ECUA Finalizes North Escambia Service; In January Your New Trash Day Will Be Tuesday

December 16, 2008

 ecuadays.jpgIf you have trash service at your home in North Escambia, your new trash pickup day come January will be Tuesday.

The Emerald Coast Utilities Authority has announced final plans and pickup days for their new residential waste and curbside recycling program to be implemented on January All Allied Waste customers in North Escambia, except those in the Town of Century, will become ECUA customers. Pickup day for all customers north of Kingsfield Road will be Tuesday.

ECUA customers in North Escambia will receive the same services offered to current ECUA residential customers, including yard waste pickup and free once-per-month bulky waste pickup services.

One a week curbside recycling will be available to every ECUA sanitation customer on a voluntary basis at no additional charge. To participate in the recycling program, call ECUA at 476-0480. The recycling can will also be picked up on Tuesdays.

The rate for ECUA service will be $17.99 per month, a reduction from $19.62 charged by Allied Waste. A small fuel charge will be added to the base rate. ECUA will offer a seniors rate of $15.08 to households in which the ECUA account is in the name of a resident who is 65 years old or older. To receive this reduced rate, one must accept use of a 60-gallon can rather than the standard 90-gallon can, and the customer must contact the ECUA Customer Service Department at 476-0480, to request the Seniors rate. A “lifeline” rate will be offered at $8.57 per month for very low income customers.

“After ECUA expands its garbage-collection service into the Allied area after January 1, ECUA will have only one garbage-collection program with only one level of service and one monthly price in its entire service area,” ECUA District 5 Representative Larry Walker said. “All of these program features will be uniform throughout the entire ECUA service area to all 73,000 customer households.”


19 Responses to “ECUA Finalizes North Escambia Service; In January Your New Trash Day Will Be Tuesday”

  1. kristi on January 7th, 2009 3:00 pm

    to the what no answer, same here I’ve been trying to call since the 29th, it rings then nothing..I hear nothing.. so I hang up try again..samething all day

  2. Cheryl on December 19th, 2008 6:17 pm

    Is anyone else being told by ECUA on the phone that they won’t have their recycling can for 4 to 5 weeks AFTER this ECUA take-over occurs? We were told that if we have more garbage than 1 can once a week we have to dispose of it ourselves. They won’t take plastic bags beside the can. Anyone else hearing this too?

  3. Sailing_Faith on December 18th, 2008 6:28 pm

    Umm… did anyone else notice the the “reduction from $19.62 charged by Allied Waste” is payment for exactly 1/2 the service? Sure wish I could use the same formula to pay my property taxes…..

    For those who did not catch it, we get TWO 90 gallon pick ups with Allied, where we will get ONE pick up with ECUA…..

  4. LULU on December 18th, 2008 7:58 am

    Well Analee, I have my facts straight…you can choose between a 40, 60 or 90 gallon can. Most of the allied cans are 90 gallons. So, choose the 90 gallon size and it’s the same.

  5. ANALEE on December 18th, 2008 6:28 am

    no it’s not the “same service” the recycle can is much smaller than a regular can so lulu get you facts straight 1 and 1/2 cans is not the same as 2 cans and the price is still bugging me i think i’m with susan on boycott if we start smelling bad enough they will do what’s right

  6. Cheryl on December 18th, 2008 6:14 am

    My husband finally got his call through to ECUA to order a recycling bin and was told we wouldn’t receive it until the end of January or first week of February! Great service-charge me for 4-5 weeks for something I’m not getting! Not a very good first impression ECUA………….

  7. S.L.B on December 17th, 2008 9:33 pm

    The outcome of this program ought to be real interesting…cannot wait…NOT!

    Our side roadways already look like crap on the northend, with garbage everywhere from low-life people that insist on littering. Hope that doesn’t get worse now!

    And lets hope that the ECUA garbage trucks remember to close their bin-holes, so that garbage doesn’t do like it has been doing with Allied Waste trucks, flying out and littering our roadways even more than what people are doing.

