Seahawks Beat Northview Chiefs 31-0 In District Game

November 8, 2008


The Northview Chiefs fell to the South Walton Seahawks Friday night, 31-0 in a district game.

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Jay Jackson returned the opening kickoff to the 16 yard line. Dustin Yuhasz  then piked up seven yards for the Chiefs to the 23.  On the second down, Jackson carried for a Chief first down.

From first and 10, Jackson went down in the backfield for a loss of three on the play. Yuhasz lost a couple more yards on the next play, followed by a Brandon Sheets pass to Chris Sheets for a seven yard gain. The Austin Reid punted for the Chiefs on fourth down with a return by the Seahawks to the 40.

After little yardage by the Seahawks, the Chiefs took over on the 26. Jackson picked up two for second down and eight. Brandon Sheets tossed an incomplete pass. On third down, Ka’Daris Grice took the ball nowhere for no gain on the play. On fourth down, the Chiefs punted the ball away again, with the Seahawks taking a knee for first and 10 from the 15.

The Seahawks picked up a pair of yards before a tackle by Lance Yuhasz to make it two and eight. With 4:32 to go in the first, South Walton’s Cody Adams picked up a 13 yard touchdown. The point after was through the uprights. Walton was on the board first for the night, 7-0.

The Chiefs took over on the 20 after a touchback on the kick. Grice picked up four yards to the 24, fighting hard every inch of the way. With 3:55 in the first, the Seahawks recovered a Chief fumble to take over on the 24. A Lance Yuhasz backfield tackle sank the Seahawks to make it third and 19. An incomplete pass and a punt gave Northview the ball on their own 20.

nhswalton16.jpgJay Jackson went down in the backfield to make it second and 19 to go. On the third down, Brandon Sheets hit Dustin Yahasz for a 14 yard gain. The Chiefs were still short of the first down, at fourth and five. Austin Reid punted, but there was a flag on the play. The Chiefs took over first and 10 on the 41 after a personal foul for roughing the kicker.

The Chiefs picked up four on a Brandon Sheets pass. A few incomplete passes later, the Seahawks took over on their own 37 with 32 seconds to go in the quarter.

A Dustin Yahasz and Cole Gandy double team tackle started the second with the Seahawks off first and 35. A Chris Sheet brought South Walton down on the next play inside the Chief’s 20 yard line. The Seahawks continued their drive all the way to the endzone. A good kick, and the Seahawks were up 14-0 with 7:26 in the half.

Montaio Mitchell returned the kick for a NHS first down on the 26. Brandon Sheets passed to Austin Arrington for a seven yard pickup. Grice gained a yard on a run. A few drive attempts later, Northview once again punted away the pigskin, with the S-hawks taking over first and ten on the 37.

South Walton picked up few yards before punting back to Northview. The Chief has possession with 3:47 in the half, first and 10 on the 28. Brandon threw an incomplete pass, followed by a one yard gain. A couple of plays later, and the Chiefs were punting…again.

The Seahawks marched with five yards of another touchdown before kick a field goal on their fourth down, increasing their lead to 17-0 with 19 seconds in the half.

Austin Albritton and Seth Leonard brought South Walton down on the 32 on the second half opening kick.

An oops-the-field-is-wet, I’ve fallen and I can’t get up moment brought the Seahawks QB down for a four yard loss on their first down of the second half. But the Seahawks recovered, marching toward the endzone, scoring again with 7:14 to go in the third. A perfect kick, and South Walton led Northview 24-0.

The Chiefs took over first and 10 on their own 20. Jeremy Jackson picked up a couple of yards for the Chiefs, followed by pass to Dustin Yuhasz. A missed Sheets to Sheets pass, and Austin Reid was punting for the Chiefs again.

The Seahawks took over with first and 10 on the half-and-half mark. The Seahawks hit the endzone from the 50, but flag for illegal blocking brought them back out to the spot of the of the foul…the Chiefs’ 29. A Seahawk player went down, that’s going to hurt in the morning kind of hard,  on a Jay Jackson tackle to make it second and 11. The Seahawks advanced to just shy of another touchdown by the end of the third.

Seconds into the fourth, the Seahawks completed their drive to put the game at 31-0.

The Chiefs found themselves once again first and 10 on the 20. Jeremy Jackson gained five. A botched pass to Jake Clayton had the Chiefs at three and five. Brandon Sheets found Chris Sheets for the first down. The Chiefs were in a first and 10 situation on the 32.

Brandon Sheets missed passes to Dustin Yahasz and Jay Jackson. Sheets passed to Sheets and Jeremy Jackson gained yardage for a Northview first down. The drive failed to pickup a first down, and it was the Seahawk’s ball with 8:09 in the game. Leonard took down a Seahawk to make it second and six for South Walton. Austin Reid stopped the next Seahawk offensive play with a single yard gain.

The Chief were unsuccessful in scoring on their drive. The Seahawks took over to run out the last minute on the clock and down Northview with a 31-0 final.

