Judge’s Order: No Prayer During School Events, No Religion In Schools

January 13, 2009

In connection with a lawsuit filed by the ACLU, a federal judge has issued preliminary injunction against any policy or practice that promotes prayer or religion in the Santa Rosa County School District. The ACLU has also requested documents concerning prayer from Escambia County Schools.

In August, the ACLU filed the lawsuit in federal court  against the school district. The suit alleged that Santa Rosa County Schools “persistently and persuasively promote their personal religious beliefs in the public schools and at school events”. Events specifically mentioned in the lawsuit, which was brought on behalf of two students at Pace High,  included baccalaureate services, prayers at graduations and other school events. The suit specifically sought an end to baccalaureate services.

“The School District ultimately did the right thing in admitting and accepting responsibility for its violations of students’ constitutional rights,” said Benjamin James Stevenson, principal litigator and staff attorney with the ACLU of Florida’s Northwest Regional office. “We are pleased with Friday’s decision, and we look forward to working with the defendants and the court to permanently bring the school district in line with the First Amendment.”

acluchurch10.jpgThe ACLU says that for 90 days, the temporary injunction issued by U.S. District Court Judge Casey Rodgers  prevents the school district from promoting or sponsoring prayers during school-sponsored events, including graduation; planning or financing religious baccalaureate services; holding school-sponsored events at religious venues when alternative locations are reasonably available; and prohibits school officials from promoting their personal religious beliefs in class or during school-sponsored events and activities. The order is effective January 19.

The lawsuit, which was filed in federal court in Pensacola, names specific events at several Santa  Rosa schools, including Jay. The suit states that Jay High School held an invocation and benediction prayer each year from 2004-2008 led by students from groups such as the Fellowship of Christian Athletes.  The ACLU also complains in the suit that Jay High School has held baccalaureate services that were religious in nature.

The ACLU has also requested documents from the Escambia County School District that might relate to religion or prayer. Specifically, the ACLA requested records from Escambia Schools about graduations and baccalaureate services. The ACLU public records requests also asked for the notes of all speakers at the event as well as any audio or video recordings of the events.  The ACLU request extends to all schools in Escambia County, including Northview High School.

“The ACLU may be successful at ending the freedom students currently possess to lead Christian prayers at school-sponsored events. The truth is that no man nor power, on the earth, under the earth or above the earth can stop true Christian parents and their children from praying and worshiping Jesus Christ in their homes,” Pastor Gary Wieborg of the First Baptist Church of Bratt told NorthEscambia.com after the lawsuit was filed. Wieborg was the speaker for Northview’s baccalaureate service last May.

Click here to read the ACLU’s lawsuit against Santa Rosa County (pdf).

Click here to read the ACLU’s public records request in Escambia County (pdf).

Pictured top: The Class of 2008 Baccalaureate Service at Northview High School. Pictured middle: A sign outside of the New Hope Assembly of God church on Chumuckla Highway just south of Jay. NorthEscambia.com file photos.


44 Responses to “Judge’s Order: No Prayer During School Events, No Religion In Schools”

  1. John Doe on May 13th, 2017 3:15 am

    Me and my family will pray whenever and wherever we choose to pray. God is the ultimate authority and we refuse to bow down to tyranny in any form.

  2. greg on August 30th, 2009 10:46 pm

    Ok , so if we all ban together and pray it is ok ? right? if kids ban together at school and pray it is illegal. hummmm wow. So let me get this straight no praying at school. Fine. Now if our students ALL get together and pray every day …… will they suspend the students? ALL OF THEM? I am aware that a 1 minute prayer (moment of silence ) is allowed. But how bout before each class? Before a meal? After class thanking GOD for a wonderfull learning experience? Will the entire student body be suspended? If so then the 2 students that complained would have the whole school to themselves … correct? I say lets do it, lets go above and beyond what is called for, lets use the power of prayer to lift us up and go beyond. All parents should go to school with there child each morning and pray … but not disrupt the school activity. Now if a crazed gun child came in and started shooting at our kids, would you pray? If a child was raped at school by another student would you pray?If your child was beaten by other students would you pray?If your child was introduced to drugs at his or her school would you pray? This is a moral issue for sure, taking prayer out of school is a great idea in a secular country …. yes? hummmm Okay dont pray and continue our downward spiral of corruption in our schools. Dont believe me ? HOW COME THEY HAVE A RIGHTS AND RULES doctrine? For those that say the school is a public place not a private place this is true. However there is no church that would turn you away is there?Yes govt. and schools are seperate about GOD IF YOU DONT BELIEVE ME JUST PULL A DOLLAR OR A COIN OUT OF YOUR POCKET. Look at the fine print……. IN GOD WE TRUST. YES you are correct in saying if the public pays taxes for schools then it should not be religious beliefs …. HELLO SIR YOUR IN GOD WE TRUST PUBLIC MONEY PAYS FOR OUR SCHOOLS. You sir are the single problem with our society . One in a million trying to dictate your twisted rights upon us Americans. Guess what sir there is a nice country out there looking for a few good men such as yourself. STAND UP AMERICA DEFEND IN GOD WE TRUST …….OR DO YOU ?

