Morgan Wins Sheriff; Puts Century Criminals On Notice

November 5, 2008

The criminal element in North Escambia has officially been put on notice…there’s a new sheriff in town, and his name is David Morgan.

Republican Morgan, 55, defeated Democratic challenger Larry Scapecchi, 45, by a margin of 52.6 percent to 47.4 percent in Tuesday’s election. Morgan received 76,196 votes, compared to 68,570 for Scapecchi.

In an exclusive interview late Tuesday night, Morgan told that one of his many priorities once he takes office in January will be to reduce crime in Century area. Statistically, Century accounts for a large majority of all sheriff’s department calls in North Escambia.

“I want to put the criminal element that has their foot on the throat of Century on notice,” Morgan said. “Their days are over.”

Morgan said he wants to sit down with Century Mayor Freddie McCall and work on a plan to clean up the town. He said he’s already sat down with the people behind Project Green Leaf, an electric car manufacturing company that is looking to bring up to 1,100 jobs to Century. Project Green Leaf officials have already expressed that crime in Century is a factor that concerns them should they choose to locate in the town.

“Century needs to stand by,” Morgan said. “We want to work on a plan to take care of the problem in that town, and do it quickly.”

Also in NorthEscambia, the sheriff-elect said he intends to reopen the department’s Walnut Hill Precinct that has sat mostly unused for years.

Countywide, Morgan said he intends to hit the ground running in January to make his campaign promises a reality. He plans to restructure the Escambia County Sheriff’ Department administration, putting more deputies on the streets of the county. And he plans to increase pay for deputies and correctional officers.

In the August primary, Morgan beat incumbent Republican Ron McNesby by over 3,000 votes. McNesby had been the county’s sheriff since 2000.

Morgan owns a private investigation firm and has literally spent years campaigning for the sheriff’s job. His law enforcement background was in the military.

Scapecchi spent 25 years in the Escambia County Sheriff’s Department, retiring a couple of years ago as a lieutenant. file photo.


13 Responses to “Morgan Wins Sheriff; Puts Century Criminals On Notice”

  1. Go Morgan on November 12th, 2008 6:58 pm

    I really don’t see how this protects them at all Medicine Man. I am not quick to judge anyone and I have seen alot of things in Century taken care of by the deputies that have been here for a long time. You said they were part of the problem well I think you don’t have a clue as to what you are talking about. So I am not being quick to judge. Sounds to me like you are the one judging the deputies in this case. So take a little of your own advice Medicine Man.So if you can tell me hows this protects the long time deputies please feel free to do so.

  2. Medicine Man on November 9th, 2008 8:08 pm

    Thanks Go Morgan for the support of the Sherriff’s Dept. I agree it is everyones responsibility to be alert and report what they believe to be illegal activity. That is why I personally have reported issues near my home or while coming to and from work or while at work. Please don’t be so quick to judge. Even if some got reassigned, we pay for their gas to and from their home, so there should not be any financial burden, and if they are not the problem, then this would be a great way to make sure of that. Actually this protects them.

  3. Go Morgan on November 7th, 2008 7:19 pm

    GA & Medicine Man if you haven’t have seen all the new guys in the last few years in Century. You would know that there has been a big turnover of the deputies in the last few years. The deputies are only as good as the Sheriff and the people of the community that are suppose to back them up. We have a lot of new guys on the streets now in the north end of the county. These guys care about the community and want it to be cleaned up but, like everything else these days you can only do so much when your hands are tied. When the drug dealers starting getting arrested before there was a lot of people upset because they were doing their job. They were getting the job done but, then a few people thought that they were unfair and all that junk that goes with it. It was OK to catch this guy but don’t mess with that one or it just won’t be right. These guys put their life on the line everyday to protect you and everyone else on the north end. The guys that have been here for a long time know the drug dealers and most of the worthless scumbags on the north end because they have been here for a long time. I would trust any of the deputies that are in the north end right now with my life because, I know that any one of them would put their on life on the line for me anytime. I know all of these guys and I am not a deputy but would be proud to stand with them any time they need me and they know that too. Good work MEN I for one am proud of each and every one of you. Stand behind the deputies of this county and help them help everyone for a change. Not only do they need to get things done in Century but the whole north end needs a lot done. If you know that there is a problem let the Sheriff’s Department know about it. Nobody needs to know you called it in. It takes all of us working together to get it done. Don’t be a part of the problem by standing by and watching it go on let someone know about it. If I see drugs around my home and my kids you better believe they are going to know about it. Protect your kids if nothing else.

  4. Taxpayer on November 7th, 2008 2:27 pm

    Time will tell………..First, you have to want to do right….others can’t do it for you…help be a part of your own town…turn in the DrugHeads!!!!!! Always want someone else to do the work!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  5. GA on November 6th, 2008 11:57 pm

    I agree, Morgan will have to get rid of some of the deputities here in Century before anything is done. They are a BIG problem.

  6. Go Morgan on November 6th, 2008 6:21 pm

    All right David you got the job and you told me you would clean up the mess in Century. Stick to your guns and make me believe what you told me. If they cry let them cry about it. That is what happened when Mac tried to clean up the place. If they break the law then they deserve what they get. I have seen it going on for years now and it is about time that we quit pussyfooting around and being scared we will hurt some peoples feeling and get the job done. I say go for it man let the chips fall where they may. Mothers and Fathers if you don’t want your boys and girls (yes the girls deal too) locked up for drug dealing then make sure you know where they are. Many may think I am talking about the black guys but believe me there are pleanty of white guys in it too. Get them all before they ruin the kids that are just getting to the age that they understand and see what the older ones are doing. I have watched alot of kids grow up in Century and have seen some go bad but, I have seen some grow up strong and be the kind of person they should be. Give’em what they deserve Morgan.

  7. Mr. Greatful on November 6th, 2008 11:52 am

    Interesting what “Medicine Man” states. Generally this is always an issue when people stay a long time in one area. That is the major reason the military transfers personnel every two to three years. Keeps everyone alert and on their toes. Positive change is always good. Just change for the sake of change is not good. I believe he will be a positive force once the naysayers in the department either leave or get on board. Its sounds as if some in the department are rebelling against change before new policies have even been formalized. I believe he is more experienced and stronger than Charley Johnson of the past. The county residents need to come together and support our new sheriff.

  8. Redhead on November 5th, 2008 9:18 pm

    Finally the could old boys system put to rest or so it would seem. Get em’

  9. Medicine Man on November 5th, 2008 7:43 pm

    Unfortunatley Morgan will have to reassign some local deputies before he can address the problems in Century, they are part of the problem.

  10. Medicine Man on November 5th, 2008 7:40 pm

    I am proud to say I voted for Morgan. Every body will have to allow him to do his job, Century is on the rebound, and David “Buford Pusser” Morgan is going to help put Century back on the right track. WALKING TALL.

  11. Kelly on November 5th, 2008 6:16 pm

    GO MORGAN!!!!!!!!!!1

  12. Yellarhammer on November 5th, 2008 3:13 pm

    I voted for David and will be glad when he moves these deputies out of office work and back on the streets.Walk tall and be visible this will help to reduce crime.GO DAVID MORGAN

  13. Brian on November 5th, 2008 2:27 pm

    I think its about time someone actually cares about cleaning out Century. This town needs it. We can’t even walk through the parking lot of our only local grocery store without a crackhead trying to sell dope. And it also shouldn’t be hard to find these drug dealers because you can find them anywhere, broad daylight at the gas stations. I hope Morgan means what he says.