Northview is now 2-7, 1-3 in the district.

The final game of the season for Northview will be Friday night in Bratt against West Florida.

Pictured above and below: Action from Northview versus South Walton Friday night in Bratt. photos, click to enlarge.



17 Responses to “Seahawks Beat Northview Chiefs 31-0 In District Game”

  1. gb on November 14th, 2008 6:32 am

    Sigh…………I am just glad that the last game is tonight!

  2. Keith on November 13th, 2008 3:11 pm

    Medicine Man,
    I’ve never blamed the players. Obviously you have not read every post I’ve left. I have not blamed the coach. I’m just realistic. I understand the basics of football. I have encouraged every player I have spoken too, to be their best and keep their heads up. I agree 100% that the kids need to be coached. If teams did not need rebuilding years, than every high school , college and pro team would win the championship every year. And then sports would not be so entertaining.
    We may not share the same opinions ,but we do live in a free country. I have never said we suck or any garbage like that. So give me credit for simply putting this situation into perspective just like you do.
    Thank you and have a great day,
    Go Chiefs

  3. Medicine Man on November 13th, 2008 10:14 am


    Several of the posts on this site are from people that have watched the games just as you did, but I promise you John Madden didn’t. The excuse you use that every team we play has cornered the market on size at the line of scrimmage, unfortunatly reveals your blinders you have on. Northview has sufficient size at the line of scrimmage on both sides of the ball. These players have to be taught what needs to be done to be effective, by whatever source needed to get it done.
    Next year Northview isn’t all of the sudden going to simply to start winning just because they have more seniors, that is a very wreckless statement. If that was the case then every school in the state would have winning seasons and win championships at least every 2-3 years, but as we know, that doesn’t happen. We also know that some schools though do have winning seasons and win championships often, like at least every year or every other year, and it is not because the have more seniors than other schools, it is because of Coaching. That is what makes teams consistent. Coach Keene is a great person on and off the field, but Coach Keene isn’t the only Coach out there. He needs help, as would any Coach trying to keep a consistent program, he must have assistants that can get the info to the players in a way that they can get the job done. One more thing, the players we have, is what we have, no more are going to drop out of the sky. The players Northview has are able to do what needs to be done to win, they just need the right info and stategy to fit the players they have to make that happen. Keith please quit blaming the players, when you do that you place a huge burden on their shoulders that they shouildn’t have to bear. Oh and I am a Chiefs fan, don’t ever mistake open discussion and concern as someone not being a supporter.

  4. Just me on November 13th, 2008 10:12 am

    I’m with ” Seriously? ” on this one….. couldn’t have said it better myself. So i will just say….. DITTO.

  5. A fan on November 13th, 2008 10:10 am

    It’s sort of like an umpire in a ballgame…..the winning team loves him and the losing team hates him. I would challenge any of those that talk the most about the “AWFUL” job Coach Keene and his “staff ” does, to walk a mile in their shoes and please EVERYBODY, ALL THE TIME…….NOT going to happen. So, Coach Keene, staff, and players…..keep your heads up… hard, and hate losing. Because you know where your heart is and if people think its so easy and have so much advice and could make you “winners” then by all means, they should go quick, fast and in a hurry and get certified to Coach!!!!!! Good luck Friday nite!

  6. studentss on November 12th, 2008 2:40 pm

    I really think that people need to quit blaming not winning on coach keene.
    He can’t put pride in our boys. They have to want too. and we’re in a building season so what can we do? We only have what 5 seniors and a lot of juniors so next year will be better. and people who don’t even go to the school and say stuff about nakita miles that he was our only reason we won last year is pure crazyy!!

  7. fan on November 12th, 2008 12:55 pm

    Great article!!! Let’s go Chiefs! Stand strong and play your heart out! Win or lose, I’ll still support the CHIEFS! Also thanks to the coaches for your time and effort that you give during summer hours and also through the year. I don’t know of to many coaches that will give up their summers to help kids by driving to Pensacola for summer school, to help educate our kids. Thanks!

  8. Seriously? on November 11th, 2008 9:26 pm

    I seriously think that some of the “adults” that post garbage on this site should really reevaluate their lives. First of all, the “TEAM” last year wasn’t “decent” because of ONE player. Second of all, I am SICK of people bashing the coaching staff. People say they don’t care but they don’t see the hours they put into this program both IN and OUT of school hours. Thirdly, this isn’t a “Century vs. Ernest Ward” deal. Let’s all just get over ourselves, shall we? You people act as if Northview football has always been this amazing team….it hasn’t! There have been seasons where the team hasn’t won a SINGLE GAME!

    Football isn’t everything….and, you know, how do YOU think that these boys feel when they play and have zero support in the stands? People try to get up and cheer the team on, and the crowd looks at them as if they are morons. Half of the football team planted themselves on the bench and wouldn’t even get up when their own teammates urged them to!