  3. William mc on August 2nd, 2009 6:39 pm

    The Federal judges need to be voted in or out.They and the ACLU will .destroy American.Call your congress.

  4. Sam on April 29th, 2009 3:48 pm

    While the Constitution doesn’t say “separation of Church and State”, it does say that the government will not set up a national religion. The problem when you have schools sponsoring prayer is that it violates the rights of other peoples’ religions. If you sponsor Christian prayer, you have to sponsor Islamic prayer, Judaic prayer, Buddhist prayer. The state cannot sponsor one religion over another. Period. It is a violation of personal freedoms. If a group of people want to pray before a game they’re welcome to. BUT it cannot be sponsored by the school or by any teacher or coach.

    It is pure ignorance to spout the ridiculous accusations of God-haters. It is possible to take a stand for freedom and still be a person of faith. I am actually a Christian myself. But, no matter how much you want to delude yourselves, the United States is NOT a country of Christianity. It is a country of every religion. I’m sorry you feel it is a personal sleight that you aren’t allowed to forcibly preach the Bible to everyone, but you don’t see major uprising about Islamic prayer not being allowed in schools, or Jews not getting koscher meat.

    The bottom line is this; Religion is a personal thing. School is a public thing. Personal and Private are two different things. Let’s keep them that way.

  5. Dennis Joned on April 29th, 2009 9:47 am

    Sorry gchavers, the Constitution does not say “Separation of Church and State”.
    You have heard this and assumed it is in the Constitution…but it is not. But what is in the Constitution is “Congress shall make no law establishing a state of religion NOR PROHIBITING the FREE EXERCISE thereof. Have you read that part? You need to read the Constitution for yourself instead of taking the quote
    Separation of Church and State that you have heard so many years, and is only put there by anti-religious people. The one on the courts that threw religion out of courts on this principle should be impeached because they have broken the Constitution.

  6. cudas on February 9th, 2009 10:27 am

    i think prayer in school should be allowed. it DOES NOT state in the constitution…… I SAY LET OUR STUDENTS PRAY!!!!

  7. Lyra Zeller on January 23rd, 2009 10:26 am

    1) Separation of Church and State is NOT in the Constitution. That statement is from a letter written by Thomas Jefferson. The Constitution states that: “CONGRESS shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, NOR prohibiting the free exercise there of.” I think Justice Scalia summerizes best, “freedom of religion, not freedom from religion.”
    2) When prayer is recited at a school event, or any other event, that is not the creation of a law. That is what was intended by the First Amendment; if people of their own free will choose to pray, they may. If they choose not to, they may not. By creating a precedent for banned prayers the state IS creating a de facto law concerning religion. The people are no longer free to exercise as they wish because the State said so.

  8. Darryl Hall on January 16th, 2009 9:53 am

    Some of you are right the Constitution does not say “separation of church and state” but it does say the government will not establish any one religion within the frame work of government and that there shall be no religious test for anyone running for office (how many wanted to trash that one this past election based on false rumors?). The bottom line is the forefathers, some of who were not Christians, but Diest, knew first hand the problems when a government establishes any one religion in its policies and framework. Look at England and its establishing of religion and how it has impacted its history, especially with Ireland, or look at southern Europe who in the middle ages allowed the Catholic Church to dominant public policy with the result being the inquisition where men, women and children (girls as young as 8 and boys as young as 9) where imprisoned for long periods of time, tortured (water torture being the most used which we call waterboarding today) and in some cases burning at the stake. Economically the region which gave us the Greek and Roman Empires, has never recovered from the church’s fight against scientific discoveries or other developments. So there are bigger issues here, and I know some will say Jews shouldn’t dictate policy because they are Jesus killers, but that, under scrunity of scholars and researchers, doesn’t hold up, and we need to be more accepting of others.

