Amber Holland Crowned Miss Northview High

January 25, 2009



Miss Amber Holland, a senior, was named Miss Northview High School Saturday night. First Runner Up was Sarah Killam, a sophomore. Second Runner Up was Katie Mann, also a sophomore.

For a complete photo photo gallery with over 200 pictures from Saturday night’s pageant, click here.

With 32 contestants, the pageant came down to a top eight rather than the traditional top five. Top eight members were: Amber Holland, Sarah Killam, Katie Mann, Felicia Settle, Kayla Hall, Samantha Macks, Amanda Sellars, and Magen Weekly.

Other awards included: Miss Congeniality Courtney Merritt, Miss Hospitality Charleigh McPherson, Miss Physical Fitness Amber Holland, and Miss Poise and Appearance Sarah Killam.

The pageant was sponsored by teachers Anna Barry and Megan Carroll.

Miss Amber Holland was crowned Miss Northview High School tonight. First Runner Up was Sarah Killam, and Second Runner Up was Katie Mann. Pictured below: The girls of the Top 8 and other award winners. photos, click to enlarge.



16 Responses to “Amber Holland Crowned Miss Northview High”

  1. Somebody!!!:) on February 19th, 2009 1:22 pm

    Heyyyyy……..ha:)….i just wanted to leave a comment somewhere!!:)LOL….ne-ways everyone looks GREAT in this pic!!:)….I did not go to the pageant, but i still say u all did GREAT!!:P…….ByE ByE!!!:)~sOMEONE~HA:)smile

  2. 10 on January 31st, 2009 11:23 am

    Congrats Amber! You did amazing, and you deff deserved it!
    The pageant was amazing this year!

    But there’s always going to be those people who try to rain on your parade! But we all know that Amber deserved it. She worked insanely hard, and always gave it her all. THE PAGEANT WAS NOT RIGGED. And just because your disappointed that your girl didn’t get anything doesn’t mean you have to try to take the spotlight off of Amber!

    I love ya’ll.

    Can’t wait till next year!

  3. me on January 30th, 2009 4:36 pm

    Amber-Mac you looked gorgeous.

  4. Arelene "Lulu" Mack on January 28th, 2009 8:01 pm

    The Northview Pageant showcased some of the most beautiful, talented and hard-working young ladies in our area. Each one had the inner beauty, strength and courage required to stand before friends, family and strangers to present the best of young womanhood. Regardless of who received accolades or awards, you all were so lovely and glowing with youth and personal accomplishment. Miss Amber Holland is indeed a beauty queen and fine young lady–she will represent Northview High School very well. But so are you all. Congratulations! And thank you so much for sharing your grace and beauty. Long may you ALL reign!!!

  5. Olivia Godwin on January 28th, 2009 9:31 am

    First and foremost Amber you are amazing and you deserved the crown. If it was possible for everyone to win a crown there would be no point in having the pagaent. As a Northview graduate and a past Miss NHS I know how people can be if they arent chosen for something and they believe that they should have. Amber you did great during the pagaent and not only did you work hard Saturday night but you’ve work hard for 4 years!! Im so proud of you and love you so much! And all the other girls, you all excelled! I was amazed to watch you be so talented in the pagaent. And if people are saying mean things to any of you just brush it off because all it is, is jealousy. Just laugh it off and smile because deep down you all know your better than that. And to Charleigh McPherson, you amazed me Saturday. To be the only Freshman in the pagaent is a big accomplishment but to also be named Miss Hospitality is an even bigger accomplishment. I am so happy to was able to watch you and help you during this great time in your high school career. I look forward to see what wonderful things you are going to continue to do. I love you very much and am so proud of you, there just arent enough words to express it! Congrats to you all again and Amber just keep yout head up and be proud because you are Miss NHS 2009 not them!! :)

  6. MC on January 28th, 2009 7:24 am

    Amber, Congratulations on your performance and title Saturday night. You really shined. In addition, all of the young women in the NHS Pageant should be very proud of themselves. All of the families enjoyed a great evening.

    Magen Weekley’s Mother-Lisa

  7. MTSN (SU) Harrell on January 27th, 2009 5:21 pm

    Well miss NHS what a great idea. I would like to say as a Northview graduate congradulations to all the girls, but most specifcally to Amanda Sellars great job if there were more young ladies like you in this world it would be a far better place. Well great job to all good luck in all your ordeals and eventual succeses.