    By the time they get to the dump, their loads are much little lighter!

    Garbage and Litter is a sore subject for our family!

  8. Concerned on December 17th, 2008 7:01 am

    I think Larry Walker did this so he could say he did something. Change we have to live with or something like that.

  9. bratt resident on December 16th, 2008 1:39 pm

    Well, we have twins in diapers in our household and you can’t recycle diapers. Can you imagine the amount of garbage that entails and the smell if it only gets picked up once a week? This deal reeks already to me!

  10. me on December 16th, 2008 12:52 pm

    I don’t have time to seperate my garbage, I have children and a job. I also don’t go out to the garbage can unless I have a full bag inside, then I take it outside, I also don’t have room in my house for an extra can to put my recycle garbage in. I don’t like the once a week garbage pickup, I have a baby in diapers and with the twice a week pickup our garbage can is always full.

  11. LULU on December 16th, 2008 11:12 am

    I just don’t understand why people don’t get this. One can twice a week or two cans one a week…it’s still two cans a week! It doesn’t cost any more to recycle. It’s NOT LESS service.

  12. Susan on December 16th, 2008 10:02 am

    This is insane. Same amount of money basically and less service. My trash will be overflowing with just once a week service. Guess I will discontinue service and get a burn can! We all need to boycott!

  13. LULU on December 16th, 2008 9:14 am

    I called ECUA yesterday to request a recycling can. The phone did ring a long time (after I pressed the #1), but I held on and it was finally answered. The lady I talked to was very polite and helpful…she said they are having a huge response to the recycling program and are very busy. So, if you call, just be patient. Change can take a little while to get used to, but I really do think this will be a positive thing. If you go with the recycling plan you are not giving up any service…they will still pick up two cans a week, but you only have to remember to put them out once a week. I for one am excited to start recycling and help this environment that I live in.

    DM now you don’t have to take your other recycling to drop offs.

    C’mon people try to be positive!!

  14. bama54 on December 16th, 2008 8:21 am

    Please don’t throw your extra trash on the road ways when your trash can is full (let say after Thanksgiving/Christmas/New Years)! You know we only have pick-up once a week starting in January so please don’t burn your extra trash in the backyard when your trash can is full help keep Escambia County clean!! Larry Walker you have done a great job in getting this service to the northern part of the county. Now we need jobs in the northern part of the county say Cantonment North!!

  15. Mr. Molino on December 16th, 2008 7:35 am

    If you want to pay your bill with a credit card online, they charge you another $1.95 !!! IF you make your payment online every month for a year, that’s another $23.40 a year! What a ripoff!

    You could pay Allied Waste with a credit card with no fee and have it credited to your account instantly. I can pay my loans, power bill, water bill, phone bill, TV bill and even my kid’s school lunches online without paying another $1.95 for the pleasure of giving them my hard earned money.

    ECUA does not realize this is 2008. They still charge for credit cards online. I don’t write checks to anybody.

  16. DM on December 16th, 2008 7:33 am

    I have to agree with Analee, after thinking it through If they only pick up once a week , I will have to pick up garbage from the nieghbors dogs getting in my trash more often , and I already recycle, I save my aluminum and take it to the scrap yard, where I benefit from the proceeds & I already drop my other at recycling drop off sites.

  17. What?No service? on December 16th, 2008 7:25 am

    Anyone else attempted to call the ECUA number above and not gotten an answer? I have…several times throughout the day yesterday. I called to request the can needed for recycling and after receiving a recorded message to press various numbers for help, it just rings and rings. Is this the level of service we should expect in the future from ECUA? Somehow, I believe it is. Pity…

  18. Facts on December 16th, 2008 7:01 am

    You are not thinking it through. If you recycle you will have the same service for less, and help the environment. You do live in this environment.

  19. ANALEE on December 16th, 2008 6:08 am