Carver/Century Takes Two From Ernest Ward

November 21, 2008


The Carver/Century Middle School Blackcats swept to basketball games from Ernest Ward Middle School Thursday night in Walnut Hill.

The Blackcat girls were up 28-10 by the end of the third period. Carver/Century increased their lead in the fourth period to beat the Lady Eagles by a score of 40-15.

The Carver/Century boys had a two to one advantage by the end of the first half of play Thursday night against Ernest Ward. The Blackcats held a 30-15 lead by the end of the half. Both teams were about even on scoring in the third, ending the period 47-24.

The Blackcat boys went on to win 55-29 over the Eagles.

For a photo gallery from both boys and girls games, click here.

Pictured above: Carver/Century Middle versus Ernest Ward Middle action from Thursday night. Pictured below: The Lady Blackcats versus the Lady Eagles. photos, click to enlarge.



10 Responses to “Carver/Century Takes Two From Ernest Ward”

  1. tayyyyyyyyllllorrrrrr on January 22nd, 2010 10:17 am


  2. james bond on December 17th, 2008 5:59 pm

    see it is this way ernest ward has an okay coach so that makes not so good but carver has a good team expesally #10 she can shoot boy oh boy but # 13 on ewms can take her any day any time

  3. nothing personal on December 13th, 2008 12:26 am

    I am curious to know where the information about student’s grade point averages came from. Was this something fathomed or is it based on report cards? As far as I know the kids at Carver don’t play if they don’t have the grade. Forty boys tried out this year for the team only 12 made it intially. Every one on the team is by age legally eligible. Some were cut after making the team for grade problems.
    As for the friendly competition, I know that the starters are normally pulled at the end of the 1st quarter and depending on the score sometimes they don’t come back in until the 3rd quarter.
    When a coach teaches his kids how to win sometimes it doesn’t matter if it is the starters or the subs who are in, if they have a winning system they will win. It is hard for middles kids to tone down their effort win they have been taught to hussle and never give up on any play. That is just how a good team plays, no matter where they live.
    I think that Ernest Ward is probably the best team Carver has played this year. Maybe they will all go to Northview and play(win) together.

  4. blake # 50 on December 6th, 2008 8:03 pm

    there are two reasons the blackcts couldn’t come to our school and play sports it is becase # 1 you have to be younger than 15 and you have to have a 2.0 grade average.

  5. Couch Potato on November 25th, 2008 5:33 pm

    The problem is not mixing nor being overly aggressive in middle school sports. The problem is that the Northview Administration, since the school was founded, has not stepped up and addressed the conflict of Ernest Ward and Century. It is a conflict based on profound ignorance, but something that anyone with the slightest intelligence could perceive and correct. The students recognize that there is a problem. They may not possess the experience or perspective to identify it clearly, but at least they don’t ignore it like most of the adults.

    Unfortunately, some of the administration and faculty are actually promoting the further spread of this ignorant discrimination. Carver vs. Ernest Ward, Ernest Ward vs. Carver? Who with a life really cares?

    It is said, “Go Chiefs,” publicly, but the attitude of truly including all students as belonging at Northview does not exist. Many of Northview’s Administration and Faculty would disagree, but consider this:

    In the last 3 years, not one representative from a single academic, vocational or extra curricular program (with the exception of sports) has come to Carver for recruiting.

    It may be said, “Why is this necessary? The students from Carver are invited to participate.? Yes, usually, but the active recruiting happens all the time at Ernest Ward. So many students shuffle back and forth between the two schools that it is even agreed among the students who have been at both schools that Ernest Ward receives preferential treatment. Does this type of information really matter? It does to the students, especially when Northview does nothing to counteract the rumors about its reputation.

    Consider the state of school sports. I went to one football game this year and left disgusted. Not because the team was bad, but because people were sitting and talking barely aware of what was happening during the game. Basketball and baseball won’t be much different. When I was a student at Century that would have never happened. I don’t care if Century was losing by fifty. When I was a student at Northview the same thing could be said.

    If a Northview student makes a mistake or does something right it should not immediately be attributed to where they went to middle school. It should be Northview’s problem, or to Northview’s praise. Yet, the label of Century student and Ernest Ward student are used readily by faculty and staff.

    What has changed? When we all first went to Northview we were still passionate about having a great experience in high school and there were some galvanizing personalities that helped students overlook their differences. Now the influence of successful students from Century is diminished and the opportunity for a graduate from the Century side to come and work there seems to be a long shot at best.

    I blame the administration, if it matters, but I only because I wish Northview could become a place where all students of all levels of talent could come and participate and leave their mark on the school. Athletes, scholars, those with vocational callings, artists, future soldiers, hard workers. Oh, how great she could be!

  6. senior at northview on November 24th, 2008 8:47 pm

    I’m sorry but i have to agree with Anna. Although they may come together at Northview its not gonna be as pretty as ya’ll might think. Those that went to Carver still don’t like those who went to Ernest Ward. Its always gonna be like that no matter what. I had someone come up to me the day of the game and asked me if i was going to it. I told her that i wasn’t and she said i should go and watch Carver kick their butts. Ok aggression isn’t everything you know. Yeah it wins games but sometimes being too aggressive can cause some serious problems. So can we lose the darma about this.

    Oh and don’t even go there with the book club thing. i know some really good athletes at northview who read books so don’t even.

    ok ranting done.

    anyways GO EAGLES!!

  7. Anna Donald on November 24th, 2008 7:53 pm

    *rolls eyes* I’m aware of that, Medicine Man. I’ve been been playing sports since I could walk; I know about agression, but to say “we don’t need to mix with Ernest Ward” because of ONE win is rude and unhonorable. It’s just friendly competition between middle school, NOT THE NBA! And don’t you DARE diss book clubs.

  8. Medicine Man on November 24th, 2008 2:02 pm

    Harris you have a apoint, but the fact remains that eventually your kids will end up at Northview. Enjoy the wins while you can at Century. If they could instill into the minds of the players and Coaches at Northview the spirit that is instilled into the kids at Century, then the Chiefs would be hard to beat.

    Anna, it may be rude, but it is competitve sports, and whiners and nice don’t win games. If they want to learn nice, then join a book club, but if they want to win, then be aggressive and play hard to the end at all costs, as the Blackcats have forever. You always have to give up something to get something.

  9. Anna Donald on November 21st, 2008 7:55 pm

    That was kinda rude, don’t you think?

    Anyway, good try Eagles! We’re sure to win next time!

  10. Harris on November 21st, 2008 11:15 am

    GO BLACK CATS!!!! See that’s why we DON’T need to mix with Earnest Ward.