    MTSN Harrell John DeWayne O. USN

  8. Magen W. on January 27th, 2009 4:53 pm

    Well I would just like to congratulate Amber Holland on winning Miss NHS! For all of the people saying that she did not deserve it need to stop. Amber worked very hard, and deserved it. I would also like to congratulate everyone else in the pageant,top 8, and the award winners. I am so proud of all the girls, and everyone shined on Saturday night, no matter who won. We should all be happy for Amber, and without jealousy. She is a great person and does not deserve for people to put her down for her success. Congratulations Amber I’m so happy for you!

  9. Amber Holland on January 27th, 2009 3:24 pm

    First i would like to say congrats to everyone who had the courage to get on stage satuday and perform … you guys were AWSOME! I would like to say thanks to everyone who made that special night possible. Anna Barry and Megan Carroll you did a WONDERFUL JOB with everything. I would aslo like to appoligize to the people who did not believe I deserved the title of Miss NHS 2009. I just want everyone to know that i worked hard at every practice and gave it my all at show time … to the people who have made these past couple of days really hard to enjoy being crowned Miss NHS I have to say thankyou. You have not only shown me that people change but you have made me stronger! I know that no matter what anyone tries to say i believe i won fair and square. I can go to bed at night and know that im doing the right thing … can you do the same? This years pageant has been sooo much fun & i am so glad i finally have the chance to represent Northview High School. For the girls that are doing that pageant next year … GOOD LUCK! Enjoy every minute of it because once your a senior its a chance you will never get to experience again. So have fun and play fair. I LOVE YOU GUYS!!!!! :]]

  10. S.L.B on January 27th, 2009 8:15 am

    Amanda, I just wanted to let you know that your posted comment was awesome!

    You are such an inspiration and role model for the young people out there and what they say is really true, your actions do speak louder than words. In your case though, both of yours are speaking very loudly! (smile)

    Keep up the great work with your peers and my God bless you as you move forward to the next level of your life.

    Good Luck this weekend in Tallahasse…Hoo-rah!!!


  11. Amanda Sellars on January 25th, 2009 11:32 pm

    I would like to start by saying that i think all the girls that participated in Miss NHS did an amazing job. we all look beautiful and if you had as much fun as i did then you are a winner. :) To have fun is the reason that i decided to participate in Miss NHS this year. and i also wanted to surprise everyone. i kinda just popped out of no where. no one really expected the ex-football player to do any good in a pagent. but i did. i set a goal to reach the top 8 and i found success. yes i may not have won the title of Miss NHS but i had an amazing experience that i will never forget. this just goes to prove to all the people that think that miss nhs is just for the pretty cheerleaders, its not. i got into the top 8 without a bit of makeup on my face. my mother actually tried to get me to borrow some makeup from someone and i told her that if i were to do that then i would be tring to be something that im not. so i went out there makeup free. :) so if any girl at norhtview thinks that they dont belong in miss nhs i would tell them that they are wrong. never let anyone tell you that you cant do something. forget what people tell you and do what you know you can. next i would like to say congrats to Amber. love you girl! and lastly i would like to tell mrs. barry that she did a great job. i like the way that the pagent was set up and i feel that she allowed every girl the amount of practice that we needed. Thank you again.

  12. courtney c on January 25th, 2009 8:42 pm

    congrats guys!
    i love yall! =]]

  13. S.L.B on January 25th, 2009 10:57 am

    I want to congradulate all of the girls that partipated in the NHS Pageant, as I know it took alot of hours of sacrifice on thier part in order to practice and rehearse for the big night. You all looked very beautiful!

    A special congradulations goes out to Amber, Sarah and our special friend Miss. Katie Mann. We love you Katie!

  14. Olivia Godwin on January 25th, 2009 10:51 am

    im so happy for you amber and everyone else!!! i love you all!! :)

  15. Aunt Kay on January 25th, 2009 4:21 am

    You look beautiful, Sarah! I’m so proud of you! (p.s. I think you have my nose…..and I want it back! No, not really…it looks better on you anyway! LOL! :)

  16. courtney m on January 24th, 2009 11:42 pm

    i love you amber.
    you didnt great!!!