Car Plant Spokesman Has $39,000 Federal Tax Lien

November 25, 2008

The Internal Revenue Service filed a federal tax lien of $39,168 against the spokesman for the electric car company that plans to locate in Century.

Escambia County Clerk of Courts records show the IRS filed the $39,168 federal lien against Arthur Rocker on August 25 of this year. The lien was filed by the IRS Wage and Investment Area.

A search of the Escambia County Clerk of the Courts records also shows that Beach Community Bank filed foreclosure against two Rocker owned properties in the Norwood Subdivision in May. Those properties were foreclosed upon and sold by the clerk of the court at public auction. They were repurchased by Beach Community Bank.

Rocker is the man that asked the Escambia County Commission for $2.5 million cash on November 12 on behalf of LHS EV, Inc. to build an electric car plant in Century. He later told the commission that he really just wanted assistance filing for a state grant. A $2.5 million grant application was filed by the county on LHS EV’s behalf with Florida’s Renewable Energy and Energy-Efficiency Technologies program.

The owners of LHS EV, Jay and Nash Patel, have tax problems also. They owe the state $66,270 in unpaid sales and use taxes. Click here for that story.


3 Responses to “Car Plant Spokesman Has $39,000 Federal Tax Lien”

  1. just me on November 25th, 2008 11:28 pm

    i agree with jessie.

  2. Jessie on November 25th, 2008 3:12 pm

    this is a van nevel disaster waiting to happen… these guys are a joke…. wait and see. van nevel helicopters was nothing compaired to the problems these guys will bring

  3. psu1earl on November 25th, 2008 10:50 am

    They wanted help filing for a state grant? lol…If they can’t handle that, what makes us think they can run a car manufacturing facility?

    If you want to help green techs…then help the biodeisel and GE electric turbine folks…I am sure there are others in the county too.