  9. gchavers on January 15th, 2009 6:35 pm

    the constitution says separation of church and state. some one saying a prayer at a sports event is not the church and the sports arena nor the school is the state.

  10. Clint Davis on January 15th, 2009 6:59 am

    You know, if an atheist is offended by prayer everyone has to stand down and give him/her what he/she wants. If a Christian is offended by the ruling of no prayer, then there’s nothing that can be done. This makes no sense to me. It’s as if the rights of one are more important than the rights of another. This wasn’t what our country was founded on. Separation of church and state doesn’t mean that you can’t do anything religious, it means that the state cannot set up a regulated religion. I don’t care what any judge says, I can pray any time I want to; that’s my God-given right and nobody’s allowed to take it away from me. Christians are supposed to be humble, but not complacent. And one final question for the world to answer: Why is it the ACLU will fight for everyone except a Christian? What did we do to them for them to discriminate against us? I thought they were for the civil liberties of all, not just a select few.

  11. bee on January 14th, 2009 3:59 pm

    What really shocks me is that there are so many “concerned” Christians in this area! Yet, when the garbage truck misses your garbage, you don’t get your recycling can, or the school super. doesn’t hire then all of you bash the heck out of them. You all sound a little like hypocrites, which may be why more people don’t attend your churches. You sure aren’t sounding like Christians when things don’t go your way. Prayer is a private matter between a person and God. Last time I checked, no one can control your private thoughts.

  12. Molino Dad on January 14th, 2009 3:34 pm

    SAD: I have no problem with a Baccalaureate, as long as all religions or non-religions are afforded the same opportunity to sponsor, promote and host alternative ceremonies. I am familar with the curricum, having attend K-12 in Escambia public schools and eight years of collage.

    Michael Peak: I also remember Susan Watson’s lawsuit, she is not an atheist, she is Jewish.

    “So much blood has been shed by the Church because of an omission from the Gospel: “Ye shall be indifferent as to what your neighbor’s religion is.” Not merely tolerant of it, but indifferent to it. Divinity is claimed for many religions; but no religion is great enough or divine enough to add that new law to its code.”
    - Mark Twain

  13. SAD on January 14th, 2009 12:22 pm

    Molino Dad: If an atheist group wanted to have a function for graduating seniors, do you really believe anyone would stop them?? Probably not. You miss the point. Educators cannot, legally, specifically endorse one particular religion in the classroom, nor can they sponsor or organize a religious school-related event. But parents, students, and community leaders can. Baccalaureate seems to be a real issue, but this event is not typically held during school hours and is usually promoted by religious leaders in the community, as well as the parents and students. True, there is a fine line, but once again it is about freedom of choice. Also, you state that religion should be taught only in church and home and not at school. Please get involved in your school and learn the curricula. Because this country was founded on religion (many sects), it is an intricate and necessary aspect of our history and literature. So what’s next for education? Will we eventually eliminate our history and lit classes, too–or just teach the parts that do not include why our founding fathers colonized this country?

  14. Mike Powers on January 14th, 2009 8:38 am

    Why is everyone so upset that their kids can’t be led in prayer at school? I thought that is what church was for. I thought the emphasis at school was supposed to be on learning worldly knowledge, not spiritual. Unless they are in philosophy or world religions class. Why are so many so called Christians so hateful toward the ACLU? Aren’t they supposed to be the example of how to forgive and accept?

  15. Michael Peak on January 13th, 2009 11:37 pm

    I am ashamed of our system for allowing this to happen. I have a child who attends pace high. It is a very good school, and the students are taught well. As for this b.s. about the teachers forcing religion on the students is absurd. I would like everyone to read the lawsuit. The first thing i noticed was( THE PARENTS ARE LISTED AS PARENT DOE1 AND PARENT DOE2- KIDS ARE MINORS, NOT THE PARENTS) SO WHY IS THEIR NAME NOT MENTIONED IN THIS SUIT.) That should be grounds for dismissal. And i would like to add-aclu is trying to destroy what this country was built on. Susan watson, you should be real proud of yourself, because i certainly remember your lawsuit several years ago in escambia county because you are an atheist against the school system. Guess what susan watson does these days, when back then she was a homemaker- Works for the good ole aclu

  16. A believer on January 13th, 2009 9:24 pm

    When they took pray out of our schools our children started getting killed. Where there is no presence of God, Satan will take over. What about the rights of the kids that want pray or religion taught in school, don’t their rights count also? When will we learn to put God first? Acknowledge Him

  17. Elizabeth on January 13th, 2009 8:56 pm

    The fear of the LORD is the beginning of wisdom: and the knowledge of the holy is understanding. –Proverbs 9:10

    Without God, there is no learning…bottom line.

