$1 Million In Improvements On The Way For Bratt, Ernest Ward

January 21, 2009

Almost $1 million in expansions are in the works for Bratt Elementary and Ernest Ward Middle schools.

With the impending closure of Carver/Century K-8 School, the Escambia County School Board is moving forward with plans to install modular classrooms at the two schools to provide extra space for the Carver/Century students that will be redistricted to the schools.

Plans call for five classrooms with included restrooms, five sinks and two closets to be installed at Bratt Elementary at a total cost of $440,006.

Ernest Ward Middle will receive five classrooms, two closets, and one 24 by 36 foot restroom facility at a total cost of $543,391.

The modular classrooms would be installed prior to the start of the 2009-2010 school year.

Superintendent Malcolm Thomas said he realizes that some people will not understand how he could recommend closure of Carver/Century to save $600,000 to $1 million per year and then spend nearly $1 million on the modular classrooms to house the students at other schools.

“You have realize that these modulars are a one time expense, while the losses at Carver/Century are a recurring expense year after year,” Thomas said. “If I overspend $1 million every year, that’s the kind of money that can be put into teacher salaries. The modulars are a one-time expense.”

Thomas said the modulars are not the “portables” that many adults remember from their days in school. Rather, he said, they are high quality near permanent type construction.


12 Responses to “$1 Million In Improvements On The Way For Bratt, Ernest Ward”

  1. taxpayer on January 27th, 2009 9:39 am

    Politics at it’s finest…………..and most are acting surprised about this issue? Still in all, most people are only looking out for their own little piece of the pie! not really what’s best for the Students……..Elections are only three years away!

  2. W.R. on January 26th, 2009 1:36 pm

    Yep! Spend a Dollar to save a dime. Same o Same o. Thanks Thomas you a real smart _ _ _!

  3. Carl on January 23rd, 2009 9:02 am

    I believe we need to sell the downtown administration building and put all of the employees in modular offices. The cuts and the sacrifices should start at the top. The children should be the last on the list . Oh I forgot the children do not matter, it is all about how can we get more money for Teachers.

  4. Jay on January 23rd, 2009 6:07 am

    Redhead, Have you actually stepped inside one of these new modular classroom buildings, or are you just giving us hearsay from your friend at Ransom? These new modular facilities are considered permanent structures and they don’t have wheels like portables.

  5. Redhead on January 21st, 2009 7:33 pm

    Well let me tell ya about those modular classrooms aka portables. LOL Don’t cha just love it how when they change the name of things they think its also a new definition. NOT! I hae a friend who teaches at Ransom Middle School and she has been there 3 years and her modular classroom includes a bathroom but here is the kicker its not plumbed which means the facilities don’t work in her modular so they must go into one of the main buildings rain or shine to use the facilities there. Also when she got to Ransom she went on the weekends and painted it herself because she had the great honor of getting the old Art classroom to teach English in. LOL She said her eyes just about popped out of her head because of the colors. Also she spent this money out of her own pocket school didn’t pay a d*** dime sounds just like em don’t it.

  6. speechless!! on January 21st, 2009 2:53 pm

    Maybe to save money we can move the portables that Carver/Century are currently using to Bratt and/or Ernest Ward. Then the student should feel right at home. Well, maybe not, the enrollment there is so low that all the students may be inside by now.

  7. speechless!! on January 21st, 2009 2:40 pm

    I am speechless……..please read these things a little more carefully. Those kinds of comments are the ones that keep the pot stirred. No one is trying to separate the students in the schools when they arrive. As for being in portables, There are not many schools in this county that do not already have portables. I fail to see the problem there. Both of my Children, who are both honor students, have been educated in a protable in this county. I promise you they have NOT suffered because of it.

    I truly feel for Century but the writing has been on the wall for YEARS. It is time to move on and make this a positive thing for the children. They will feed off of whatever attitude you have!!!

  8. Jay on January 21st, 2009 1:57 pm

    Even if it cost $1 million, it’s still cheaper than the $1.6 million it is going to cost to run Carver/Century this year. Besides, next year the students will have great school’s to attend.

  9. me on January 21st, 2009 12:11 pm

    The portables are not just for Century/Carver students. They will be used by everyone.

  10. Malarie on January 21st, 2009 11:43 am

    Why should the children from Carver/Century be poked into all of the portables. I feel it should divided. After all we are uprooting those children to begin with. If you want to make them feel welcome, don’t keep them seperated from the other students.

  11. Jerry Simmons on January 21st, 2009 10:20 am

    I can’t help but think that is doublespeak. “Saving money and putting the children first?”
    Do you mean there will be NO recurring expenses to maintain these “semi” permanent buildings?
    Sounds like false economics to me to save a few bucks, but yet put an entiure community at risk.
    Oh well – sounds like the old campaign promise of “getting a town back on its feet” and then building new sidewalks for them.

  12. Shaun on January 21st, 2009 9:07 am

    Just what I expected to happen. Malcom Thomas fantastic job sir. These modulars are a one time expense eh? So I assume in two – three years these portable junkables will have to be done away with and build onto the structure itself right? Yay Scool Board wise Choice.