County Approves New Stipend Payment Plan For Volunteer Firefighters

December 13, 2008


The Escambia Commission has approved a new stipend payment policy for volunteer firefighters, with monthly payments of $100 to $550 for firefighters that answer calls and complete basic requirements.

The county budget for stipend payments was increased from $675,000 last year to $982,989 this year in order to meet the anticipated increase in cost due to the policy.

The plan provides payments to volunteers to help offset their expenses such as fuel.

Under the plan, a Firefighter Trainee will receive $100 per month, if he or she has completed a 12 hour orientation course and obtains Firefighter I within one year of joining Escambia Fire-Rescue.

A certified Firefighter I or II will receive $300 per month. A certified lieutenant will receive $350 per month, and a captain will receive $400 per month. An assistant district chief’s stipend will be $450 per month, and a district chief will receive $550.

The stipend policy is retroactive to November 1. The county created one unified fire department, rather than separate volunteer departments, on October 1. Commissioners have state many times that a volunteer systems with stipend payments saves the county a lot of money versus an all-paid department.

A 2007 volunteer fire department audit found that stipend payment policies were confusing, and it was recommended that they be simplified. At that time, the commission directed Escambia Fire-Rescue Chief Ken Perkins and Assistant Chief Robbie Whitfield to work with the Volunteer Firefighter’s Association to simplify the guidelines.

In order to receive the payments, a firefighter must meet qualifications for their position and respond to 25 percent of their department’s first 50 calls per month and 12.5% of all calls over 50 per month.

The policy also provides for a retention incentive during the firefighter’s anniversary year as follows:

5 years of service: $200
10 years of service: $400
15 years of service: $600
20 years of service: $900
25 years of service” $1,200

The stipend policy also allows payment of up to $500 per firefighter to extended services follow an extended disaster such as a hurricane.

Click here to read the complete stipend policy in pdf format


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