Gulf Power Gets Second Rate Increase Of The Year

November 14, 2008

For the second time this year, Gulf Power has been granted a rate increase by the Florida Public Service commission.

Gulf Power Company customers will see a nine percent increase in their billed rate beginning in January. That will increase the cost of  1,000 kilowatt hour for residential customers from $113.76 to $124.23. In September 2007, that same 1,000 kilowatt hours would have cost just $70.29.

Residential Gulf Power customers saw an increase of 11.3 percent in September. A single annual increase is usually granted in November to go into effect in January. Overall, that’s about a 21 percent increase this year.

Electric utility customers pay only the actual fuel costs that the company incurs. When fuel prices go up, the additional costs are passed through to customers. And when fuel prices go down, the savings are passed through to customers. Fuel costs have a major impact on electricity bills, accounting for almost 50 percent of the total bill.  The base rate has not increased since 2002.

Gulf power says it is paying about 20 percent more for coal this year, and about 24 percent more for natural gas. About 80 percent of Gulf Power’s electricity is generated by coal; the remaining 20 percent from natural gas.


3 Responses to “Gulf Power Gets Second Rate Increase Of The Year”

  1. Mike wiley on March 12th, 2010 3:36 pm

    OUCH!!!! This is ridiculous!!!!!!!!!! We just got our Gulf Rip off bill, it increased 35%!!!!!
    I know things have gone up, but come on guys this is outrageous!!.. Is it because everybody has cut back during hard times and your not making as much money as you were before?? How about everybody at Gulf Power take a pay cut, starting with the CEO or maybe we need to lay some folks off??? Gulf Power is not and should not be exempt from sucking it up during hard times just like the rest of us!!!!
    I truly wish there was an alternative, I would switch in minute, scratch that, make it a kilowatt!
    your poor customer, getting poorer by the increase

  2. Will Snell on January 3rd, 2009 7:17 pm

    The price of coal and natural gas has decreased 30 to 40% recently, yet Gulf Power has again increased prices to consumers. Why? I respectfully request to know WHEN will we see a commensurate decrease in rates?

  3. Temmi M. Eiland on November 24th, 2008 2:30 pm

    On top of the rate increase, I have a “Kick Em While They Are Down” favor that Gulf Power is doing us. For the last couple of months, there have been several things that have come up, as things do in life, that have caused money to be tight and being a single woman, sometimes you have to be very creative in getting everyone paid and in doing so, I paid my power bill late a couple of time but “DID” pay it and did not ever have service disconnected. So, the person, when better off financially that gave to their “Help Others” program, received a notice last month informing me that I had now been charged a deposit. I have never had to pay a deposit for a utility. So, it is not bad enough that you are having trouble paying in the first place, now you have to pay more (or try to).

    I call Gulf Power and very nicely speak to Customer Service and set up a payment plan which is actually paying half now and half later (Whew) and the day the bill came due, my mother had to be rushed to the hospital for a second surgery in two weeks for colon cancer and had been put into Intensive Care where she stayed for almost two weeks. A few days later, my power was cut off. I called Customer Service, still being very nice, and was told before they could restore service, I had to give them $600.00 to have my service restored. Tho bills plus this new deposit. It had to be borrowed, brought to the office and then had to be paid in cash or go on the internet and get charged a fee for “Paying” them. I went on the internet and paid the bill but due to the large amount, I had to do it in two transactions and incur “two” fees to give them my money.

    I think that with all of the bail outs and such going on, people losing their homes, jobs, cars, not to mention the gas prices, etc. that not only does Gulf Power not deserve a rate increase but should be ashamed of themselves for treating people that way. Oh, lets not forget that this was when the temperature was dipping into the 30’s in Crestview where I live and I was clearly told that if the money did not make it to them by closing time (It was 3:30) that it would not be turned back on until paid.

    I guess my point is that I think it is horrible the prices we pay for power anyway but then for them to take full advantage of the “Monopoly” they have is a travesty and should be stopped. Instead of kicking someone when they are down, they should be helping the community a little more.