Commission Bails Out Clerks Office With Up To $400,000

December 19, 2008

The Escambia County Commission will bail out county’s Clerk of the Court out of his financial mess, but the county wants some oversight into how he spends the money.

Clerk Ernie Lee Magaha asked the commission for $400,000 for non-court operations, including staff payroll. Magaha’s office is about $60,000 in the hole so far this fiscal years. The clerk says that is because filing and recording fees are down because of a drop in real estate construction and  transactions in the county.

The commission voted to help Magaha with his budget, up to $400,000 for the remainder of the fiscal year. The money can only be used for non-court operations. In exchange, the couty wants to oversight into how the money is spent, a prospect Magaha says he is not happy with.


5 Responses to “Commission Bails Out Clerks Office With Up To $400,000”

  1. Terri Sanders on December 19th, 2008 9:56 pm

    Does my memory fail me but wasn’t this the same guy who gave his office some extravagant bonuses last year? Everybody wants a bail is easier than managing your money better or operating within your budget…

  2. jeeperman on December 19th, 2008 5:06 pm

    the BOCC wants oversight on the $400k as payback for the many times that Magaha has shot down, stiffled or refused to payout on certain things the BOCC wanted to do in recent years. Payback is hell Mr. Magaha, if you don’t want to play don’t get into the game.

  3. Robert E on December 19th, 2008 9:41 am

    Everybody answers to somebody. Mr. Magaha is no exception. You know the story, from the beginning of time. It rolls downhill.

  4. Rod on December 19th, 2008 6:49 am

    Oversight is never a bad idea.

    As far as a “best management practices course” Mr. Magaha has, in previous years, returned unused funds from his budget back into the County coffers.

    I think that he has been an excellent steward of our taxpayer dollars.

  5. Jay on December 19th, 2008 5:25 am

    Magaha needs to get over himself with not being happy with the BOCC’s oversight of the $400K. By the way, just what does “non-court operations” really mean? Does this include new carpet and hard wood desks for all the judges and deputy clerks. Here’s a thought; the BOCC should require Magaha attend and pass a best management practices course prior to authorizing the funds. Keep in mind Mr. Magaha that you shouln’t bite the hand that feeds you!