Man With Molino Relatives Hailed As A Hero In Iraq

November 23, 2008


Sgt. Keith Fuqua, a Milton man with relatives in Molino, is among a group of men being called heroes after capturing a wanted Iraqi.

Marines with Company C, Task Force 1st Battalion, 2nd Marine Regiment, Regimental Combat Team 1, conducted a cordon and search operation recently, which led to the detainment of the battalion’s number one High Value Individual.

Muhammad Ayid Fayyad is suspected of being involved with individuals who planned and executed attacks against Coalition and Iraqi Security Forces.

The company learned Fayyad was in the vicinity of a local barbershop in Khalidyah and quickly responded by establishing a cordon around the area.

Marines with 4th Platoon, Company C, set up blocking positions on the main roads leading in and out of the cordon where the company’s Personal Security Detachment provided security for the closed off area.

Lance Cpl. Chelsey Wilson, a 24-year-old assaultman from Pensacola, Fla., was a vehicle commander in 2nd Platoon, which was responsible for the assault and search of the area.

Wilson said as he and two other Marines patrolled near the barbershop they began to notice suspicious behavior.

“There were four men cutting hair inside the shop at the time,” Wilson recalled. “Some of them tried to leave when they saw us, but we held them in the shop.”

The Marines realized one of the four men in the shop was indeed Fayyad after questioning the men and then took him into custody.

Fuqua, a 25-year-old squad leader from Milton, Fla., said it was no surprise Fayyad did not resist being detained.

“The operation was successful due to the precision in which it was executed,” Fuqua said. “Every element came together and we got this guy off the streets. The Iraqis are safer.”

Fayyad was immediately taken to the battalion’s Detainee Collection Point for questioning, and then was transported to a higher command for follow-on questioning.

The operation was successfully completed with no casualties to Marines, local nationals or Fayyad.

Story and photo by Lance Cpl. Scott Schmidt


5 Responses to “Man With Molino Relatives Hailed As A Hero In Iraq”

  1. Paul McInerny on May 26th, 2012 2:16 pm

    Wondered if this was any relation to an older sergeant Fuqua who served with an MP company at Fort Hood, Texas in the early 70’s.

  2. Natalie on November 27th, 2008 1:16 pm

    Sgt. Keith Fuqua is my cousin! I love him sooooo much!!! He’s my hero!!!!!!

  3. Forrest Marlow on November 23rd, 2008 11:38 pm

    Are our troops good or WHAT! And a local man at that. All our troops are heroes to us, and some more than others! God Bless America and May God Bless our men and women in uniform. We are so proud of them!!!

  4. george on November 23rd, 2008 10:07 am

    semper fi

  5. Lawson on November 23rd, 2008 6:00 am

    Hats off to Sgt. Fuqua and Lance Cpl. Wilson for having the courage to do whats right. I know thats a tough sitation over there, but the world will be better off for decades to come because of what they are doing. Thank you from a grateful community/state/nation.
