Gay Marriage Ban Amendment Passes

November 5, 2008


Florida Amendment 2 passed Tuesday, with more than 60 percent of Florida voters voting for the constitutional ban on gay marriage in the state.

Florida law already bans gay marriage, but Amendment 2 adds the ban to the state constitution, defining marriage as the union of one man and one woman. It also bans “legal union that is treated as marriage or the substantial equivalent thereof”.

Under a new state law, the amendment needed 60 percent of the votes cast in order to pass. In previous years, amendments needed only 50 percent of the vote.

Pictured above: A campaign sign along Highway 4 at the First Baptist Church of Bratt. photo.


9 Responses to “Gay Marriage Ban Amendment Passes”

  1. studentss on November 7th, 2008 2:17 pm

    Im very happy that we passed the gay arriage amendment.

    God made marriage for BOYS and GIRLS!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    i think it should stay that way.

  2. CM on November 7th, 2008 2:16 pm

    Im very glad the gay marriages were banned.

    God created a man and woman for a reason.

    Keep it banned!

  3. Darryl Hall on November 6th, 2008 8:19 am

    I understand the historical religious teachings and the way it has impacted the teaching of biology, but current research has shown the very basic notion that all relationships in nature are male and female are wrong, and there exist variations, just as in humans.

    Then there is the issue of denying basic benefits and rights to people who are in a relationship that isn’t defined as marriage. The law does provide some additional benefits and rights based on marriage versus a civil union, and as practiced defies the basic principal of the Constitution of all people being equal.

    Just like it slavery and segregation, this is a prejudice. When I hear of adolescents being thrown out of their homes with only the clothes on their back for telling their parents they are gay, the cruelty of the situation comes into focus. We say “live and let live”, but then our actions say otherwise. I can recall people being critical of blacks for not doing better for themselves while in nearly the same breath say they wouldn’t hire them, denying them any opportunity to do so.

  4. robert L hidson on November 6th, 2008 5:20 am

    california got it right also.

  5. anonymous on November 5th, 2008 6:15 pm

    You took the words right out of my mouth PK. Live how you want to live…and be happy doing whatever makes you happy. But marriage belongs between boys and girls. Just walk outside and peak into a bluebird box…..the birds have it figured out. Completely natural the way God intended. They are a great influence.

  6. Chris Maloney on November 5th, 2008 5:09 pm

    hurry for ammendment 2 passing!!

  7. PK on November 5th, 2008 3:22 pm

    Besides the fact that God created Adam and Eve,one man and one woman, How do you think that society could go on unless 1 man and 1 woman procreate? I know that everyone should mind their own business but thisis going too far. If you want to live with the same sex then fine but dont try to make it okay in the eyes of god fearing people. Marriage is ONE MAN and ONE WOMAN end of story. Love whomever you want but dont try to make it about marriage

  8. Darryl Hall on November 5th, 2008 12:47 pm

    Unfortunately this was based on prejudices and religious beliefs that have no foundation on biology or on the very basic principal of our Constitution which is all people should be treated equally in the eyes of the government. At some point in time in the future this country will have to look beyond what we’ve been taught based on Biblical interpretation and realize that biological differences are more than just skin tones. These differences can include sexuality, gender and sex, and contrary to the current popular belief, it is natural to have variations, and to make laws that restrict anyone to being a second class citizen is wrong. I’ve heard people in the past make comments justifying segregation and racism based on Biblical interpretations that claim they are cursed and deserve the treatment, and I see the same wrong notions in this situation.

    It is difficult to resolve preconceived ideas taught from a Biblical point of view when they are shown to be wrong, and during the process of enlightenment we have seen some of civilizations greatest cruelties. The Inquisition began with the Catholic Church wanting to stamp out differing religious beliefs, and therefore imprisoned, tortured and killed men, women and children (boys as young as 9 and girls as young as 8). Giordano Bruno was burned at the stake for believing in an infinite universe and the earth revolved around the sun ( Slavery of other human beings was thought to be sanctioned by the Bible (i.e. Leviticus 25: 44-46 and Exodus 21: 7-11 as examples) with some of the biggest supporters in the US prior to the Civil war being preachers of the South. My point, is that we have let ourselves use the Bible to justify our prejudices and bigotries, and therefore suffer a society that is divided and at times cruel.

    One final point revolves around fear. Fear of things we don’t understand or fear of our safety. But as Benjamin Franklin warned we that give up liberty for a little safety deserve neither. And like our obsession with terrorism after 9-11 where some are willing to throw out protections dealing with surveillance and legal proceedings during arrest, we like wise on the marriage amendment show a fear of what we consider our traditional values, but those values, as practiced, are prejudiced against a segment of society, that are a natural part of the human race.

  9. jodie danyell on November 5th, 2008 8:23 am

    i think you should be able to marry who you want i mean people are going to sit there and say its wrong but do they really know i guarantee you that your not perfect and do things that others dont approve of so just because you think its wrong it should be banned what are you thinkin about other people no only your self…….. you might need to think about things first