Electric Car Company Needs $2.5 Million To Locate In Century

November 13, 2008


It appears more likely that Century will be the site of a new electric vehicle assembly plant, if Escambia County provides $2.5 million in startup money.

LHS EV needs $2.5 million in “capital incentives” to locate and stay in Century, Art Rocker, company spokesman, told commissioners. That money would be in addition to standard tax incentives already approved by the commission.

“We are going to figure out how we can do this and come back with an agreement for the commission to approve,” Larry Newsom, the county’s economic director, told NorthEscambia.com. “They want cash, but we need to figure out how we can do this with something like building or capital improvements. We don’t just hand out cash.”

Commissioner Kevin White said that county staff had been directed to see how the county might provide the $2.5 million in some fashion.

“Present for the county commission an action plan of what you think might be reasonable in terms of county participation in addition to the economic ordinance that’s already on the books,” Commissioner Gene Valentino said.

“I appreciate you bringing this opportunity,” Commissioner Grover Robinson said. “We want to see this happen, but we’ve got to see that we are getting what we are talking about getting together here.

LHS had considered locations in Alabama, including Fort Payne, but commissioners expressed their appreciate that the company has almost settled on Escambia County.

“You have chosen to show your commitment to Escambia County, and I think it is out turn to step up,” Valentino said.”We’ll do our best. We are in tough times, mind you.”

“I applaud the commission for even trying to make this work, and talking and and trying to make this work,” Jay Patel from LHS EV said.

Previous incentives provided to LHS EV, if they should choose Escambia County, include  total of $39,000 in rebates for local fees and taxes ranging from $2,250 to $9,750 per year through 2014 and support for state tax breaks. The Town of Century has approved selling or leasing 25 acres of land in the town’s industrial park to the company.

The company says their plant, which will assembly an electric car manufactured overseas, would provided about 250 jobs in the first year, 585 within three years and ultimately up to 1,100 jobs in five years.

Pictured above: Jay Patel (left) and Art Rocker address the Escambia County Commission Wednesday.


14 Responses to “Electric Car Company Needs $2.5 Million To Locate In Century”

  1. BJ on December 4th, 2008 6:14 pm

    I own the electric cars on Pensacola Beach. I have been in business for seven years. I have the experience. You would think that the Escambia County Commissioners would at least call the only person with actual experience in the industry and get his input and information about the possibilities of having an LSV Electric Car Maufacturer in the area.

  2. Jessie on November 18th, 2008 11:11 am

    let them do their job?? it took them over a year to do their job with van nevel helicopoters.. the town of century is corrupt.. it took over a year because fred mccall was buddies with van nevel.. the entire town is nothing but a buddy program………..

  3. Medicine Man on November 18th, 2008 3:24 am

    Well it is obvious from these posts that you don’t have any faith in the ability of your elected officials. I don’t believe that all these officials were born last night. That is why they requested the staff to look into the particulars of this venture before moving forward, that is what they hired them for and that is what we elected them for. Let them do their job, if there is red flag it will show up. Meanwhile we need to be supportive of the intrest they show even if its not bulletproof. Any true buisness professional will tell you that developement and working capital can come from a variety of sources, the County and State give out 3 times this amount routinely to projects that pass the checks that are required for the money to be available. Projects succeed and fail everyday, you just don’t hear about all of them. The projects that came to Century before were political gimmes that were destined to fail but looked good for politics. This project don’t have this tied to it, so it looks to be win, win situation. Lets sale Century and Escambia County as eager to welcome industry, and let our officials worry with the particulars.

  4. Mr. Greatful on November 14th, 2008 11:22 am

    This plan makes no sense from a business standpoint., but makes perfect sense from a government handout. Many predicted when this “car” plant first made the news that a handout in startup money would be first on the agenda. Not only are they novices in the car business, the car is not DOT certified, and many other issues are dubious at best. Why have they come to Century? What worse time to offer a unproven substandard vehicle to the public. My prediction is as a knowledgeable citizen that this is a planned failure from the start. It is all about governmental funds for new business, startup, and miniority business. The county has never given this type of money to any business, let alone a wild venture as this. The commissioners, especially Mr. White, need to look very closely at this shot in the dark before they give the farm away. How much true capitiol are the Patels and Rocker putting into this venture.? I would predict not much “real” money. This deal doesn’t make sense even for desperate Century.

