Early Retirements Cost Escambia County $2.6 Million

December 15, 2008

Escambia County has spent over $2.6 million on a early retirement buyout program implemented earlier this year to trim the county payroll, with six employees receiving payments in the six digits.

The early retirement plan provided a financial incentive to take an early retirement for employees that were at least 50 years old or had at least 30 years of qualified service (25 years for high risk employees). The early retirements were offered by the county commission in an effort to trim $12 million from the county budget.

earlyretirefront.jpgFormer EMA Director Janice Kilgore’s early retirement was the county’s most expensive, with a $229,789.63 total cost include fringe benefits. The total early retirement cost for Donald Mayo, former director of building inspections, was $220,604.87. Other six figure early retirement buyouts included: Larry Overton, road and bridges director: $177,862.50; Robert Jacobson, director of information resources, $144,276.32;  Duane Chase, director of roads and bridges, $141,840,62; and Charles Walker, chief of code enforcement $113, 240.00.

A total of 37 employees took the early retirement buyout. The lowest dollar payout was $13,127.35 to William Miskiewicz, a plans examiner.

The total cost to the county included $2,368,649 in salaries. That amount included $1,647,768 in retirement incentives, $60,133 in severance pay, $258,838 in annual leave pay, $325,221 in sick leave/paid time off pay, and $76,689 in MOB leave.

Fringe benefits cost $301,696. That amount included $135,294 in FICA tax, $31,258 in retirement costs, and $135,145 in insurance.

For a complete list of employees taking early retirement and a cost breakdown per employee, click here.


One Response to “Early Retirements Cost Escambia County $2.6 Million”

  1. jeeperman on December 17th, 2008 6:01 pm

    How much will the county save per year??? Is there a net savings if everyone is promoted and the vacancy at the bottom is filled?