Told She Would Never Walk Again After Wreck, Tina Vickery Stands Tall

November 20, 2008

In seconds, Tina Vickery went from a transportation supervisor responsible for transporting hundreds of North Escambia students by bus everyday, to a world where doctors told her that she would probably never walk again.

It was the morning of February 26, 2008, at about 8:00.  She had just left Ernest Ward Middle School, and was southbound in a school district car on Highway 97 near Dixie Feed in Molino.

“I  remember it. I remember everything,” Tina said Wednesday morning at at a bus driver Thanksgiving lunch in Molino. “It happened so fast. It happened so fast. There was nothing I could do.”

Elisha J Tyler, 50, of Molino lost control of her van when she hit standing water in the roadway and spun into Tina’s lane. “My most vivid memory is seeing her head toward me. I just hit her. There was nothing I could do.”

It was a bad wreck. A very bad wreck. Elisha’s van lay on its side, nearly folded in half. Tina was in her crumpled school district car, watching everything around her as emergency vehicles arrived. She saw, and remembers everything until the ambulance workers wheeled her into the emergency room where she was given strong pain medication. The next thing she remembers is waking up as nurses were removing her breathing tube. The first thing she asked was if the other driver survived.

After weeks in the hospital, Tina transferred to in-patient rehab. It was three and a half months before she could place any weight on her legs. Even then, doctors told her that her chances of walking were very slim.

“They told me I would probably never walk again,” Tina said. “But here I am walking again. What a blessing!”

Wednesday morning, she stood before her employees, the 35 bus drivers that transport students to the Escambia County Schools from Molino to Century to Walnut Hill. It was a Thanksgiving lunch, and Tina was thankful to be standing there.

“This has probably been one of the worst years of my life,” she told her employees. “But you were there for me. I thank God for each one of you. I hope He blesses each one of you.”

vickery10.jpgIt was a proud moment for Vickery to be able to stand  before her drivers, her friends.

“I had such wonderful support from my coworkers, my family and my friends,” she said of the months after the accident. “It’s not like we are coworkers. We are like a family.”

The  bus drivers visited Vickery often in rehab. They cooked for her family. They took care of her personal business and errands. “It’s like we are family,” she said. “When one had a problem, everyone steps in, during the good times and the bad.”

Back on May 15, the drivers pulled a little surprise on their boss. Barbara Hollingsworth, one of the drivers, arranged for the drivers to use a handicap equipped bus to sneak Tina out of rehab. Since Tina was in a wheelchair, they even put people in two other wheelchairs in the back of the bus so that she would not be alone. They took her to Barnhill’s for lunch. It was the first time since the day of the accident that Tina had walked on her feet on the ground.

” I thank God for letting her come back because she is such a blessing to all of us and a great superior,” Hollingsworth said.

Tina is back at work now as the north end route supervisor for the Escambia County Schools Transportation Department for three half days per week. She is still attending physical therapy each week.

She looks at life a bit differently now, nine months after the accident.

“I give thanks to God each day,” she said. “The little things are not as important anymore when you look at the big picture.”

Even in her lowest moment, she continued to thank God. “I realized during those months of rehab that there were people that were there that were so much worse off than me. I was so thankful for all that God has done for me.”

To see a photo gallery from the Thanksgiving lunch, the trip to Barnhills and more stages of Tina’s recovery, click here.

To see a photo gallery from the accident scene in February, click here.

Pictured top: Tina Vickery’s accident on Highway 97 on February 26, 2008. Pictured above: Tina Vickery on Wednesday with bus driver Marie McPhillips. Pictured below: North Escambia bus drivers at a Thanksgiving lunch on Wednesday. photos, click to enlarge.




7 Responses to “Told She Would Never Walk Again After Wreck, Tina Vickery Stands Tall”

  1. Valerie Delaney on June 29th, 2009 12:11 pm

    The crash was horrific. I am proud she was not killed. It was not yet her time. I pray that all goes well for her. One of the drivers has told me Mrs. Vickery, has been suffering complications and might lose one of her feet. This is a terrible. My thoughts and prayers are with her and her family at this time. I am sure that this is hard for her and all her loved ones. She is in my thoughts and prayers.
    GOD, is the answer for everything!
    Worry about nothing but, pray about everything. Val

  2. Jesse Johnson on November 20th, 2008 4:46 pm

    “T” our family has been through alot this year I am glad your back to you ole’ self. Love you so much glad you could return to work even though we don’t have the quality time we used to have back when you first got you home from rehab.

    But at least your offiice is just next door.

    Thanks to all the drivers who assisted our family through this difficult time (food, prayers, hugs, and tears) we couldn’t have done it without you! My mom (Mikie) is blessed to have drivers in the northend to help her through this hard time. That is a day my family will never forget.

    If you don’t know Tina’s guardian was in the car that day and protected her just like always. (her dad) February 26, 2008 a day that is gone, but changed all ‘our’ lives forever.

    “T’” I love you!

    Love Jes

  3. shelly on November 20th, 2008 3:58 pm

    We were very pleased to serve the Thanksgiving diner at Webb’s Diner for all the bus drivers and the staff .My kids ride the bus to school everyday and as parent we trust them with thier safety don’t know what we would do without them, we would very busy parents haven to take them school everyday. Our lives are busy enough.

  4. Amanda Kinley on November 20th, 2008 12:37 pm

    I am so glad to see Tina is back., and doing good. Everyone looks great. I miss you guys so much, and hope to see you all soon.

  5. BarbaraD on November 20th, 2008 11:49 am

    We are so blessed with Tina in our lifes and I also want to thank all the drivers that help make the surprise in May for Tina the best ever. Also to Mr Fritz and Barnhill’s and the wonderful people that work at the rehap. May God Bless each and everyone of you and have a good thanksgiving and remember God loves you.
    Keep praying.

  6. Mom on November 20th, 2008 10:35 am

    I came by this accident just as the fire truck arrived. I am so glad that Mrs. Vickery is doing well and she and the other driver both were protected by a guardian angel that morning. God Bless them both as they recover physically and emotionally.

  7. g.odom on November 20th, 2008 6:12 am

    God still does miracles.
    Best wishes to you.