  5. Ashleigh. on November 14th, 2008 11:08 am

    I Feel That This Is Definitely A Scam. They Really Need To Check Out More Before They Decide.

  6. S.L.B on November 14th, 2008 8:25 am

    I am like everyone else that lives in the northend…we want and we NEED growth and good paying jobs…but at what and who’s cost and expence?

    I don’t like the sound of this deal either! I am no business goo-roo, just a housewife and mother, but using my common sense and life experiences, my warning bells are ringing like crazy. I hope I am wrong…but this deal is sounding more suspicious as time goes by!

    It appears to me, like he’s just an ordinary business man trying to become succesful at the town’s and tax payers expence. Doesn’t it seem that if he were an already established business man elsewhere, he would have his own $$ captial backing him in order to make this work and not REQUIRE 2.5 million dollars IN CASH (and what’s up with that?) up front to get the business off the ground?

    If I were a motivated business person, that was going to try and make a difference with providing an efficient electric vehichle to the public, it wouldn’t be a jeep, especially one that looks like the one shown on the picture. I’m sorry, but I just don’t see a demand for that.

    And one last thing….I remember them saying that if the Van Nevel situation wasn’t cleared up within a certian period of time, they would have to take their proposition/business plan to Alabama. Now I’m wondering if that wasn’t just reverse phsycology to get Esc.Co.Fl to buckle under and rush to give them a deal on a silver platter?

    I guess like everything else, time will tell!

  7. R U KIDDING ME? on November 13th, 2008 2:45 pm


  8. Cheryl on November 13th, 2008 2:40 pm

    Sorry to keep quoting the other media, but ricksblog in the Independent News says that the Patels want to mainly build Electric Vehicle (EV) Ports to install at their hotels. These ports charge electric and hybrid cars and will have LCD screens to sell advertising on. Rick says: “The only reason they are promoting this car is to get the tax breaks and to get around the salary stipulation for creating new jobs.” I really hope the County does its homework before they throw money at this.

  9. Jessie on November 13th, 2008 2:20 pm

    yea, Van Nevel didn’t go through with any of his promises and it took forever to get him out of the building. It ultimately cost the town of century big money.. If it looks and quacks like a duck then its a duck… come on guys this is crazy

  10. F V Lauria on November 13th, 2008 1:52 pm

    It smells like a scam to me. I wouldn’t touch it with a ten foot pole. Sorry if I’m wrong, but this calls for background checks, collateral agreements, etc., but mostly background checks. Failing to complete any of these, with satisfactory results, I wouldn’t move on it, no matter what they say.

  11. Shaun on November 13th, 2008 12:22 pm

    I agree this is by far a sketchy looking proposal. If I had a company that I knew was going to be good enough I could hire 500 plus people, I wouldnt be looking to local and county governments to freeload off of. The tax incentives is one thing, but to give them 2.5 mil of OUR money?? I would hope Commisioner Kevin White will have a change of heart on this one.

  12. Cheryl on November 13th, 2008 11:59 am

    Kevin White made a statement of where to find the 2.5 Million (published in PNJ); “Sometimes you have to put off paving some roads and just find a way to do it.” Gee thanks. Perhaps we should insist that every worker hired there can only be a citizen of Escambia County, Florida and not from every other county next to us. Otherwise we’re just giving our money, jobs, and our road paving money away.

  13. Just me on November 13th, 2008 10:01 am

    I agree with you Jay. I certainly, from the looks of the picture, wouldn’t buy one. Where is the buyers market for something that looks like that? I am all for growth in the this part of the county…..but we must be careful. Especially when we are talking 2.5 million dollars!

  14. Jay on November 13th, 2008 9:26 am

    Lets not rush into this with a fist full of our tax dollars! What if this so called company fails or never even makes it off the ground? How do we get our $2,500,000 back (with interest). If the photograph of the vehicle is a true representation of the product, I don’t think the company is going to very sucessful.

    BOCC beware of a scam as this one starting to sound like one of those overseas internet congames.