Gov. Gives State Employees A Gift – Two Extra Paid Days Off

December 23, 2008

State employees got a little present from Gov. Charlies Crist — two extra paid days off — as a token of his appreciation.

The employees will get the day after Christmas and the day after New Year’s off with pay. Many employees typically use personal leave or vacation time to take those days off anyway.

The days off are in appreciation of a job well done by state employees in the past year, Crist said.

“I thank Florida’s state employees for their dedication and the many sacrifices they make on behalf of our great state and Floridians. During this joyous season of hope, I look forward to working with each and every one to prosper Florida’s future,” Crist said. “There is no higher call than service to our fellow man, and state employees each day selflessly serve the people of Florida.”

State employees that must work the two days, such as state troopers and prison guards, will be able to take two extra days off before the budget years ends on June 30.

The Department of Management Services estimates that the two day closure of state offices will save about a half million in utility costs. The two day payroll for the employees will amount to about a $30 million expense.

Some of Crist’s advisors have been considering a two week unpaid furlough for state employees over the next year to help avoid a projected $2.3 billion budget shortfall.


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