ECAT Director Fired After Allegations County Employees Used To Restore His Boat

December 18, 2008


The manager of the county’s public transportation program has been fired after a video surfaced on YouTube that alleged he used county employees and prisoners to restore his boat.

ECAT General Manager Travis Lakin was fired after an investigation by Veolia Transportation, the company that runs ECAT for the county.

The video alleges that the county employees took about two months to restore Lakin’s antique boat.

A fire ECAT employee, Nicholas Alford, posted the video that includes cell phone photos of the boat restoration at an ECAT facility. The video claims that the restoration used $800 in paint, $140 in parts and $1,800 in employee labor. The video also claims that a county commissioner was informed of the situation and did not investigate.

Lakin was first suspended by Veolia prior to their investigation and his eventual termination.

The YouTube video is below. Click to play. (If you do not see the video, it is being blocked by your employer or school.)


4 Responses to “ECAT Director Fired After Allegations County Employees Used To Restore His Boat”

  1. DNB on December 18th, 2008 12:52 pm

    What great payback! Excellent job at executing this whole matter.

  2. jeeperman on December 17th, 2008 6:12 pm

    Lakin “got quit” Wed. afternoon 12/17/2008

  3. BMG on December 16th, 2008 7:46 pm

    Pure genious whoever made this video–congratulations! What is even funnier than the video is the fact that “the man” probably thought you were the stupid one, jokes on him. Classic, perfect revenge for an injustice that would have gone pushed under some rug as a disgruntaled employee. Proving once again, what our leadership is capable of. What a gottcha moment. Loved it!!!

  4. Jessie on December 16th, 2008 4:07 pm

    all these guys think they are above the law.. this is great …