Students Of The Month Named At Area Schools

November 24, 2008

students20.jpgThe following students were selected from North Escambia schools as Students of the Month:

  • Bratt: Kyle D. Smith, fifth grade; Jonathan B. Windham, Kindergarten.
  • Carver/Century K-8: Hillary B. Moye, eighth grade, Skyler A. Macks, eighth grade.
  • Ernest Ward Middle School: Jenny Spears, Kaitlyn Gunn, Logan Lee, Brannen Bateman
  • Molino Park: Shelby M. Jackson, third grade; Jacob A. White, third grade
  • Northview: Lanie J. Eubanks, 12th grade; Mark A. Shipps, 11th grade.

Pictured above: Ernest Ward Middle Students of the Month (L-R) Jenny Spears, Kaitlyn Gunn, (back) Logan Lee, Brannen Bateman. Pictured below: Northview Students of the Month Lanie Eubanks and Mark Shipps. Submitted photos for



4 Responses to “Students Of The Month Named At Area Schools”

  1. Jenny :D on November 25th, 2008 5:18 pm

    Thanks Courtney & Aliii.

    Yur my bfff too.

    And no im not.

    Ha, ilu.

  2. Courtney Weaver:) on November 24th, 2008 6:46 pm


    I am so glad you got it.


  3. (: Cheyenne :) on November 24th, 2008 3:43 pm

    WOOT WOOT GO Kaitlyn!!!!!!!!!!!!! lol

  4. Ali Martin :D on November 24th, 2008 1:23 pm

    Jennyyyyyy my bfff, is Beautifullll :)

    Iloveyu Jenny