Century Takes Step Toward Project Green Leaf

November 6, 2008

The Town of Century has taken another step toward luring Project Green Leaf with a resolution promising to lease of sell up to 25 acres in the Town’s Industrial Park. The project calls for an electric car manufacturing facility that backers say could eventually bring up to 565 jobs to the area within three years.

In th resolution approved by the town council, the town says it intends to sell or lease up to 25 acres to the company, with a few conditions. The two parties must negotiate an agreement that satisfies both sides and includes certain performance standards. Those standards include requirements forĀ  the amount and type of capital investment, a timeline for the commencement of operations, job creation, increase in tax base and the use of the town’s water, gas and sewer.

The town’s resolution says it is important to bring Project Green Leaf to town, to “generate economic stimulus to the local area and the State of Florida by offering manufacturing jobs with wages above Escambia County averages”. The average salary for the “green” jobs at the electric job company is forecast to be $32,182 per year.

Century Mayor Freddie McCall was authorized by the resolution to enter into negotiations with Project Green Leaf officials.

Escambia County approved a resolution last month expressing their support for the project.


One Response to “Century Takes Step Toward Project Green Leaf”

  1. Medicine Man on November 6th, 2008 7:52 pm

    Way to go Mayor and Council, now your working on things that will have a positive impact on the future of Century, don’t look back just keep moving forward. Mayor McCall lets give them what they want and Century will end up with what it wants. I beleive in you Freddie.