 20th at 5:30pm
    Walnut Hill Community Center, Commissioner White will be in attendance
    Wed, Jan 21st at 5:30pm
    New World Landing, Pensacola Room

    We are hosting these meetings that are open to the public to help share information and answer questions. We hope that you will be able to attend.

  2. bob hudson on January 19th, 2009 5:05 am

    supporters of eafo are now listed on their website. thank you.

  3. bob hudson on January 19th, 2009 4:09 am

    Really Chuck, can’t fund the maritime park, can’t fund it’s own ecat, non-working port ,city government is broke, Sorry but the city elities need to look else where for more money. IF consolidated goverment where to pass, why look at what the (new city residents )would get to fund. Consolitated government will not help the average person in the county. eafo only wants to grow government, and reduce one’s voice in government. Consolidated government only stress’ economic development , but it fails or mislead’s to the facts of who will pay for it. Pensacola is broke and can’t even manage to run it’s self, why should we believe that it could run a county also. Who are the ( members, concerned citizens) that are driving eafo.

  4. Chuck on January 17th, 2009 5:19 pm

    Bob, I hate to disappoint you but the city of Pensacola does not need Escambia’s money. You have to understand that the rank and file taxpayer does’nt compare ( property taxwise ) to the average pensacolian. A modest home in pensacola is valued at more than what you would probably think is an extravagant home in rural Escambia. The people in my first due territory on average pay four to six thousand dollars per year on taxes with some of the homes fetching 20 to 30 thousand dollars. Rural Escambia would be a tax burden to the city so fing another reason to exclude them.

  5. bob hudson on January 17th, 2009 4:18 am

    We do not need consolidated govrnment. We will be nothing more than a cash cow to what ever tourism projects that the city would want.Rember that the reason that they are meeting again is because eafo mislead our political leaders the first time. This group cannot be trusted.

  6. Jay on January 16th, 2009 8:11 pm

    Hey everybody, don’t rush into the “All For One” utopia because there is an underlying message that is stated loud and clear when the local state legislative body doesn’t fully endorse consolidationt.