  18. Chuck on January 13th, 2009 8:50 pm

    To everyone who keeps saying “seperation of chuch and state” please stop. There is no mention of “seperation of chuch and state” in the Constitution of the good ol USA. To the contrary, the very ammendment that permits us to read this story and type in comments states “Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free excercise thereof , or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press, or or the right to peaceably assemble and to petition the government for the redress of grievances”. That is the first ammendment, and it sounds as if Santa Rosa has had their right violated.

  19. Phillip on January 13th, 2009 8:48 pm

    “The ACLU also complains in the suit that Jay High School has held baccalaureate services that were religious in nature.”

    baccalaureate |ˌbakəˈlôrēit|

    3 a religious service held at some educational institutions before commencement, containing a farewell sermon to the graduating class.

    I am in awe at the completely ridiculous nature of this part of their complaint. The ACLU is upset that a religious service is religious in nature? It’s ridiculous. Students are not required to attend baccalaureate, it’s their choice. In fact, last year at Northview’s, a good many chose not too. Again, their choice. This isn’t about constitutional rights or faculty forcing their beliefs on students. The ACLU is simply on a campaign to secularize the world and wants any mention or recognition of God removed from the public sphere.

  20. Tina on January 13th, 2009 8:46 pm

    Well, ACLU filed on behalf of two students. Two students in how many students? Why can’t the two students that have issues just not participate in Baccleurate? It is not mandatory. We are definitely in times that are confusing for our children, but to have a specific group fighting the school on prayer this is just absolutely ridiculous. My children are 4 and 5 and before I let my kids get to the point where they have to deal with this crazy mess I will pull them out and home school them or better yet, I will go to the school and have prayer with them everyday as part of our freedom of choice and freedom of religion. Sorry off the soap box. I just think that people wonder what is going on in our world, and then we read this, no wonder our kids are losing all moral values. Some parents won’t step up to the plate and others just hope the video games will bide the time until there children are old enough to take care of themselves. Church and family values are becoming a thing of the past when they should be part of our future.

  21. Molino Mom on January 13th, 2009 7:48 pm

    This is absoulutely rediculous. I am a mother. A Christian mother at that. Very proud of it! And my child should be able to pray wherever, whenever she wants to. And I will continue to teach her just that. School is where we need the prayer. These children are our future. I mean really! I can’t believe the ACLU, The more we take God out of things, the worse this wold will become. If we as Christians don’t stand up ,, to these un–Godly people. I’ll tell you who is at risk. OUR CHILDREN. This is still America …Isn’t it? Prayer yes these people need prayer. I have seen miraculous things happen due to prayer , I have seen healing, I have seen changed hearts, and changed people. I pray that these people not only find prayer, but most importantly find Jesus Christ!! But we need to do something. Lets get involved people. Lets do something.

  22. mom of 3 on January 13th, 2009 5:10 pm

    I really don’t see what it hurts for a child that wants to pray to do so in school. I think if we all turned our focus more to God and prayer then this country wouldn’t be in the shape that it is in today. Keep removing God in everything and see what happens. I will continue to teach my kids to pray and if they choose to do so in school then so be and no one better say anything to them about it!!!!! Keep praying everyone…

  23. Molino Dad on January 13th, 2009 4:14 pm

    If a child wishes to pray in school, all he or she has to do is drop thier head and do it as long as they don’t disrupt the education process. If you want your children to have a religous upbringing, take them to church or send them to a private religous school. If you allow any school sanctioned religous activites of any one denomination, you must sanction religous activities of all denominations. You could not disallow the Wiccans, Satanist, Pagans or any other denomination from having equal access.

    To sum it up, religion belongs at home and in the church, not in the public classroom.

