Superintendent Seeks Public Input Into School District Future

November 24, 2008

New Escambia School Superintendent Malcolm Thomas wants your input into the future of the county’s school system.

The survey ask participants what they believe is best about the county’s schools, what should be changed immediately and has an area for open additional comments.

“It is important that a wide range of Escambia citizens participate and provide feedback,” Thomas said in an open letter. “Realizing that we can accomplish more working together, I am asking that you join our team.”

The survey, which should be complete by December 5, can be accessed by clicking here.


8 Responses to “Superintendent Seeks Public Input Into School District Future”

  1. North-end person on November 27th, 2008 11:04 pm

    I do not have a student at Ernest Ward, but I will say one thing – I would stay in Ernest Ward long before I would stay in the new Molino Park school during a hurricane.. Ernest Ward is a very well built building – just repair it some more, to much busing going on now with the cost of diesel. You think the children get on the bus early now – move them to Molino Park…….Early, early, early mornings and late, late very late nights……transportation would be a nightmare. Traffic is bad enough on Highway 97 now, add more buses going back and forth – wrecks yes!

  2. another taxpayer on November 26th, 2008 11:53 am

    Hey taxpayer! Your tax money is paying for the district to buy prime commercial land downtown for a fine new version of the Hall Center. If you want to bus the ernest ward kids down and crowd all the kids into molino park and haul in some portables while the upper folks live in high class down town- more power to ya. I think a middle school in North Escambia is more important!!! Maybe Mr. Thomas will take a tour of Molino Park and decide for himself if it is over half empty. Jim Paul made some VERY unpopular decisions (middle school start times and the proposed closing of Century) I don’t think he would have allowed the popularity contest you speak of to stop him from closing ernest ward and making molino a middle school if he would have felt it was half empty.

  3. taxpayer on November 26th, 2008 10:38 am

    Mom, your are right. “NO” child should have to attend any School that is 50+ years old. not when there is a Brand New School less than nine miles away that is only half full. Politics, Politics, Politics and more Politics. Not what is truely best for the Student!

  4. taxpayer2 on November 26th, 2008 10:33 am

    Mom, it’s called reorgainizing…not job lose! I think that’s where most people get confused. Add students and classrooms, you have to add Teachers! Just to many people want their on local School……….

  5. Mom on November 25th, 2008 7:04 pm

    Taxpayer your point is well taken. I would love for all Northend children to have the chance to go to a new school that can offer the technology that Molino Park offers. We have a wonderful administration and my children have been blessed to go there. I think the “unused wing” is where we have Science Labs and maybe an ESE class, but none the less when your child is attending a 50+ year old school that has weathered many hurricanes you deserve better for your tax dollars. The transportation issue always seems to raise its ugly political head when you try to consolidate. If Molino Park has the room then I think the school would welcome K-8. I think that consolidation any time soon would futher devistate our local economy as many teachers on both sides would lose their jobs.

  6. Taxpayer2 on November 25th, 2008 1:20 pm

    It is really sad that politics get in the way of improving a much needed system. Hopefully one day we will vote to appoint the Superintendent and Board Members, most serving on the School Board haven’t a clue of what’s needed. We will see what the outcome is with the Survey, but Hard Dollars will be the driving force in the outlook of the School System. Let’s see if they do the Right thing! (like closing School’s with only125 or less Students) time will tell all. Then let the Politics begain Century/ Pensacola.

  7. Taxpayer on November 25th, 2008 10:22 am

    Mom, what are you talking about! The Northend did receive a new Middle School…….It’s Called MOLINO PARK! was designed and built to be a K-8…after it was constructed and built the powers to be decided not to keep it as a K-8 even AFTER that’s how they sold it to the Tax payers, now the school is only half full two classes with only 5-8 students! one wing not even being use at all! At that point they also knew it would cause ErnestWard to close! Then the Politics came into play…The Superintendent/ Board members were up for re-election!!!!!!!!!!! Close schools in this county even “if” is the right thing to do, will get you voted OUT! Who cares if it’s draining the District Budget..If my children were attending a run-down middle school like Ernestward, I would be very up-set…what child doesn’t deserve attending a nice School like Molino Park…everything is on was also voted and approved of by the Board on BLAB t.v. “AS” a K-8 school site……shame on the District Officials who allowed this to happen………………….

  8. Mom on November 24th, 2008 4:56 pm

    I completed the survey and I hope we can get the new administation to see the need for a new middle school in the north end. Ernest Ward is a great school, but it is in dire need of replacing.