Gindl Completes 50 Years Of Service To Escambia Schools

November 19, 2008

An 50 year era in Escambia County education quietly slipped into the history books Tuesday as Peter Gindl, Sr. was, once again, no longer on the Escambia County School Board.

Gindl was fresh out of college back in 1957 when friends first convinced the political newcomer to run for the school board. He was a product of the Escambia School District, a graduate of Auburn. But he really did not know much about the office that was about to propel him into a lifelong quest to help children succeed.

“I was just fresh out of college, a single fellow, when a group of friends convinced me to run for the school board. I had a college education, and the other guy did not,” Gindl said Tuesday. “I didn’t know anything about the school board, but I ran. And I won — by 36 votes.”

Election after election, he continue to win, remaining on the school board for twenty years before deciding to “retire” and teach. He then spent 18 years in the classroom before “retiring” from teaching in 1996.  While he supported the family as a farmer (he held an agricultural education degree, after all) for nearly 50 years, the second retirement was not forever. Education was just in his blood somewhere.

In 2004, he returned to the school board in District 5, ousting Linda Finkelstein from her seat. Gindly had plans to return to the board for another term in 2008, but District 5 voters had another plan, as they elected Bill Slayton to Gindl’s seat.

Gindl is not bitter about being defeated by Slayton. He said that if he had to lose the seat to anyone, Bill Slayton would have been his choice.

Slayton and the rest of the new board are going to have their work cut out for them, Gindl said. Budget cuts and school closures are going to be the major issues the new board will face, he said.

“I’d be happy to offer input if they would like to hear what I have to say,” Gindl said. Education really is in his blood.

“I’m going to miss it,” he said Tuesday from his Molino home, just hours before his term officially came to an end.  “I’ll miss working with the parents, the educational personnel, everyone that cares about the kids. It has always been about the children.”

Will this retirement be his last from education in Escambia County? He admits, sadly, that he will likely not ever run for the school board again. At 72, his health is just not what it used to be.

“But I will always, always be here to do what I can to help the children. I just love the children.”


2 Responses to “Gindl Completes 50 Years Of Service To Escambia Schools”

  1. teacher on November 21st, 2008 9:02 pm

    Mr. Gindl, I would like to thank you as a educator, student, parent, and community member what you have given to our county. You are a great inspiration for all of our children in escambia county schools. God bless you and your family for all your hard work and dedication to our children, schools, and communities.!!!!

  2. Autumn Slay on November 19th, 2008 2:30 pm