    People constantly try to point fingers and blame, and let me tell you, this isn’t one individuals fault. We are all at fault…we should be supporting our boys whether they win or lose! Some of us care, and those of you that don’t should be ashamed of yourself! People come on here and bash not only the coaches, but CHILDREN. Are you SERIOUS?! If you know so much about football, why don’t you prance yourself over to Northview and give some friendly advice? :]

    CHIEFS – Keep it up!! Know that your TRUE fans and people that CARE love you and support you NO MATTER WHAT! The most IMPORTANT thing is to play your hardest and to have FUN!..don’t forget that, and don’t take it out on each other. You have enough people against you, you guys don’t need to turn on each other.

  9. Keith on November 11th, 2008 6:33 pm

    One more time!! We are down this year because we have a young inexperienced team.It has absolutely nothing to do with Nakita Miles. Nakita had a lot of size blocking for him up front. I’ve been to every game this year. We are being dominated on the line because we lack size. Any (John Madden know it all) should know that if you do not control the line your offense will not be successful. If your defense does not control the line your defense will get the ball run down their throats . Well guess what? Marrianna passed twice the entire game.Catholic ,Baker and Walton ran the ball down our throats.If we can’t stop the run, than the other team has no reason to stop running. Think about it. It’s only common sense. Keep running – keeps clock running.
    The QB has to have time to pass.If the line doesn’t give him time than he will do nothing( accept get blamed) hint – Jay Jackson……If you haven’t noticed, many of our kids are playing both ways. Was it not obvious last friday night how worn out these kids are from doing this. Another thing, all of this talk about (they should have never combined these schools) I have one kid who has already graduated from NHS , and three that are there now. Never once have I heard these kids complain about this situation. As a matter of fact I never knew it was an issue until I visited this web site and heard all of these adults whinning about it.Grow up. And as for needing a new coach, We got a great coach and I’ll stand by him no matter what. He is an awesome person on and off the field. Say what you want , it doesn’t matter anyway. Have a great day and GO CHIEFS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  10. gb on November 11th, 2008 2:36 pm

    After this many years, I dare say this community will not come together. I think this is a wake-up call. There never should have been a school consolidation in the first place. It has bred nothing but hard feelings!

  11. fan on November 11th, 2008 11:43 am

    I was proud of the way our young players played friday night. Keep working Chiefs, every team has moments when it has to rebuild no matter what level you play. I still say that Northview will not be the school it needs to be until the people in the community come together and there are no more Golden Eagles and Century Blackcats. Until we become united, I don’t care who the coach is, people are still going to complain. Maybe we should go ahead and join the little league parks together now, so by the time the kids get to Northview they will know how to be a CHIEF!

  12. Just Me on November 10th, 2008 6:28 pm

    Well I hope we have some kind of game plan this week.I would like the seniors to have a game they don’t try to forget.Guys I know it’s been ruff and not all has been given the chance to show your talent but always remember your team mates and all the fun you guys had together.Everything happens for a reason!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  13. Chad Smith on November 10th, 2008 4:46 pm


  14. Shila. on November 10th, 2008 3:03 pm

    Its ok Chiefs. You played your best and that is the ONLY thing that counts. Also you cant win by yourself. There is one last game this Friday until next year so lets make this in count. And just remember let NO ONE bring yall down.

  15. Chase on November 10th, 2008 2:34 pm


    TIME FOR A NEW COACH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  16. Medicine Man on November 9th, 2008 7:24 pm

    The Chiefs definitly gave several players a chance to get in the game and be a play maker. This was a good thing so that the Chiefs can get a good game look at some players that will need to step up. The thing that unfortunatly did not change much was the inconsistent play calling. When you do that you do nothing more than tie the hands of the players, stick with one thing, and do it very well, and the rest will take care of itself. Being a Coach takes more than just knowing some or all of the game that you are teaching, it takes a person who is also a good manager or supervisor so to speak, the Head Coach doesn’t have to know every miniscule detail of the game or every possible strategy that might fit every team, but he does need to be a good judge of workers (AKA Asst. Coaches) and able to get the workers that do the best work for the job at hand. The Coaches must be peolple who believe in the program they are in, their heart and soul has to be into what they are doing, not just going thru the motions. If the strategies the Coach or Coaches are using don’t work, or are over the head of the players, then that Coach needs to be able to adapt to what he has and what he will be playing against, if they can’t do that then the Head Coach must have the ability to identify that, and require the Coaches to obtain the information they need to accomadate the teams abilities or replace the Coaches with someone who will, it is his obligated duty to the job he was hired to do. With that said it appears that the Chiefs need more knowledge, and all supporters expect the Head Coach to do what is required to gain that knowledge, by whatever means he can.

  17. A NHS Freshmen Student on November 8th, 2008 10:23 am

    WOW!!!! We kinda do suck ( well at least the football team does) But the Cheerleaders ROCK!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :) :) :)
