Former Walnut Hill Firefighter Named Foley Fire Department Chief

December 1, 2008

darby10.jpgA former member of the Walnut Hill Volunteer Fire Department has accepted the job of chief of the Foley (Ala.) Fire Department.

Joey Darby began his firefighting career with the Walnut Hill Volunteer Fire Department in 1992 while he was senior at Ernest Ward High School. He worked his way up through the ranks, and he currently serves as a battalion chief for the Auburn (Ala.) Fire Department.

“Firefighting became a part of me then,” Darby told by phone from Auburn. “I spent a lot of time with Walnut Hill. They were and still are a great bunch of people.”

His volunteer career saw his service begin under recently retired Chief Robert Stewart, a man that Darby still admires.

“I learned a lot from Chief Stewart and from the guys in Walnut Hill,” he said. “Anytime you cut your teeth on something, you become passionate about it. I will never forget the experience I gained in Walnut Hill and the lessons I learned.”

As a young firefighter, Darby was allowed to leave Ernest Ward and answer fire department calls during the day, he said.

Darby was, and still is, happy to be a battalion chief in Auburn. But when he saw the job listing for the Foley chief job, he knew it was an opportunity to get back closer to North Escambia. Foley delayed making a choice from their 75 applicants until after the election. They narrowed the pool to a short list of six and conducted interviews before offering Darby the job.

“I didn’t base this decision just on personal gratification, but on professional opportunity,” he said. “At this stage of my career, it was the thing to do. But the benefits to be back near home were a plus.”

At chief of the Foley Department, Darby will supervise 15 paid firefighters and about 20 volunteers. His first day on the job will be January 5.

Darby is the son of Bill and Jackie Darby of Oak Grove.

Submitted photo.


6 Responses to “Former Walnut Hill Firefighter Named Foley Fire Department Chief”

  1. Patsy Brown on December 2nd, 2008 5:27 pm

    Congratulations Joey! All the hard work has paid off. After living in that area for 19 years I can say Foley is a great place to raise a family. Your Uncle Bill and Aunt Dot would be very proud of the man you have become as I am!

  2. Stuart on December 1st, 2008 9:29 pm

    Congratulations Joey!

    It’s great to see you take advantage of the hard work and leadership that you have displayed through the years.

    I know many who wish you great success in your new position.

  3. Jon Jantz on December 1st, 2008 11:49 am

    Congratulations, Joey!!! Long time, no see… Glad Foley had the smarts to hire someone of your caliber for Chief.

  4. Tracey on December 1st, 2008 11:16 am

    Congrats Joey! I know your family is happy for your promotion and having the grandbaby closer to spoil!!!

  5. Kristi Hughes on December 1st, 2008 9:11 am

    Yay Joey! Mom told me of your new position a few weeks before Thanksgiving. I am sure everyone is really excited for you to be closer to home again.

  6. Mr. Molino on December 1st, 2008 8:23 am

    Walnut Hill’s fire department knows how to raise ‘em right. The people of Foley will be well served, and I’ll feel good knowing that he’s in charge while my wife is over there spending all my money at those outlet stores.