  24. John on January 13th, 2009 2:42 pm

    What everyone fails to see is that they DID NOT ban prayer from school, they banned FACULTY LED prayer from public school. Children can still pray and read bibles at lunch, at the flagpole, in the hallways, in the classroom before class starts and after it has ended. Children are also able to have STUDENT LED prayer groups and bible study clubs after school hours. As long as they don’t disrupt class time, they can pray anytime they want, and no one is trying to prohibit that. The only thing that has changed is that teachers cannot preach while they are acting in their official capacity as teachers. That’s it. Please read before you comment.

  25. L.A. Stevens on January 13th, 2009 2:13 pm

    To those idiots supporting the ACLU:
    It’s freedom OF religion, NOT freedom FROM religion!
    Student’s have every right to express their religion, whatever it is. If a Buddhist is the valedictorian, then they have every right to include in their speech how that impacts their lives. If that student is a Christian, same right. If that student is an atheist, same right.
    As for punishments, I have heard several stories of students being threatened by the school leaders that they must submit their speeches for approval prior to events and if they deviate from their approved speech they will not be given their diploma, or will face other disciplinary actions.
    It’s just ridiculous we let these judges reinterpret the laws of our land! They should be booted out of office and run out of town on a rail!

  26. EWMS Student on January 13th, 2009 1:41 pm

    I think that That we should have AT LEAST one religious class

  27. juanita watson on January 13th, 2009 1:39 pm

    It’s a very sad day. And the fact that people try to justify it by saying seperation of church and state is even more sad. That was implemented to stop government interference within the church, not the other way around. We may have suffered a small blow, but all in all we Christians still stand tall. My kids were their God shirts to school and say a belssing over there food.
    It just makes me sick to think what our Country is becoming. Pray for the ignorant and stay strong.

  28. SAD on January 13th, 2009 1:20 pm

    Unfortunately, there are laws regarding separation of church and state. However, for those of us who attended school thirty to forty years ago,–before “separation”– we can recognize the difference in school discipline and student behavior now compared to pre-separation. Religion does not have to be “forced down a student’s throat” in school, but that same student should have the right to pray or attend a function that includes prayer if he or she so chooses. It has always been my belief that one person’s rights end where another’s begin. For example, Baccalaureate is not a mandated function for graduates. If a senior is offended by prayer, simply do not attend. Baccalaureate is a religous function for graduates who believe that faith is as essential to their futures just as much as academics. As for ballgames and other activities where prayer may be included, I ask: if the person only drinks Coke and Pepsi is the only choice at this activity, would you not attend? Once again, choice. After all, this country is based on freedom of choice–and that initial historical choice was the freedom of religion. Isn’t it ironic, then, that our country in intent to try to separate church and state?

  29. Walnut Hill Resident on January 13th, 2009 11:48 am

    REMEMBER TO VOTE THIS IDIOTS OUT OF OFFICE WHEN ELECTION TIME COMES AND IF THEY WERE APPOINTED LETS GET THEM OUT. The quote to hell in a hand basket isn’t enough anymore. A few people are trying to take over this country and decide what you an I can do and not do. I say to Hell with them it is time to fight back. Call your congressperson and complain about it. Call anyone that you can. If you just want to sit on your butt and not call people then don’t complain about what you get. Just like voting if you don’t vote then shutup and take it. You could have made a difference but you were to busy or lazy to do it. “WE THE PEOPLE” Understand that we are the people that can make a difference if we stand together about what we believe. Why sit on your butt and let a few tell the rest of us what to do??? If I don’t like a TV show I change the channel. If I don’t like what someone does or says I can leave. They have a choice to get the blank out of Dodge if they don’t like it.

  30. Paul on January 13th, 2009 10:40 am

    The ACLU doesn’t believe in prayer, yet they are afraid of it. I don’t believe in the Easter Bunny but I’m not afraid of it. What does that tell you about these people? The only way to fight this attack on prayer is with prayer. As Christians we should pray about this and pray about it continuously. Put this on your prayer list at church, talk to your pastor about it. Shaking our heads and saying we’re going to hell in a hand basket won’t do anything to change our current course. Our God is a mighty God and the prayer of a righteous people is a powerful thing. Rulings by liberal, Anti-American, Anti-Christian judges will not change that. Pray for this nation and pray for our leaders, even if we don’t always agree with them. Prayer changes things and from what I’ve seen things need changing.

