ECUA Phone System Overwhelmed

January 7, 2009

ECUA says that their voluntary recycling program has been so popular that their phone lines are jammed with with people signing up — so they are asking customers to use the internet to contact them if at all possible.

“ECUA’s phone lines have been overwhelmed with incoming calls from customers eager to sign up,” said Natalie Bowers, ECUA spokesperson.

To help alleviate the busy signals, ECUA is asking customers with Internet access to sign up for the voluntary curbside recycling program in one of the following ways:

  • email with your name, address and daytime phone number, along with the desired recycling container size — 40, 64 or 90 gallon.
  • visit and download a form located on the “Sanitation Services” page. That form can be faxed or mailed to the ECUA.
  • phone lines hours have been extended to 7 p.m. “for as long as necessary”, Bowers said.

Pickup for North Escambia customers is Tuesdays. The pickup includes on 90 gallon trash container, yard waste and an option recyclables container up to 90 gallons. All three are picked up on Tuesday; the service is once per week.

“We at ECUA are doing everything in our power to make this service transition as smooth as possible, knowing that with any major change in operations there will be some inevitable difficulties. We thank all ECUA customers in advance for their patience and consideration,” Bowers said.


5 Responses to “ECUA Phone System Overwhelmed”

  1. ECUA supporter on January 7th, 2009 5:50 pm

    You said it L.A.Stevens! Just be patient ya’ll. I feel confident that ECUA will be good to deal with once things get settled.

  2. L.A. Stevens on January 7th, 2009 1:31 pm

    Has it occurred to anyone that if you’d just go ahead and start sorting your recyclables from your regular garbage, you could just put the recyclables in a trash bag in the garage or by the fence or whatever, until you get a recycling can? If you’d sort your trash, just like you claim you’re going to do when you get your can, it’s not a problem to store the recyclable items for a few weeks. They won’t stink or anything. What is the problem? Sounds like there are a few squeeky wheels who are looking for any excuse they can find to ask for free service and generally complain. I think the vast majority of the people are happy with the program and understand the complications ECUA is facing. This is a monumental undertaking in an extremely short amount of time. Look at how long and intensive the stupid “digital TV” upgrade has been drug out. Any big change takes time to implement, perhaps ECUA gave people too much credit for being able to get on board too quickly and accept change without so much griping.

  3. Karen on January 7th, 2009 11:15 am

    I wish they’d hire me to help answer their phones part time. There are no openings though. I lost my job and I’ d be so happy to have another I’d even be glad to talk to all the people who are upset.

  4. Get real on January 7th, 2009 8:44 am

    We were not ripped off. ECUA is taking over our trash service on short notice. It takes time to get everything running smooth. You should be happy that recycling is offered to you. This way you can help the environment. Unless you don’t care about the environment that you live in.

  5. Nikki on January 7th, 2009 7:07 am

    problaby overwhelmed with people wanting a recycling can. I called and asked for a refund. I am suppose to have a recylling can, so they missed half of my service yesterday. $17.99 a month divided by four weeks divided by two (trash + recycle) = $2.25. It ain’t much, but if we all ask for it, they will lose the money and notice the north end. larry walker ripped us off like we are some stupid country folks.