Council Makes Gas Reading Changes, Names Ballpark

December 4, 2008

The Century Town Council will be changing the date gas meters in the town are read.

Months ago, the meters were read on the 15th of each month. That was changed to the 25th of the month at a meeting several months ago.

But that has not allowed sufficient time for the information to be entered into the billing system, Mayor Freddie McCall said. On a recommendation by council member Gary Riley, the meter reading date will be changed to the 18th of the month.

In other business, the Century Town Council:

  • voted to name the little league ballpark on Church Street the “Lloyd Barrow Ballpark”. Barrow was instrumental in building the park, even contributing his own money for construction. He is also a long-time little league coach. He is currently suffering from medical problems that no longer allow him to coach.
  • voted to allow the Century Branch Library to use the council chamber at town hall for a story time on December 18. Over 160 children attended the library’s Christmas story time last year, according to council member and library employee Nadine McCaw. The children were not able to safely or comfortably fit into the library for the story time portion of the event.


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