County Considers Gas Tax To Fund ECAT Mass Transit

December 4, 2008

The Escambia County Commission is considering adding a gasoline tax to keep Escambia County Area Transit (ECAT) buses on the road.

The county currently kicks in about $2.7 million of ECAT’s annual $7.6 million budget. But with an rising number of passengers and a potential decrease in state and federal funding, ECAT officials are looking for more dollars.

Commissioner Grover Robinson said the gas tax would be a viable option. Commissioner Gene Valentino concurred, saying that he does not want to pull money from the general fund for ECAT.

The commission will consider the gas tax at a future meeting.

Since January 2008, ridership on ECAT’s mass transit buses has increased by 25 percent.


3 Responses to “County Considers Gas Tax To Fund ECAT Mass Transit”

  1. john henry on December 10th, 2008 2:33 pm

    ECAT only employs 10 drivers . with a 7.6 million budget that eqautes to 760,000 dollars per driver . something is wrong with ECAT managment. ECATS quit crying and manage yourself on your budget you are alloted by the state . we all must cut back sometimes , now is your time

  2. Carl on December 6th, 2008 7:42 am

    No gas tax. I am tired of every time some one needs money the county wants to raise taxes. I wish some poor people would run for office. They would know how to run the county on a budget. Better yet get rid of the $60,000 plus a yr salary and get some people in office that wants to serve the people and cares about the welfare of this county. Wishful thinking I know. The rich gets richer and the poor gets taxed to death.

  3. John on December 4th, 2008 9:25 pm

    If any of you commissioners are reading this…. I am AGAINST a fuel tax of any kind.
    ECAT needs to learn to turn a profit, or at least break even.