  31. Al on January 13th, 2009 10:38 am

    The “seperation of church and state” is to keep government out of religion, not religion out of government. A person would be more successful in having an atheist novel about ‘there is no God’ placed in the school library than the Holy Bible.
    Get ready to watch Christians “be fed to the lions” here in our own “Christian” nation… because the only thing you can’t say in public without ridicule or criminal charges is the name of Jesus.

  32. J.davis on January 13th, 2009 10:20 am

    Does no one understand the real issue? Separation of church and state? The school represents the government, and provides education to our students with funds collected from Taxes, Federal sources as well as other sources. When an organization operates with federal funds they agree to follow the federal laws. Private schools can have prayer, they do not use public funds to operate. Think of it like discrimination, a private organization can deny membership based on gender, race, religion, Etc. look at the boy scouts, the supreme court ruled the boy scouts were allowed to turn away potential members for being gay, female, or atheist.. The boy scouts are a private organization. The public library can not do this, but look how they are funded, public funds! Be an educated consumer and get the facts yourself here is a link where you can read more about the boy scouts discrimination. http://www.aclu.org/scotus/1999/11988prs20000628.html bottom line, the school district broke the rules and I am surprised there has not been a class action suite against them already.

  33. Tom on January 13th, 2009 10:06 am

    Contact ACLJ to defeat this order.

  34. tara on January 13th, 2009 9:56 am

    If I remember my history half right … They printed “In God We Trust” on our money for a reason. And why do we have to take prayer out of school, isn’t that being unfair to the ones wanting to pray. Isn’t the problem being solved for some actually creating problems for others? This is a circle proving idiots do exist. I’m not understanding why the kids praying have to be with out. If the people not wanting prayer were good people they would compromise the issue. But I guess the nonprayers have to prove they are the Big DooDoo!

  35. me on January 13th, 2009 9:13 am

    Just another thought. If prayer in school is such a big deal to some, why not let each school’s students decide.At the beginning of every school year,let each school vote.Have everything in there from prayer at football games to baccalaureate. Let the majority rule.I think this would be the fair way to decide.I also think the ACLU would be quite surprised by the outcome.Two people should not dictate to the masses.

  36. david moorer on January 13th, 2009 9:03 am

    It amazes me how 1 or 2 people can take prayer away from something and the millions that do pray interest is totally ignored. I believe that is the problem with the schools now. At least a big part of the problems is No prayer and No discipline. The kids have hell to look up to.

  37. Jeff on January 13th, 2009 8:56 am

    Seems to me that the “Doe’s” have forced their religious beliefs upon us; should we approach the ACLU to file suit against the Doe’s?

  38. A Christian on January 13th, 2009 8:45 am

    The ACLU needs to trust Jesus Christ as Savior! So many people don’t like this and that, but we don’t stop eating meat because someone is a vegetarian! Why must a few rule all others? Students you have the right to pray anywhere anytime! Keep praying the ACLU they need Christ.

  39. Marsha on January 13th, 2009 8:18 am

    Read the story. The School District, the superintendent and the principal ALL ADMITTED THAT THEY VIOLATED THE STUDENTS’ CONSTITUTIONAL RIGHTS.

  40. bama54 on January 13th, 2009 7:59 am

    This is just a couple of individuals pushing their beliefs on “No God”. Our country is going to hell in a hand basket and the majority of people don’t carry enough so say we have had enough.

  41. me on January 13th, 2009 7:29 am

    This was because of two students.What about the rights of the hundreds of others who want to pray?This is crazy, if they didn’t want to pray then they could have skipped the baccalaureate and at other functions just had a moment of silent reflection for themselves.But no, a few bad apples have to make an issue out of our God given rights to pray.Our country is going to hell . We Christians need to start standing up for our rights and stop accepting things that we know are wrong and sinful so as not to stir up controversy.We can’t expect this to just go away.We need to stand together and let the government know that they have no place in deciding when and if we can pray!

  42. William on January 13th, 2009 6:54 am

    John—Added the judge’s name, U.S. District Court Judge Casey Rodgers, to the article.

  43. ashley on January 13th, 2009 6:47 am

    What is the punishment if you pray in school? I understand the school can not force children to pray, but if a group of children get together and decide to, what can they really do about it?

  44. John Weaver on January 13th, 2009 1:24 am

    Amen, Bro. Wieborg. By the way, who was the judge. he obviously needs prayer, and leave it to the ACLU to help ruin society more.