Century Man Shot By Off-Duty Cop At Bar

December 28, 2008

A Century man was shot by an off-duty Foley police officer early Saturday morning in a Pensacola bar in an apparent racial altercation.

Johnny Cloud, 37, of Century, was shot once in the abdomen by off-duty Foley officer Maurice Wiley at Boomerzzz Lounge on New Warrington Road in Pensacola about 2:30 Saturday morning.

Wiley, who is black, entered the lounge about 2:30, and three white men began making racial slurs, according to a news release from the Foley Police Department. Wiley decided to leave bar after one of the three men said he was going to get a pistol, but he was confronted by the three men in the parking lot, according to the Foley release.

Cloud allegedly tried to sneak up behind Wiley with a knife. That’s when Wiley identified himself as a police officer, and ordered Cloud to drop the knife. When Cloud continued toward Wiley, Wiley fired a single shot that hit Cloud in the abdomen, according to authorities.

Cloud was transported to Baptist Hospital where he was listed in critical condition Saturday night.

Escambia deputies said Cloud will likely face aggravated assault charges for the attack on the Foley officer.

Escambia authorities say several witnesses confirmed Wiley’s story.

No charges had been filed in the incident as of late Saturday night.

Wiley has been placed on paid administrative leave by the Foley Police Department.


15 Responses to “Century Man Shot By Off-Duty Cop At Bar”

  1. the mom on March 16th, 2009 3:15 pm

    The sad thing about all of this is my child will grow up with out a dad and hopefully this is all gone before she is old enough to read it

  2. Brian on January 10th, 2009 12:14 am

    I cannot believe some of people’s ways of thinking. Who cares what state he was from. This isn’t a Communist Country where we need papers to cross a state line. The point is someone came after him with a knife. I don’t care if he was an off duty cop or a civilian. He should not be reprimanded in the least. The only fault I can find was in his shooting,… should have been a double tap to the head. Why are people focused on who would have drove him home or who’s gun it might have been. It’s a shame people still would go after someone with a knife, and if more people responded with self defense such as this then it would be a lot safer for others to go out and enjoy themselves.

  3. Richey Rich on December 31st, 2008 9:09 pm

    My Daddy always told me to never bring a knife to gun fight, you will lose every time. He also said to never pull a gun on anyone unless you plan to use it. Seems like Wiley used that reasoning in this case. Gun wins. The biggest fear we all should have, is when Osama Obama starts taking all our guns and Law Enforcement will be the only ones able to defend themselves in private life. Think about it.

  4. miller on December 30th, 2008 12:13 pm

    For the ones of you talking about carrying a concealed weapon across state lines, as long as you have a concealed weapon permit you can carry your firearm in a number of different states. There are alot of states that accept other states permits. And on the ohter hand if someone comes at you with a knife and you have a gun what would you do with it. Its called FIGHT FORCE WITH FORCE!!!!!

  5. Chuck on December 29th, 2008 5:42 pm

    More power to Mr. Wiley for utilizing his constitutional right to meet deadly force with deadly force. Many people criticising him would have done the same thing . When will people finally understand that it’s not ok to pull out a knife and advance upon one while threatening them. Who said Mr. Wiley was drinking? When I lived in pensacola I went to that place regularly with friends to play nine ball, we all were sober at the end of the night.

  6. Terri Sanders on December 29th, 2008 10:07 am

    Too bad Mr.Cloud didn’t just put the knife away…..maybe he was only going to use it to clean his fingernails like some men do.
    And too bad the three men choose to approach Mr. Wiley out in the parking lot….Ya reckon they were just wanting to get better aquainted?
    I for one know only too well how law enforcement can use their badge to hide behind. But when you shift through all the stuff,the truth becomes pretty clear.

  7. sm on December 29th, 2008 9:32 am

    Chris Maloney….. What was the other website where someone had left a comment about this?

  8. Chris Maloney on December 28th, 2008 1:26 pm

    what are we turning into the pensacoa news journal forum? those guys/gals will agruee anything and everything over there. its just a bad situation. its sad the Cloud family is having to go through this but hey, if i were Officer Wiley, i would have used the same actions.

    Thanks Mike for bringing the 9/11/2001 comment to the stage.

  9. cameron on December 28th, 2008 11:56 am

    what a bunch of idiots… a guy was going to stab another guy, the man defended himself. People who skew their belief due to race/creed/gender are ignorant…just as ignorant as a man trying to stab another man with a gun. sugar coat it all you want, it is what it is. hopefully the man who is shot recovers and returns to good health, however, I can only assume that his thought process towards another mans race will be further tainted so the ignorance and hatred will only bring more violence. I wish more people would break the chain.

  10. Al on December 28th, 2008 11:53 am

    Yikes!!! So the white guys with the knives and bad attitudes were innocent parties? Come on folks….. seriously?

  11. Unknown on December 28th, 2008 11:27 am

    good ol’ law enforcement……..sounds like Foley has the same mentality of the guys on the Atmore police department, and people think that just because they are “law enforcement” that they do no wrong, I wonder who was going to drive this man home after being at the bar drinking…….hmmmmmmmmm

  12. Mike on December 28th, 2008 10:47 am

    After 9/11/2001, a federal law was passed allowing a law enforcement officer to carry a concealed weapon in any state at any time. State laws do not over ride this Federal law. Whatever the circumstances of the altercation, the police officer was within his rights to carry a weapon in Florida or any other state.

  13. Chris Maloney on December 28th, 2008 7:31 am

    On another website someone had an interesting comment to all this mum-bo-jumbo. I don’t know much about the CCW or concelled weapons permit so maybe someone else can verify this.

    “First off…he defended himself.

    That being said…if he does have a CCW…if the law is followed, it should be revoked immediately…and he should do jail time.You see…in the state of Florida you may NOT carry a concealed weapon into a bar even with a CCW.

    If he does NOT have a CCW…then he was wrong all the way around.Being a cop in another state does not give him the right to go drinking in a different state with a weapon in his pocket. As a LEO he should have known this.”

  14. mickey powell on December 28th, 2008 7:07 am

    Foley Police Department
    Why was your OFF DUTY GUY toot’n a weapon,?
    Why was your OFF DUTY GUY toot’n a Piece Into a BAR ROOM?
    Was your OFF DUTY GUY out of his territory?
    Did your OFF DUTY GUY live in Fl?
    Was this your OFF DUTY GUY’S personal Piece?
    Was your OFF DUTY GUY carrying a concealed Piece across STATE LINE without permit for Al. and Fl.?
    Is this the RULE of the Foley Police Department?
    If not , then why is your OFF DUTY GUY being paid?
    If I was his Chief and my OFF DUTY GUY broke ANY ONE of OUR rNATIONS RULES I woulod fire the OFF DUTY Guy on the spot, then lock him up.
    Racial Tone-Profiling by editor?, sounds like it. Read below.
    EDITOR, don’t brush this story under the rug or keep it under your hat. Keep us common folks up to date. Black-White-Red-Yellow-Brown, why does all of the media keep the kindling smoking on a SMOKING GUN?

  15. stephen on December 28th, 2008 6:37 am

    of course the officer did no wrong, if it was bad he needed to bring his gun he should have stayed home.